(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

I agree so much I feel it comes from the players, complaining of why didnt elune lazer the horde stuff, kind of like why they made saurfang care about zanda

In 1812, when the British invaded Washington and set the city on fire - including the White House, they were stopped by a vicious storm and a tornado; which not only put out the blaze, but decimated the invaders as well.

Unless she was being detained, or somehow lost a great deal of her powers, then I fail to see why Elune couldn’t do that too.


This was yet another reason I expected the Burning to be an Azerite-related incident.

…or maybe ensuring the Burning could happen was the reason why Blizzard removed Hurricane from druids’ spellbook?


Maybe she didn’t want to.

Lol, i would rather not! D:

I can’t see how anyone can genuinely say Blizzard hates Night Elves when the race has been featured heavily in pretty much every expansion since Cata.


Yea, and everytime they are the victims of Horde aggression and tragedy until a human comes in and saves the day. This has went to a point where the Night Elves don’t have anything left besides their leaders who are not only portrayed as incompetent weaklings, but also seem to die in Shadowlands (Tyrande atleast).
Not in glory like Saurfang in a GCI cinematic, but in shame during an ingame cutscene


You need to take a break.


I don’t remember being a victim of horde aggression in mop wod or legion


And I dont remember being healivy featured in MoP or WoD. Garrosh ended up being killed by Thrall instead of a Night elf or atleast Jaina. I’ll give you legion if you count the war of Thorns to BfA. Yet Ysera still died.


Welcome to playing an orc at any time after mid Wrath. You know all that attention and supposed favoritism you guys have been spewing about? Congratulations. They finally ran out of people to turn into raid bosses from our race so it’s your turn. So now YOU get to be the “favorites”.

Enjoy. :skull_and_crossbones: :ghost:

Oh and don’t worry. No matter how stupid or out of character the writing gets for your beloved elf characters, the player base will retroactively justify it.


You are grossly generalizing about the raid thing.

Yea, that seems pretty likely.

Also this thread made me sad to see that so many people have already moved on from Teldrassil and accepted the fact that there won’t be a conclusion and the very person that is responsible for Teldrassil is going to end up as a hero for doing it, so that the genocide of the Night Elves will later be seen as a good thing.

I don’t see a way to handle it in a more insulting way.


I agree, they don’t hate night elves. I do, however, think they don’t have any real passion for them in the same way I don’t think they have any real passion for trolls.

But more to the point, I think the constant ground-pounding nelves get is the Worf effect: You have the villain beat up a powerful protagonist to show how big of a threat the villain is. A “Woah, this guy even beat up Superman, he must be strong!” kind of thing. Because the night elves really do have a lot of stuff at their disposal in comparison to most (though not all) other player races, so a villain winning despite that is meant to be impressive and threatening. The problem is it keeps happening over and over again.


I think most NE fans at this point would be more than willing to give up Tyrande and Malfurion if Night elves as a people were made to look more capable. What good are demi-god characters like Malf and Tyr good for if they don’t effect anything anyway?

That’s the difference. Sure, Orcs lost Garrosh and Nazgrim and a handful of minor characters, but they’re never portrayed as incapable either. Orcs were being treated as villainous but with agency. Night elves are just flaccid wimps.

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Uh hell no. We could just have the writers not MAKE our demi-god characters look weak.


NE lose alot but I don’t think it’s because they truly hate the night elves. Rather, it’s because they like to use old and tired patterns (and I guess tropes) in their writing. I’ll give you a few examples:

Need a hero? Just get your male human paladin. (Male night elf druid works here too if the quest doesn’t support the MHP’s existence.)

Need a bad guy? Usually an Orc, a warlock, or an Orc warlock will suffice. Or just use “he was corrupted by dark magic,” works everytime.

Need a victim? It’s usually going to be the night elves, because they are so obviously superior to all the other lesser, scumbag races on Azeroth, so they must be taken down a peg, of course.


Greetings night elf player’s alt. That’s not true. There is absolutely no way the night elves can defeat The Entire Horde by themselves.

Stop the victim complex.

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I wish we could get writers with passion for all races to write for the story/quests instead of just highlighting their favorites (Which seem to be humans, orcs, forsaken and blood elves in no particular order)

I don’t see how you can say with a straight face that Blood Elves are a “favored” race by blizzard when they are often completely irrelevant to the story, even when their involvement would make sense. They make an appearance like, once every third expansion and then return to being background decoration.

I would argue that Night Elves are their preferred flavor of Elf considering the amount of consistent content they get.