(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

With Shadowlands coming up, some were assuming that there would be a conclusion for Teldrassil and the near extinction of the Night Elves and sending all the deads to the maw - basically losing not only their lives but also getting the worst fate possible, but:

Instead of freeing the Night Elf souls from the maw, we will instead fight them off - whether that means that they’ll be destroyed permanently or just remain in the maw is unclear:

The Maw has created an amalgam of tortured night elf souls. Help Tyrande fight them off.

Some said that they’d be free after we defeat them, but giving those writers the benefit of the doubt after all of that?

Tyrande also seems to have some tragic moments coming to her, in an interview it was hinted at a Night Elf ingame cutscene (not actually calling those abominations cinematics) that will have an outcome that will make people sad:

  • Tyrande is also grappling with the huge influx of power tied to the Night Warrior.

  • There may be some cool cinematics that tug at the heartstrings!

Well, guess thats it for the Night Elves. Shadowlands was their last hope of receiving some sort of conclusion or justice for Teldrassil -but since more negative things will happen instead, that really clears up all the questions.

Combine that with the fact that their entire revenge was killing 1 of Sylvanas Val’kyr in 8.1 and that Sylvanas will be redeemed in Shadowlands so that the genocide and eternal torture of the Night Elves will be seen as a good thing by everyone I really only have 1 question left:

Why do the writers hate the Night Elves and their fanbase that much? What did we do to deserve the worst of the worst always?

Atleast those that don’t like Night Elves will have something to look forward to, I wonder why I even expected anything else :pensive:

Edit: https://youtu.be/rw-qnGSg-Yo?t=5873

“Then her fate is sealed, my condolences but you must let her go, for your sake as well as her’s”

“My apologies Shandris, it is not easy for me to speak of the night warrior”

“I know not if the night warriors fate can be averted, but i’ll do all that i can to aid you”

“As Elunes Dark power raged within me, Kadarin and i cycled the power into his body”

“The ritual cost us our lives”

“If we attempt it again, we must disperse the power amongst several vessels”

“the night warriors of elune, all who bear the mantle are destined for these groves, we are in need of their aid”

So that confirms that 8.1 was the entire revenge plot for Teldrassil and that Tyrande will either die because of it now or lose her powers. Now people who thought that the revenge plot would continue into shadowlands look very foolish when it’s in reality just a story that deals with Tyrande’s struggles and loss of those powers.


Specifically to spite you as revenge for spamming these threads.


How am I spamming them? My last one was like a month ago or something (atleast in this section) and now we have new information

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Because of these threads.

If you want to complain like a gremlin, go to general. You’re not here to talk about the lore, you’re here specifically to whinge.


A month is still relatively short. Not only do you spam threads, but basically the first reply to nearly any thread that even MENTIONS Night Elves slightly in some capacity is you going “I DUNNO, BUT BLIZZARD HATES US!!”

Your defeatist attitude had basis at first, but now you’re just getting repetitious and grating. Night Elf players have legitimate gripes - many of which seem to be going answered in Shadowlands, and many of which I wholeheartedly agree with. But your consistent pissing and moaning is, frankly, getting real friggin’ old.

Hell, going off of what we know now, it stands to reason that the Tyrande and Night Elf content is going to be a step in the RIGHT direction for their storyline, but all you can do is victimize yourself, because god forbid you knock yourself off that pedestal and catch a glimpse of your reflection in that giant pool of tears you’ve been crying.


I assume this boss will be like the Amalgam of Souls from Blackrook Hold or The Desolate Host from The Tomb of Sargeras. Probably not all the Night Elf souls.


It is fine to be skeptical of Blizzard. It’s fine to be fearful. But you are at a point where you’re constantly assuming the worst case scenario for night elves. You’re always assuming malice from the developers, instead of incompetence.

I do not know your personal life, but I can’t see what this game offers you to keep you subscribed. I have several friends who have either quit or taken breaks from this game. Maybe not for lore reasons, but the story hasn’t appealed to them in a while.

This can’t be healthy for you. Why stay subscribed if you’re going to assume the worst? What if it does happen? Would you unsubscribe then?


Dang, Broblade.
That got pretty real.


god when will daddy blade talk to me like that


maybe teldrassil wasn’t a mistake


Honestly with the fact all we have to go on is a few datamined lines referencing a scenario which might not even make it into the live game and some passing vague comments in an interview, I think it is too early to really call any kind of outcome.

I might point out your doom and gloom has been wrong before such as when you claimed the NEs wouldn’t even ever get back Darkshore.


I wouldn’t mind if we had a break from night elves or any elves for a expansion. I would like to see what’s going on with the dragons and the dragon isles.


But that would be elf-connected again, because no mortal race has a deeper bond to dragons than night elves :wink:

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I doubt Tyrande is going to die.

If Tyrande Whisperwind dies then Blizzard has just stated that Elune doesn’t exist. Because there is precedent for Elune saving Tyrande and Elune gave Tyrande the Night Warrior blessing, so Tyrande is still her Chosen.


I could see the story be about wrathion and ebonhorn so that could be my break from elves.

And Alextrasza? Nozdormu? It’s not like there are more than black dragons.

You forgot kalecgos and merithra.

You think that’s a good sign?

Hmm … OK Eles, I get that you’re worried, but the more posts you make like this due to “lack of content” the more it comes off as “I’m freaking out about this issue! Why aren’t more people freaking out about this issue?! Here, maybe if I make another new thread on this issue people will be freaking out!” When in reality people aren’t as worried because they haven’t built themselves up into such an irrational frenzy like you seem to. Most have just hit a healthy state of apathy.

The problem is, while NE fans have reasons to be bitter … you tend to have built yourself up on quite the nihilistic victim pedestal and as a result you tend to go overboard with “hypothetical concerns”. You also just treat it as though Blizz is personally out to get the NEs, when in reality the only PC race that really got a positive experience in BfA was Goblins; and the NEs weren’t really treated that bad prior to this expansion. Unless of course your expectation for NEs is that they be portrayed as so flawless and perfect they can’t be allowed to struggle.


I want people to remember this thread come November or so when the expac releases and everything the OP said turned out to be right.

Hell, may not even need to wait that long. :thinking: