(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

I think folks are getting way too worked up over datamining. A lot of this stuff turns out to be much different in the final product.

I still recall when these forums were talking about the San’Layn Horde allied race like it was a confirmed reality and it was just an Alliance quest Red only players would never know about through gameplay.

All we know for sure is that Tyrande will have something terribly important to do in Ardenweald. It seems like she’ll also be pretty heavily involved in a Maw related, Broken Shore esque prologue scenario.

Personally Tyrande fighting the Legion boss from Castlevania SotN in the first cycle of hell sounds pretty badass to me. Basically turned the Nelf leader into the Doomslayer and ya’ll still ain’t happy.


The night elves lost their capital, all their land, and Ashenvale and Darkshore in the first moment. To talk that down is just nonsense. You’re trying to play the victim here yourself, don’t you see that? You are trying to say “We have lost a lot more than you”…and don’t you realize that this argument is an echo chamber?

Did they do that, they could decide to continue living without Sylvanas, without changing culturally…no one is stopping them?

When Tyrande dies, a new high priestess will rise…the way of life will be preserved.

Maybe they lost because it was foolish to start this war after Legion and it was clear, unless you wanted so many dead that it would end in a bloodbath for them?

And Darkshore is not their territory, not their home.

What does everyone remember when they mention the War of the Thorns? The burning of Teldrasil and begging like a night elf to spare the civilians. It was even written that night elves begged the Horde to save their people there and climb the tree.

The feeling of heroism certainly didn’t enter into it.

But others, are thinking about how to continue, how to rebuild after such a loss, where to build a new home, what to do… The Forsaks are as much on the verge of rebuilding as the night elves. To say here “The forsaken lost much more” is just a biased statement, you see the loss of the forsaken as more valuable than the night elves.

Agreed. There is still a lot of missing information, some stuff will likely change anyway and some stuff can be red herring.

I fi d it interesting that previous night warrior will appear.


me too, would like to know - if it was the first one ever - how she knew this, what it was all about, originally, why she needed this power for herself at that time and what could ultimately kill something so powerful, considering that this might have been at a time when neither demons nor major threats existed, but were actually more like mortal conflicts between normal peoples.

Its a gimick to push Tyrande to abandon that power.

How does no one see this?

A gimick with no payoff than to immediately get rid of it.


Even in your post, you list 3 things:

Territory, Population, and Hero Characters.

You give 2 of those to the Forsaken. Last I checked, 2 is more than 1.

2 to 1, by your own metrics. I do not even say your metrics are universal or that I agree. Just that by your own metrics, you give more losses to the Forsaken. But even if I say the Forsaken lost more, I can agree the Night Elves lost alot. Most of the playable races have.

My contention is Night Elf posters claiming:

There is enough going on where others are losing as much or more at the same time.

I can acknowledge “X and B lost a lot”, without saying “X ALWAYS LOSES THE WORST WAY”.

Perhaps I am minimizing losses in the comparison, by my opinion. But I acknowledge the losses on both sides, at least. I can acknowledge that many Fans of various playable races have had a lot of losses. Not just one race ALWAYS.


But it is not the duration that matters, but the reason and what she achieved with it in the time she had it. If Tyrande does something significant with that power.

Killing Sylvanas,
freeing souls
perhaps even more

then this power has fulfilled its purpose, for what longer, permanently maybe even? I mean, the great hero-Char of Azeroth, champion of a Titan is unable to keep up with Tyrande in the Maw, that tells worlds we’ve defeated Titans, but we’re not able to play in this league.

The Night Warrior is something so powerful that blizzard feels compelled to elaborate on what it actually is.

And now don’t get me started on Nathanos, we can all agree that it’s most likely Alliance side Canon, so he hasn’t even touched Tyrande once.

But for this I have no Lore-proof but is only MY assumption, that means Lorewise it is 2 to 2. confirmed We are not on the RP Forum here, but on the Lore Forum. We don’t know what the situation is regarding the population of the Forsacks or the horde as a whole. At last count, it was larger than the army of the Alliance and the Rebellion Horde combined.

But alliance army without blackmoon army, maybe then it would be equal.

I agree with that part.

Its the LEAST she could do.

Who cares.
Why is night warrior necessary for that?
The whole point was to fight back against the Horde and retake their lands.
Which we NEVER saw happen.

Was the Night Warrior ever described as a funeral rite?

What more?

It never fullfilled anything.

So powerful that Nathanos and a pair of valkyr punked her.


i told it you! Don´t start with that bulls.hit, nathanos was needed for the next plot, thats the only reason you don´t kill him, it was just plotarmor. No one ever argue seriosly that nathanos have a single chance against Tyrande.

To be honest, Syvlanas still seems weaker than Tyrande at the moment. Tyrande would probably have wiped out the Horde in stages if it wasn’t for the armistice. As long as the Night Warrior exists, the size of an army no longer counts. Darkshore showed you one thing, how insignificant a dominance is against the Night Warrior. What, a whole camp? It lasted a SECOND! Then this camp was dead. Armies that ran against her, including night elves and wardens and forsaken and everything that came with it was torn apart as she fought Nathanos - who couldn’t even touch her because she avoided everything - on the side. A Val’kyr killed with a single hit.

Sylvanas has killed some people, and is strong, but if you really go through it - and see further than just Nathanos - then you clearly see that the Night Warrior is something else entirely.

Because the jailer is powerful, and you know, there is an old legend that the night warrior brings the deceased souls to the starry sky last, that could happen here. The Night Warrior was first mentioned in BC, there still as an aspect of Elune, who raises her children’s deceased warriors to the stars to fight side by side with her, who says this doesn’t happen here? Tyrande calls all the deceased Teldrassils to her side in the final battle against Sylvanas and Jailer. Sylvanas is finally killed by those whom she really wronged.

Elune, cosmological details, what’s she like about the Titans…like the Naaru, I don’t necessarily want to know what she is, but…that’s interesting. And what does the Winter Queen have to do with her?

The Winterqueen also recognized a loa without it being visible, maybe she can see something in Tyrande as well…something bigger than we all can perceive. I don’t have a concrete picture at the moment of what “even more” is, but it could be much more than what is written above.


Yeah I’ve no idea what the Night Warrior power boost was supposed to accomplish.

‘We’ll bathe Darkshore in endless night and rock some cool scary eyes’ is theoretically a decent strategy. But it’s pretty useless when squaring up against the faction that lives in crypts and also all have cool scary lives.

“The land is blanketed in a pitch black sky with only the dim light from a eerie moon to light the way. The wailing of furious spirits rustles through the branches and the wind smells always of fresh blood and broken bodies. Dark Lady help me - I LOVE IT here, it’s just like home”


Again it doesn’t really matter because the revenge part was already concluded in 8.1.

With Sylvanas facing redemption, the Night Warrior will turn out to be completely useless considering that Tyrande will lose those powers pretty early it seems like. It was supposed to be an Avatar of Vengeance but… there is no such thing as vengeance

There is literally a thread going right now crying about the possibility of Horde players working with Tyrande in the next expansion. Lol.

(Also, were you not here for the start of BfA? The entire board vacillated between “Why are they villain batting Sylvanas!” and “Sylvanas is actually on the right side guys and Saurfang is the traitor”)

And the top comments in every single one of Elesanas threads are posters telling her to get over herself, quit the game, stop acting like a victim, or that her threads retroactively justify Teldrassil. That’s the majority of replies Elesana gets, with like maybe 2 night elf posters who agree with her.


What does that have to do with people defending Sylvanas? Praising and hugging her?

I was here. I just choose to not selectively forget all the Horde posters also making threads about how much this all sucks. Apparently some of y’all can’t do that, but it’s all cool.


Did I see Tyrande kill Horde with her new powers?


Did I see Tyrande retake her lands and push the Horde out?


Did I Tyrande take vengeance as she was proclaiming when she got the bloody thing?


Did I see NEs re-established after their horrific losses?


I honestly don’t care about your peepee measuring contest of who is stronger.
There was zero payoff for Night Warrior in BFA and if in Shadowlands the best she can do is stop Sylvanas then this whole thing was essentially completely pointless.


Welp she did have a bag of orc heads. I’m presuming she didnt get those by politely asking.

You know now that I think about it, the Forsaken’s presence in Darkshore could’ve been explained as a direct counter measure to the Night Warrior stuff.

It was clearly scaring the crap out of the living Horde members. So why not deploy the spook proof bone bois to rattle the ominous opposition.

Couldve had fun “The dark is our realm too” banter. But that would’ve required more work to be done on Warfronts and BFA had a ‘If it’s broken - just, leave it on the wayside for people to half heartedly play a couple of times’ design philosophy.


I am a firm believer that Darkshore should have been used a scenario to make the Night Warrior where Tyrande is allowed to fully showcase her power on some Horde characters.

Let Nathanos die and have the Valkyr raise him if he is needed.

The Warfront should have taken place in a revamped Ashenvale.
That way we have some payoff for all the false marketing Nightwarrior received.

THEN we could do the Shadowland stuff.


I’m not sure about that. But in the intro cinematic it should’ve been Tyrande attacking Horde like a slasher villain. As it stands Nathanos was clearly being empowered with Maw magic. You actually see the Jailor’s chain stuff being used there.

That was actually pretty decent foreshadowing. Or would’ve been if we’d gotten any inclination of how powerful this Night Warrior buisness is. But as we didnt it just came off as hilariously ineffective.

It’s very odd the cinematic was used to hype up Malfurion. Who went on to triumphantly have nothing to do with the warfront.

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This is why Night Elf posters go crazy.
Because Blizzard keeps leading them on then only to ultimately disappoint them.

Then they come here to unload their grievances on everyone who get annoyed that they (forsaken) didnt even get the courtesy of getting lied to.


One way or another though the Kaldorei story is at least progressing with SL.

We’ve gotten some minor lipservice to the Forsaken story and I’m not at all hopeful. Slyvanas is extraordinarily interwoven into the Forsaken’s story. If her story concludes here and the Forsaken aren’t involved in any notable capacity it’ll be a middle finger the size of Sargeras’s sword.

But that’s what already happened with Arthas. The only undead PC race dude in Icecrown is an Argent who gets killed and then raised again into Lich King service then killed agaun. You know, maybe the cruelest fate imaginable for a sentient undead. But don’t worry he has a one liner about it when you kill him.

Pretty much expecting that again.