(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

I disagree, i took the “tug of the heartstrings” comment as something along the lines of Jaina’s cinematic. We don’t know what’s going to happen but i do know that Blizzard hasn’t spoken about the Night Elves as much as they have now and what they have been saying is “we hear you and we want to honor you and the storyline of Teldrassil”. Elesana’s post was a stretch (as usual) and is the same thing we have all been reading and seeing for months on months now. Teldrassil sucked and i’m angry, but let’s try and wait and see first before we make ANOTHER thread saying the same thing OVER AND OVER.


Have seen this Thread before? Tell me if this is just spam at this point? :thinking:

As a horde player, i feel like they hard the orcs/horde alot more. Atleast Night elfs still have characters and get plenty of screen time, all though it could be better. BFA should not of been a story about Jaina but Tyrande in my opnion. It would of been better if Tyrande attacked Zandalar instead of Jaina. or maybe even with her.

Saurfang got 3 high quality cinematics plus he was in the Trailer. You still have Thrall who appeared in 2 of those three cinematics.

A named Night Elf character has never appeared in a WoW Cinematic.

I am not saying the Horde doesn’t have it’s problems, it certainly does. But when it comes to screen time, the Horde defiantly takes precedent over the Alliance.

I agree that the focus should have been more on Tyrande. I feel like some of the arch that Saurfang got in BfA belonged to Tyrande. The story should have been -Tyrande captured in Darkshore. - Tyrande is imprisoned in the Undercity, dragging out the Siege of Lordaeron. - Saurfang has his Old Soldier Cinematic - Lost Honor Cinematic is similar but it’s Saurfang freeing Tyrande. - Saurfang is imprisoned for treason - Safe Haven is about Tyrande burying the Hatchet with Maiev - Baine tells Jaina about Derek, they join forces to free Derek and Saurfang - everything else pretty much plays out the same.

If I was a writer at Blizzard, and I was stick with writing prompts like “Teldrassil burns - Saurfang’s Rebellion - Alliance and Horde uniting against Sylvanas - Saurfang is killed by Sylvanas” That is how I would connect the dots while trying to appease everyone. Its still not great because BFA as a whole is pretty bad story telling, but I think that’s a major improvement.

cinematic vs screen time, i rather have questing screen time to be honest. That is all Surgfang got in BFA was cinematics.

Also alot of screen time went to villians like sylvanas and nathanos. If you go back and play BFA knowing who would still be in the horde after bfa is over. Then horde characters have limited screen time, atleast with the characters we keep. Mind you think was a faction war expansions

Other expansions where faction team up, the horde characters get no screen time in those. look at legion for example.


I guess when I think of “Screen Time” I am thinking of Cinematic Screen time.

I do not entirely agree tbh… I think it is easy to think the Horde had little screen time in Legion because of how it ended. Argus I don’t think you see any Horde characters, and I do wonder if, Lorewise, the Horde went to Argus at all? We got their by the means of an Alliance vessel, and the way Turalyon and Alleria talk about the Horde, and given their most recent experience with the Horde, and given they immediately Join the Alliance after Argus, leads me to believe they wouldn’t have really worked with any Horde races.

BUT, my point of disagreement is mostly on the Broken Isles. Highmountain was a Horde Zone, and while we didn’t know it at the time, so was Suramar (Still a bit salty about that). I will say Legion was defiantly Alliance leaning, but you also have to remember, we just came out of WoD…. Which, I think the Draenei really got snubbed on.

I’ll agree the draenei got snubbed, but I wouldn’t want to look at WoD as a positive for either faction. Draenei got snubbed and relegated to pretty much SMV, but the orcs got screen time! As… The villains. Again. Pretty much the point of WoD was to retcon that demon blood made the orcs evil; spoiler alert, they’re arguably as bad or worse without it!

Y’know, it occurs to me that in the last four expansions, I’ve killed more Horde-related races while playing Horde than I probably should feel comfortable with. The exception is Legion, which had Alliance characters taking the foreground more often than not for the expansion (Broken Shore 2.0, Argus, Val’Sharah vs Highmountain and retrofitted in 8.3 Suramar). MoP I killed orcs, WoD I killed a whole lot of orcs, BfA I sometimes got to kill forsaken, but I sure did a number on trolls while working for trolls.

There’s a message there, but I’m missing it.


Not all the orcs were villains tho. And really, the orcs that were made villains were pretty morally ambiguous to begin with, perhaps with the exception of Doomhammer.

But we’d always been told that the demon’s blood is what made the orcs into rampaging monsters. That without it, the slaughter of the draenei wouldn’t have happened. That in the end, it was all the fault of the Legion.

Until suddenly that wasn’t the case. All they needed was the weaponry to accomplish the deed. All it took was Garrosh and company teaching the orcs how to build bigger, better bombs and now they will jump all over genocide.

There’s moral ambiguity, and there’s showcasing someone as inherently evil. We used to have the former. Now the only logical conclusion is the latter. The Frostwolves are the exception, the anomaly. That’s what WoD tells and shows us.


This is blatant Laughing Skull and Flower picker clan erasure. They’re perfect angels and I will brook no argument.

Also a huge subplot in Wod was that many of the clans had to be violently coerced into joining with the Iron Horde. A few of the clans seemed to be really into it (Warsong/Blackrock/Thunderlord/etc), but even then mostly because a seeming prophet showed up and effectively convinced them that they were destined to die if they didn’t fight off the Legion and other non-native inhabitants of Draenor.

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From what’s been revealed and leaked so far we know that Tyrande (in no particular order):

  • Makes her way into the Shadowlands.
  • Tracks Sylvanas to the Maw.
  • Is defeated and arrives at Ardenweald somehow.
  • Fights tortured Night Elf souls.
  • Is struggling with the huge influx of power from the Night Warrior ritual.

That last point is almost insulting after the events in Darkshore.

So the thought of a cinematic that tugs at the heart strings only conjures up images of the wailing Night Elves in Sylvanas Warbringer trailer, the save-as-many-as-you-can Darnassus quest, and Delaryn’s “We are Forsaken!”

If that’s what we have to look forward to, then I’ll continue to watch events unfold from a distance.

More than likely the events of the Night Elves will revolve around Tyrande fizzing out in defeat and having to move on (by un-Night-Warrioring), and perhaps something to do with laying the spirits of the murdered innocents to rest from their current damnation. All as side quests.


Well, I feel like that is true regardless if we had WoD or not… I mean, Ogrim Doomhammer killed the Shadow Council, he defied his Demon Masters… Then went ahead and tried to do exactly what the Demons wanted him to do anyway, conquer Azeroth.

Is it the orcs that are evil, or is that the Horde was founded by brutal and merciless conquerors? Perhaps the reason the Horde repeatedly is Villian batted is not necessarily bad writing, but because the Horde to this day idolizes these evil Warlords, making them a staple of orc/Horde culture.

Tyrande being all “Elune didn’t help at Teldrassil” has always seemed so weird to me, because Elune didn’t help in the Sundering either and that would absolutely have had an even higher death count considering like 75% of an entire continent was destroyed. Not to mention all the other wars the night elves have fought in. The most Elune has ever done is stuff like when she shielded Tyrande from Azshara when Tyrande was held captive in the WotA. So I don’t see why there not being a big divine intervention at Teldrassil is suddenly an issue now; that has never been her MO, ever.

I did like the suggestion earlier up the thread of Elune putting out the fires, though. That’s both more along the lines of things she’s done in the past and would have been a nice comforting moment at the end of the cinematic.


Night Elves got neither screentime in terms of questing or cinematics.

I agree, Elune hasn’t been invovled in things way worse than Teldrassil. The Highborne and the Legion had to have burned way more Night Elves in the War of the Ancients than Sylvanas did at Teldrassil. I do not believe so much that Tyrande is actually having a crisis of faith, as much as Tyrande is blaming herself (mistakenly, as Sylvanas would have burned Teldrassil regardless of her having let Saurfang live or not), and lashing out in anger out of her self-inflicted sense of guilt.

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It seems more like its just crappy forced writing like the rest of BFA. Lest you forget Sira also showed anger at Elune for not intervening.

Given how bad the writing is with their being no tentions between void elves and lightforged, the horde not rebelling sooner, the alliance not bringing gas masks to the undercity, the Zandalari not checking their boats, night elves not using gnome cannons they received in cata in either the Warfront or WoT, the horde not bringing explosives to ashenvale in WoT, Ashvane admitting to hiring pirates to attack Boralus and giving them the tools to do so without Taelia giving any solid evidence, night elves willingly joining their killers, ect.


And miss out on all that juicy pointless angst?

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Shes starting to get into Lena territories.


So did Tyrande. She reacted very differently though.

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I forgot about Lena.

She once said that having no navy made the Zandalari “useless island natives,” and then proceeded to ignore me when I asked if having no navy made the Draenei the same.