(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands


Not a battle Elune is intervening in.

Not a battle Elune is intervening in.

Ok, at least we have a baseline here for how badly you misunderstood the conversation. We are talking about the idea of Elune intervening in the WoT. The sole time she has intervened in a battle involved saving Tyrande in the WotA.

Now that you understand the actual conversation, try taking part in it.

If you honestly take me preferring to quest with Horde NPCs on my Horde character, while Alliance players get to interact with Alliance NPCs as somehow advocating for nelves to be fodder for anything…

Girl, you need help. Really. That absolute level of misunderstanding is beyond comprehension.

I want you, a night elf player, to not have to share your characters with me. I want you to have stories about your guys. And yeah, I wanna have stories with my guys, about my guys.

Saying I don’t wanna hang out with your friends isn’t advocating for their murder.


Every time there is a Nelf Priestess healing, shielding, or smiting in a battle, that is Elune intervening in a battle.

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She’s providing them power, not intervening. Just like when a human priest is casting a spell, the Light’s not intervening.


She providing them power is tipping the power scales in their favor. That is intervention. Just because she doesn’t drop from the heavens and start stomping around like Godzilla doesn’t mean she isn’t active.

The difference between her and the Light is the Light isn’t a sentient being…

It’s not the same, but you are no stranger to false equivalency fallacies.

you both are literally on the same side lol


I know punctuation is hard for you, but go back and try again.

And reading is for you, the blood elf merely said, there is no instance of elune melting a army, like a bunch of nelves wanted instead of the burning


She is taking it a step further and saying Elune has never intervened ever. Which is just dishonest.

If that were true by any measure, no night elf NPC would wonder why Elune abandoned them while priests are still casting spells. Because clearly Elune is still active in their lives, right?

Yet we have NPCs, night elf NPCs, saying Elune abandoned them. And we still see night elf priestesses casting spells.

Clearly night elf priestesses using spells is not a measure of Elune’s intervention.

I know, right? It’s just Akiy being Akiy.

No I didn’t. Kat’s right. Reading is hard for you.


She sees red and thats the end of it


For real. She’ll attack her own point and beliefs, just to tell Team Red they’re wrong. I don’t get it.


Alynsa’s nelf toon here. Maybe this will help things.

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Then why are you arguing?

You are the one saying that Elune granting power is not intervention. Which it is. Elune is very active in Kaldorei life, but she has always given the Kaldorei the tools to help themselves, she has never descended from the heavens and melted armies.

You can say Elune is very active in Kaldorei life without compromising your argument that its silly for Kaldorei to expect Elune to save them from War of Thorns. Case in point, the Night Warrior.

Elune IS actively intervening in the same way she always has, by giving the Kaldorei the tools to save themselves. To say that is not intervention to make Tyrande a super Saiyan and plunge Darkshore into eternal night is silly.

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I’m totally on your side. Look at my druid alt still in blues.

No. I’m saying Elune giving all her priests the ability to cast spells isn’t intervention. Because she doesn’t selectively give her priests Smite. You worship her? You go through the training? You say your prayers, eat your vitamins, do good in school? You get to smite. It’s not changing the course of anything.

Intervention: the act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning)

Giving all her priests access to spells isn’t changing any outcome. What the priest does with that power? It can change the outcome, but that’s on the priest.

This has been my argument hon. Next time, read it without looking for the color of the poster’s icon background.


The kind of non response I usually get when a respondent can’t give an answer at all.

Yes it is… Not intervening would be not granting any side any power at all…

She isn’t the light, she is a sentient being who can choose who does and does not get smite.

Mostly because if you just read my other posts, you would find I have answered it already.

Glancing at your profile in return, my blues kick the crap out of your 8.2 epics. I’ll take the meat over the flavor any day babe.

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Unsubbed and stopped playing in 8.2 I’m not sitting on this character pretending to be a Nelf Fan. Not my fault Blizzard’s website runs as well as their story team does, like garbage, and I can still post without a sub.