(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

How would she intervene?

Like Age of Mythology’s raining meteors?

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Like in the short story where she blinded all of the naga that were attacking some Night Elves. Forgot which short it was, I’ll have to find it again.

“Who again?” - Writing team

Most of them have atleast received some form of justice compared to Teldrassil. The justice for Teldrassil was 1 small questline that ended with the killing of 1 Val’kyr and apparently those aren’t even relevant to Sylvanas anymore.

See, that doesn’t bother me. Because Elune didn’t intervene in the Third War, when Archimonde burned up Nordrassil. She didn’t intervene when Ysera got corrupted. She didn’t intervene in the War of the Shifting Sands, or the war against the Satyrs. Unless I’m forgetting a time, Elune doesn’t intervene during times of crisis. The most we see her do is turn Ysera’s body into stardust, which didn’t do anything for Ysera’s soul since we saw it in the Emerald Dream, and might see it again in Shadowlands. Elune seems more of a comfort after the battles are over. The exception being granting Tyrande the power of the Night Warrior.


Theramore got justice on Garrosh during the expansion after its destruction. Right now we dont know what will happen to Sylvanas. If it brings you any comfort at least Saurfang is dead now.

In the War of the Ancients trilogy, which is still canon (unless they rewrite parts like Surama lol), a young Tyrande Whisperwind faced off against a large Fel Guard that would have surly killed her.

Elune created a barrier of sorts and did save Tyrande from this. Which is odd, because all of this death going around, she saves this one priest who JUST started. After that, Tyrande goes out and becomes the next High Priestess (which surprised everyone, again, because she is a novice), when the previous High Priestess takes a spear to the gut.

This is why Tyrande will never die in this game unless she magically stops being Elune’s chosen.


as if it wasn’t obvious to you…

I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand he was behind the whole War of Thorns and got the honorable death he wanted, on the other hand he was the only Horde character that wasn’t in support of the burning.

But then Grandblade wouldn’t get to pretend that he’s better than everyone.


Cairne says hello.


It doesn’t bother you because you’re a Horde player and anything that steps aside for your power fantasy is crisp and clean in your eyes. You’ve posted enough in other threads to show you have no stake in the Night Elf Fanbase outside of wanting it to continue to be ignored or spat on to service your own enjoyment.


like you dont do the same,

literally no one in these forums is free of sin

Yeah I dunno how some nelf fans, think she was some sort of i win card

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No, it doesn’t bother me because Elune doesn’t intervene in big events. Unless, apparently, Tyrande’s about to die. It doesn’t bother me when a character behaves the way they always behave.

Playing Horde or playing Alliance has nothing to do with it.

That’s why I have repeatedly said they’ve been done wrong, should have a story that doesn’t revolve around the Horde and should be used as more than emotion bait?

Shoo. If you were a real elf fan, you’d know more about how your race’s goddess has acted than I do.


I get that, but are her concerns here not founded? It is frankly true that Blizzard has seemingly targeting Night Elves for their more tragedy rife storytelling. The implication that Tyrande is struggling with the powers of the Night Warrior, that Night Warriors almost always die, is being painted as a point of contention against perfect-boy Anduin, and now seems to have to fight off the tortured souls of Teldrassil victims… I think, while Elesana’s methods are rather annoying, I think there is cause for concern that Shadowlands will be more of the same for Night Elves.


That’s a given.

Clearly you don’t or you’d mention more than what you can cherry pick. Elune has been shown to do much more than just protect Tyrande. But that wouldn’t fit your narrative of why Night Elfs are always the slaughter fodder for your power fantasy.

Hey, now that’s so–

Glances at the Uldum quest where you kill hundreds of cursed gnomes in the span of a minute.
And then at the Zuldazar quest where Alliance does the same to goblins.

I’m just, uh, gonna… go.


When else has she intervened? Go ahead. Try and back your point up. Do more than make baseless claims.

While you’re at it, back this up too. When have I ever advocated for night elves to be fodder for anything.

You sure you’re even a night elf fan? Seems more like you’ve an affinity for trolls.


People who try to discredit Elune based on her not getting involved in mortal affairs are… Well, I would say more but I don’t want to get banned again.

In the history of the real world AND fantasy, when do Gods involve themselves in mortal affairs? In almost every fantasy setting, you have some kind of rules for deities. Like a Divine Gate, or the laws balancing scales, or whatever.

Like, the idea that the Night Elves just have an all powerful Goddess at their every beck and call is honestly the stupidest idea anyone can ever have, and the fact anyone says that as an unironic argument just depresses me.

This isn’t any fault of Elune… This doesn’t make Elune a false goddess or even a bad one… it’s just what you get with Gods and has been since always.

Edit: Why did Alynsa like this? I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU!


The Satyr who is willing to sacrifice his life to save a Dryad is not only healed and kept alive by Elune but she even completely cures him of his fel corruption and turns him back into a Kaldorei.

When Elune’s flame is used to funeral pyre the feathers of Wildkin their souls are cleansed of corruption by the Goddess so that their spirits can rest easy.

There’s plenty of examples of her doing more than just shielding Tyrande. Her power has no real gauge. Mainly so when she’s needed most they can just have her do nothing at all.

Any of your responses lamenting the thought that you’d have to work with Tyrande in the “Horde Helping Tyrande again?” thread.

Aside from turning Ysera into a string of lights and putting a group of night elves to sleep before they burned to death. (the last which was not witnessed by anyone living to tell about it.) What exactly has she done for her “chosen people”?