(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

Winning is what it accomplish undead aren’t that great

Night Elves being playable was a huge mistake.



Blizzard just released this about Torghast.

“Those who brave its trials can claim legendary treasures and help free the heroic spirits wrongfully trapped within.”

What if Tyrande does “die”, but then later on we help free her when we go through the tower?

This idea is from a comment on WoWhead.

…And about the innocents ?

No idea about them.

Tyrande is not dying and being trapped in Torghast because she has to be alive for Ardenweald.

You are extrapolating every shred of new datamined info.


I enjoy how the OP has no likes.

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Curse is right on that. The Night Elves still have leadership to look up to and admire. They got a heroic Last Stand story, and they ended the expansion with a sense of righteous rage. The Forsaken got left holding the bag by Sylvannas.


So what? I couldn’t care less about likes, otherwise I’d post on my other character that has many thousands of likes already

I’m making a point here, not trying to get likes


She doesnt die lol jesus chirst, Ion literally told us how we get to shadowlands that includes her

throws your remaining toilet paper into a pond

Yeah, but the fact that it got no likes means that everyone that read your point thought it was stupid.

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My original entry on this thread I believe I stated the same thing. There were some other comments questioning if she’d die or not. The comment your referencing was new Torghast information which I pointed out in the comment was from a WoWhead comment which I found interesting, since folks had speculated she may die.

For Tyrande to die, Elune would need to stop favoring her. Which hasn’t happened yet, I don’t think.

No, it means that the writers have successfully ignored Teldrassil for long enough for everyone to stop caring about it/to forget about it.

Atleast I’m not foolish enough to believe that the writers will suddenly completely change their writing style for the Night Elves when there are no hints at all for it and nothing speaks for a brighter future. I’m not going to be stupidly optimistic again like I used to be a while ago, this time I’ll be realistic.
They even said that they were happy with BfA’s Story, shouldn’t that tell you enough ?

Time will prove me right anyway so

Edit: See now it has a like :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not even a big nelf fan, and I’m’a say nope to this. The night elf fan base has been put through enough. Killing off the poster child for the race, even if it’s so players can release her spirit later and maybe ress her? That’s when it officially becomes some strange derivation of torture po(word that is apparently banned). It’s not about story anymore, because the story doesn’t benefit by killing Tyrande off just to bring her back. That’s done for the sake of giving her a forced motive to stop hating the Horde if they decide canonically she’s saved by Horde adventurers. It has absolutely no benefit to Alliance characters if they canonically do it, other than fixing a problem made in the same expansion so there would be a problem to fix.

No thank you evil.


“Oh you don’t know we’re just getting started” - read that in Danuser’s voice.

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I went ahead and edited the previous comment with quotes. Again it was something I saw on WoWhead that resonated with some of the comments talking about Tyrande’s death.

I’ll go ahead and state again, I don’t think it’s even possible for Tyrande to die, and have stated in other threads, that if she does die, Blizzard has made Elune effectively worthless sense there is precedence for her stepping in and saving Tyrande.


Blizzard doesnt hate Night Elves.
Not maliciously anyway.

They love using them for their narrative arcs and using them for marketing but they don’t service them.

And unless you are human or honor horde you never get serviced.
They brutalize NEs because it evokes emotion. Compare that to goblins, the more of them you kill the funnier it gets.
Orcs deserve it.
Killing Trolls is a national sport for both factions.
And no one touches blood elves or tauren.
No. One.


Yeah, I wasn’t trying to suggest you did think she’d die. I’m more responding to the possibility. Because as much as I don’t think Blizzard will kill her, as I typed that last post I saw a reason they might do it; to give themselves “a way out” of Tyrande’s Horde hate. Kill her, have Horde characters canonically “save her”, and wash their hands of it all. Everything’s even, right? Sure, untold numbers of night elves died, but the Horde saved the specialest one! All is even now.

I mean, Saurfang died and ended the war. I could see them using the same logic to end the tensions.

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Because Theramore wasnt destroyed, its citizens used as orcs target practice, or that Darkshire was turned into a Legion cult with many of its NPC dead or turned. Or hell, what about all the people the defias has killed over the years? Or the years where the new park was a smoldering crater? I could do the same for ever last race in WoW. Everyone has suffered tragedy and those that dont are the exception not the rule.

The taurens original faction leadet is dead, they briefly lost their home to Magatha and when taurens are part of the story a good chance tragedy isnt far behind(points at Dresco).

Now back to the topic at hand, why would you assume the central problem of the expansion, the maw eating every soul it can, would be resolved in a QUEST??? It is likely whatever resolution we get wont be at least until the end of the expac!

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I’m still upset Elune didn’t intervene in Teldrassil.

The only way I could see them getting the Horde involved is if we meet Broxigar and Thrall. That could calm Tyrande down from the Horde’s actions. Mostly Broxigar though since he has a strong history with Tyrande.

Unless Blizzard disregards lore and Tyrande doesn’t remember Broxigar. Which would make sense because in WC3 she didn’t know what Thrall was, despite having fought side by side with Broxigar Saurfang in the War of the Ancients lol.

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