(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

you should read elegy the book where the nelves fighting vastly outnumbered, fighting without the army, almost beats the whole horde.

You shouldn’t laugh at the air people will think you’re insane.

Yea sure :sleeping:

The Night Elves are near extinct now and destroyed as a nation because they’re SO STRONG!

Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.

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So is there any new information or are you guys just arguing?

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No, no. Don’t try and stop them.
This is great. :popcorn:


Erm… I’m not so sure. The comments made about them seem to be a bit contradictory. On the one hand you have prominent night elves saying their aren’t enough and on the other you have narration stating that Stormwind (not a small city mind you) is filled with night elf refugees to the point that they have to make camp in Elwynn Forrest. Sounds like quite a few are still alive and kicking, probably more of them then Void Elves.

Couple that with how populations have not mattered in the slightest narratively speaking, because the writers have always ignored hard numbers, and I don’t think near-extinct is all that applicable.



Your race came pretty close to holding it’s own against everything the Horde could throw at it.

I call your “weak and impotence” and raise you an Alamo.


The story presented to me while playing the game was one of the Horde slaughtering the Kaldorei with nothing more than some minor hurdles that existed purely to drag put the pre-patch Horde power fantasy over a few weeks.

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Read elegy

Follow the lore.

Elegy is canon

Why do you tell people to read things when we all know you can’t read?

You can barely punctuate.

Cool, so is the Night Elves losing everything to the Horde including their lives and then getting ignored after to praise the Horde and Sylvanas as heroes.

Nice headcanon

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None of that is headcanon but keep being deluded.

Everything of that is headcanon Sylvanas and nathanos aren’t be praised as heroes

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There, I fixed it. At least somewhat.

The meme is still alive. :joy:

The Horde and the loyalists are and Nathanos and Sylvanas are soon to follow