(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

The loyalist the guys who are in hiding and Sylvanas was like lol who cares about them


It’s the ranting and ravings of people mainly on this forum who persist on maintaining a victim complex.

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You missed a lot of Katiera being a living meme in Kyalin’s discord.

Night elf fans ladies and gentlemen.


Seems weird you guys called someone out for being a jerk about mental health and then have proceeded to spend the rest of the thread crapping on someone instead of ignoring them.

I’d block everyone in this thread if I could, just cringe in here.


well you have someone who argues that gate keeping in a fandom is a good thing like how crazier can you get.

if they were as crazy as you, probably. Thinking that 8.1 was appropriate conclusion for Teldrassil and that its a heroic thing to burn innocents alive and send them to hell.

Never seen anyone legitimately think that other than trolls.

Honey. Read what you are saying. You are calling me insensitive and trying to paint me as a monster while you say insane people can’t tell right from wrong. Wich is you know wrong.

If you knew as much as you claim about '‘insanity’ you would know there are mental conditions that don t necessarily disturb your sense of right and wrong right? Like depression for example. Your definition of insanity seems to be cruely narrow.

Oh and PS: I never said Elessana was psychotic. So yeah…good work making up stuff I never said. I can see the honesty of your arguments right there and your intentions coming here to ego stroke yourself by painting me as this caricature instead of saying anything productive

Even the so called ‘‘psychopaths’’ know right from wrong in a logical sense, they just don’t feel emotions that make them feel embarassed or bad about doing said wrong things like most people do.

Also I love how you conveniently skip the part of my post where I say this.

If you took like 5 minutes to read the actual context instead of barging in mounted on your high horse tossing labels around you’d see that I said EVERYONE, by everyone I include myself, kinda needs a psyquiatric evaluation.

So how about you stop pretending you know a thing about mental illness, come down of your highhorse and start READING the discussion before comenting or before saying ‘‘shame on you’’ and claiming I’m ‘disquising’’ things as empathy?

You say I assume a lot, but for someone so ‘‘righteous and moral’’ you are assuming an awful lot about me without knowing jack about me besides a post in a context you clearly didn’t even bothered to read.

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Yea the part after Teldrassil must be missing entirely from the disk.

That is literally what it means… That is why people “Plead Insanity” in court. That is the Legal definition lol.

Depression isn’t insanity lol.

You literally called her insane via an overused and incorrect aphorism.

They feel emotions, its mostly surface level because they have complications with their capacity for empathy. But they feel emotions, they are just smaller and fleeting.


Seems I hit a nerve. Well, still… Shame on you.

Everything I said about you stands. It was gross, it was uncalled for, and most of all it was incorrect… Which you are still heavily revealing your ignorance on matters of mental illness. So you are in no position to determine what is or isn’t healthy, or to suggest “psyquiatic” help.

You feigning of empathy is gross. You were just trying to insult someone, and you got called out. Cry some more about it, please.

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It’s ONE definition of insanity. People don’t just say ‘‘he’s insane’’ in a courtroom you have to have an actual evaluation made by a professional proving that not only the person has the condition but said condition compromised the person’s judgement during said act.

Take for instance an esquizofrenic. If he has the decease but he wasn’t having an attack when he let’s say, assaulted someone. Then you can’t plead insanity cause the decease had nothing to do with the assault.

In order for said claim to hold any value, you need to prove the decease had a connection to the attack. Having a mental condition does not necessarily equals ‘‘I don’t know what’s right anymore’’.

It’s a mental decease honey. Any condition that makes your brain not work the way it should is a decease.

No I didn’t. That’s you interpretating my words the way you want so you can paint me as a villain. Saying ‘‘seek medical attention’’ is an advise, not a ‘‘You’re nuts looool’’. You are the one saying it. I merely said ‘‘Seek help, everyone needs it’’ you are the one assuming I’m an evil idiot just…because.

Yeah…who’s being childish now?

Yeah…such eloquent arguments for someone who claims to be so mature. Seems you are here just to feel good, not to have an actual discussion about stuff.

Even after I explain what I actually meant by it you still spill the same thing. Seems like either you don’t read my answers or you’d rather go back to your safe zone than admiting you assumed more than you should.

Girl…is it that shameful to seek mental help? That’s why this triggers you so much? Like…dude depression is one of the most incapacitating deceases in the century, seeking help is not shameful, it’s wise.

Yeah…cause god forbid I’m actually giving good advise. Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night, if imagining I’m the devil makes you feel better, go for it I suppose, life goes on regardless

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That is not what I said… Having a mental condition is not being insane… Being insane means you don’t know right from wrong… That’s what it means, that is what the condition of being insane is…

…. And you are the one who called Ele insane…

Okay, but depression isn’t insanity…

Let’s quote exactly what you said, shall we?

…. You are implying Ele is insane here using a overused and incorrect Aphorism. So again… Shame on you.


lurn 2 spel

I never said that.

You could try and apologize to Ele. You know, for implying she had mental issues without actually knowing her.

No… it is shameful to use mental illness as an insult, like you did.


You do understand that it’s not just night elves going to the mall, it’s EVERYBODY.

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It’s the most convenient place to do your holiday shopping, after all.


We have such sights to show you.

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What does that change about my point? The point is that 8.1 doesn’t even come close to an approproate conclusion for all the tragedy and suffering the Night Elves had in BfA, yet some people such as Katiera seem to think otherwise.

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No one, at least no one who isn’t a complete Blizzard shill, thinks BfA was any good. Forsaken had their entire culture turned on its head, because Blizz wanted to make Sylvanas a Saturday morning mustache twirling cartoon evil person, the Night Elves got dumped on again, God King Anduin with his whole “Mah peace” bull, Baine…just being Baine. No one race/class made it out of this expansion without looking completely ridiculous in some form or another.


Hardly anyone gets justice for what they suffer in Azeroth. Why do you think the Night Elves should be any different? This IS a textbook definition of a Crapsack World, after all.

This happened to the Orcs for nearly 12 years straight and nobody noticed or cared. Warcraft 3 literally centered on the Orcs’ Shamanistic revival and their firm denouncement of the Legion’s influence for the ENTIRE ORC CAMPAIGN.

As soon as Garrosh was given a voice acted line that whole plot thread got yeeted right out the window. Every 2 years it’s some new replacement for demon blood (or hell, WoD was like LOL YOU DONT EVEN NEED DEMON BLOOD TO MAKE ORCS EVIL CHECK IT OUT!) making the Orcs or some horde member race go insane so they can sow and harvest a new crop of raid bosses.

For gods sake they made THE VENDORS IN ORGRIMMAR TRASH MOBS IN SIEGE OF ORGRIMMAR. THE VENDORS. That’s how hard they were screaming GREEN MEN BAD for crying out loud. (the joke at the time was that they were literally Vendor Trash).

Nobody except Orc players cared. We had to sit back for over a decade and watch everything that made us fans of the Orcs and of the Horde in general be systematically destroyed while the rest of the playerbase either actively cheered it on or were too apathetic to care.

Now it’s YOUR turn. You’ll get no sympathy from me.