(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

I agree with everything you said except the sympathy bit. I feel an immense amount of sympathy for folks who are playing forsaken right now.

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What about that one Argent Crusader in Icecrown; whom you go out of your way to try and save, but in the end A’dal comes to him and tells you that in death, he will know only paradise? That kinda gave the implication that there was a Heaven, and not just a Hell.

Good thing I wasn’t asking for it, nor do I honestly care what someone on the interntet thinks of me. I was talking about the RECENT expac, let’s try to stay on topic at least.

why would you believe a naaru who we now know crystallize planets and destroy all life on them

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Say wha…?!

Someone didnt listen to the audio drama, why didnt people listen to the audio drama, its so important to the light vs shadow war that is gonna happen later

Maybe because blizzard has a habit of flip flopping all over the place when it comes to this sort of writing? The light will be good once again once God King “Mah Peace” Anduin takes charge

they arent, I think you are thinking of sylvanas, but sylvanas is always been evil.

in fact you already have a false misconception cause audio doesnt say that light users are evil, but that the force of the light itself arent as good as everyone thinks they are, so even if the light ends up as bad as the void, anduin himself is still good cause his morals are good and have nothing to do with the light.

So it’s blizzard flip flopping like I said. Thanks for confirming that. The Light has been described as a force of good in the universe until BfA where it’s suddenly “Lawl light might not be dat good”. It’s terrible writing.

lol someone doesnt read the books, this has been a thing since like cata

so in otherwords, you being too lazy to read the lore, is blizzard flip flopping

I’m lazy because Blizzard sucks at writing…right…Can you ONCE, stop shilling for blizzard? Just once.


says the person who is so upset they are here complaining about writing that been in the works for like 10 years muh bfa maybe you should have quit in whatever xpac you started to hate the writing

Bold to assume I’m even remotely upset. But you’re a blizzard shill, so I’m not surprised you justify every bad writing decision they ever made. Why anyone even responds to you is beyond me.

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I mean your posting you seem rather upset. I mean your accussing blizzard of flip floping then when confronted with the fact that no its been in the making for a long time, now your saying its bad writing, you do see really upset

Actually until the Argus Patch of Legion technically…

Ironically the Scarlet Crusade and the Twilight Prophet were able to use the Light despite being Villains.

Only the RPG(declared Non-Canon by Blizzard as early as Wrath of the Lich King) by White Wolf insisted that the Light required good intentions to use with Blizzard stating that you need willpower and faith in your ability to use the Light with no mention of morality.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I sleep just fine, I dont pay 15 dollars for a game i dont like, I dont go on the forums of a game I dont like to endlessly rage about something thats never gonna change like the story.

Again, whatever helps you sleep at night. If you thinking I’m upset helps you sleep a t night, so be it.

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you keep posting

So posting means I’m upset…You need to get better at trolling Kat.