(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

So, likely because they are tied together in the database when they give you the covenant abilities to test in Torgast it puts the covenant quest campaign info in your quest roster.

It seems rather than be part of the public Ardenweald campaign the Tyrande and Night Warrior stuff is all Night Fae covenant campaign material. If you do another Covenant you wont likely see her at all, directly anyways.

NOTE: Alpha means stuff can change in a blink of an eye. They may not be in the right order, and there are obvious placeholder titles… as they literally say [PH].

As I know it will be asked, these are the main story chapters as of now everyone does:

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Oh more ominous and negative foreshadowing. I can’t wait for the shills to tell me that I should trust in Blizzard.

Give Kat a minute. She’ll be back to shill for blizzard.

It’ll have to be someone else. I don’t recognize Katiera as something that exists any longer. I just wish other people would do the same.

The main story is the covenants lol Have you seen the bastion story, it doesnt end neatly, you literally get half a story if you dont join them


  • Kael’thas is in the Revendreth covenant campaign
  • Tryrande & Night Warrior and well as the Vol’jin stuff is in the Night Fae campaign
  • Uther and his whole thing is in the Kyrian Campaign
  • Most the Kel’Thuzad stuff seems to be in the Necrolord campaign.

They basically give you an entree from each zone and ask which you want for your main meal.


Which means to me he got fast tracked past the Shadowlands and into the real after life that we will never explore.

You can… in my personal canon, the Bronze Flight exiled her from Teldrassil’s past after she tried to change her mother’s destiny. So she literally can’t go home again. And she’s still occasionally haunted by her mother’s wisp.