(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

I’d’ve settled for even just dousing the flames. Blizzard loses nothing if Elune did that.

I get why they felt they needed Sylvanas to do something unthinkable. I don’t get why they chose the night elf capital, but they did. And I get why they felt that Sylvanas needed a high body count from this act.

I don’t like any of it, I don’t agree with it, I can think of a dozen other ways to get to where they wanted to be… But I get it.

But while the city’s in flames, some deaths happen, what exactly is lost from their narrative of “Horde be eeeevilist evils evah, and Sylvanvan is worstest” if in the hour of the night elves’ greatest need, Elune steps in not to fix everything, not to stop everything, but to alleviate and lessen their suffering?

Have Elune put the flames out. Have Darnassus covered in burn damage and filled with smoke for two patches. Have the Horde army still in Darkshore. Nothing is lost from their chosen direction. Instead, the night elves still have Darnassus, Elune’s shown to care to the playerbase who might not understand what a distant goddess is, the Horde’s still a bunch of crapper evil craps, and Sylvy gets her atrocity.

It’s still a crap situation, still a bag of suck, but it lessens the impact and doesn’t force the players to wait until after Shadowlands (if ever) to see where the night elves settle.


Theramore had already been made into a mana bomb crater, and the Exodar simply does not have that kind of historical emotional investment. Not was it located on Kalimdor proper.

Teldrassil was pretty much the only target left on Kalimdor of any signficance.

God, these threads are toxic.


Honestly, if the Horde took out Astranaar and was moving on to Darkshore’s edge, it creates the required tension for an invading army, looking to slaughter night elves. All they really need then is to have the night elf army present, showcase forsaken cannibalizing dead elf civilians in Astranaar, and you have your visceral reaction.

More interestingly, you then have a more dynamic warfront if it takes place in Ashenvale. Have the night elves based out of Maestra’s Post, the Horde out of the ruins of Silverwing Refuge, the main objective sitting in the ruins of Astranaar. Astenvale itself is more equidistant between Horde and Alliance capitals (though closer to Orgrimaar), and you have a more dynamic terrain for the world quests.

I dunno. There’s still issues with it, but I’m just so unhappy with how things did play out, I keep looking for scenarios of how it should have played out with less overall animosity.

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It is a valid concern, yes, just as much as many Night Elf players grievances. I myself am a very big fan of Kaldorei, and I’m still upset every day Teldrassil gets swept under the rug. But being needlessly defeatist is, frankly, kind’ve asking much of what Shadowlands is going to give become a self-fulfilling prophecy, good or bad. What we’ve been given is very neutral, and doesn’t seem much that things will go poorly for the Night Elf narrative. As we’re only on our first week of datamining, it’s a bit too early to suddenly tilt full nihilist.


The Horde has been moving on Ashenvale since Vanilla through Cataclysm The Druid Tower, Maestra’s Post under siege and the decimation of Silverwing Refuge and Astranaar had already been set on fire. There really wasn’t any new dramatic thing that could be done with Ashenvale itself.

Taking out Teldrassil on the other hand… Just as the Alliance is erasing Tirisfal and the reduciton of Lordaeron… those are new developments.

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It should be obvious at this point that Elune did not intervene at Teldrassil because she is starved of Anima due to the jailer and no longer has the power to intervene.

You can see the writing on the wall from like a mile away.

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No more than Lordaeron and Tirifal have been swept under the rug. The Devs had been itching at their chance to take out a couple of Player capitals and did so.


The Alliance is built like however Blizzard feels like they should be built. If they feel like they want them to split and have an internal fight, they’ll find a way to make a House Stark vs House Lannister fight out of it, war of five, six, or seven kings even, etc.

I wouldn’t worry though. They’ll never let the Alliance go down that road.


The Pro-peace characters in the Alliance never actually do anything that would actually curtail the Pro-war Alliance members like Genn/Tyrande/Rodgers from provoking hostilities whenever and wherever they wish so yeah, the Alliance status quo is probably gonna be the way it is forever.

Idk. From this thread, it seems like their Civil War would be Night Elves arguing whether they should just give up and bury themselves alive, or try to move to forward. While a Male Human Paladin tells them to shut up from his high horse.

The pro-peace groups on either side are by necessity, doomed to failure. Much as it may annoy people to be reminded, this game starts with the word War in it after all.

Naw, see, all that would do is get the arguing night elves to glare at the MHP, set aside their differences and turn on the pally. Night elves might argue with one another, might even hate each other, but the one thing they can bond over is a blonde haired, blue eyed paladin who’s telling them what to do.

It’s called the Anduin Effect in psychological circle.

(This game starts with World, Drahl. The franchise starts with War)

She’s not even doing that. Priests empower themselves through their faith, it’s all internal.

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False… Elune is not the Light.

Light, Shadow, Void, etc. what priests do is the same regardless of faith as long as the belief is intense. That’s why Sira still has all of her Warden powers despite being an apostate.

False, Elune is not the Light. She is a sentient Goddess, her powers must be granted.

It’s been stated that as long as Tyrande channels the power of the Night Warrior, Elune doesn’t have anything to spare for anyone else. But Priests of the Moon still have their powers.

That is never said.

Elune has honestly never been a direct sort of deity. She’s always been portrayed as the type to operate in subtle and passive ways. I’m unclear why people thought the WoT of all things would be when her methodology would change?

She didn’t do anything to forcibly prevent TWotA. She didn’t do anything to stop the Sundering, which destroyed 80 percent of Azeroth’s landmass. She didn’t interfere directly against Archimond when he attacked Nordrassil. She didn’t prevent Ysera’s death. And these are just major or personal events the NEs are related to, don’t even get me started on how absent she seems to be in other nearly world ending affairs. For “The One True God” of the entire Warcraft Universe, Elune truly is a non-factor for like 95 percent of people in it. She’s irrelevant.

Honestly, Teldrassil is sort of small potatoes considering some of the events she’s not directly intervened in. She works in subtle ways sure, but never directly.