(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

we arent wrong, we are right, she is a villian, if she turns out to not be, thats is what is called a twist, that doesnt make it wrong for saying she is portrayed the villian right now.

Illidan was never a villian, and its dishonest to even compare them, as the stuff that happened in bc, was caused from blizzard listening to the playerbase wanting big name raid bosses, so they used illidan and his crew and gave them the weakest story in the whole game that blizzard had to go back and retcon most of it.

Wait… What?

Well now you are just being inconsistent. Illidan was CLEARLY being portrayed as the villain in TBC… He was denying drinking water to Outland. He was creating Fel Orcs, he was conducting mass sacrifices. He was arguably WORSE than Sylvanas.

lol what illidan didnt commit genocide, you need play bc, specially after playing wc3, theres a reason why blizzard is bringing back KAEL and Lady Vash, cause they made those characters break character to make them villians in bc

Yes he did… He literally did lol. He nearly exterminated the Ashtongue as a punishment for Akama’s betrayal. That’s genocide…

thats not genocide the ashtongue arent a people, they are a faction

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You’re quite possibly the WORST troll on this forum, this statement alone clearly proves you never played Warcraft outside of BfA. The sheer ignorance of this statement is beyond words. The Ashtongue were the group of Broken that Akama led.


The Ashtongue is a Tribe.

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

So yes, it is genocide. Unless you think the holocaust wasn’t because Judaism is not a race, its a religion. Or maybe the displacement of First Nation’s peoples wasn’t genocide because the belong to Tribes?

And even if you believed that, does that make it okay? Does that somehow make it better?

Sometimes you disgust me.

Only sometimes? That’s generous. Kat’s the worst troll on this forum.


literally grasping for straws, broken is the race which is a subrace of the draenei, not ashtongue
and no illidan didnt go after all broken

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The Ashtongue is a Tribe of people.

So say if American settlers systematically wiped out the Apache after making an alliance with the Comanche, is that not genocide?

it is genocide cause the american settlered tried to wipe out all the natives

btw the ashtongue team up with illidan in legion

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That is not what I said… Read what I said and answer the question.

That’s more of a sign that you need to spend less time on the forums and more time playing the game. Or doing something more constructive.


The question is meaningless without context. For instance, it’s a lot eaiser to defend Anakin Skywalker’s redemption because he didn’t survive it. If he had, there would had been a whole can of worms opened up over his deeds as Vader.

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Yeah cause spaming the same post over and over again thinking you can change the world by complaining too much and keep doing it even tough it produces no result is very normal

It s not like doing the same thing over and over again expecting another result isn t the text book definition of insanity or anything…oh wait!

Yeah…pretty mature of you. So let me get this straight. You call me childish acusing me of personal attacks for not agreing with her WHILE attacking me for not agreing with you.

How does that work? Oh that s right. It s conveniently not childish when you do it.

Who are you? Her lawyer…

Oh…wait a sec. Are you her Alt!? Now I noticed Elessana never left level 10 for months! So…she s not even posting as a character she plays. Ohhh you sly you >=) using alts to compliment yourself…oook whatever floats your boat I suppose.

You even have the same retoric of “Either you agree with me or you defend everything badly written Blizzard ever did” my god…


The first edition of the Brulfist toy had to be recalled because of certain little quirks in the design like that.

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It’s not… Insanity is a legal term, used to describe someone who, due to sever mental illness and psychosis, can no longer distinguish right from wrong, and is subject to impulsive behavior.

The quote you are referring to is old, and it is unclear when it was originally said or by whom, but I happen to think its one of the stupidest thing a apparently smart person ever said. What it’s describing is Perseveration and Perseverance, which I think are good and healthy qualities to have.

But that is not my issue… My issue is with you feigning concern and empathy to put-down another poster. It is borderline sociopathic and you should be ashamed for doing it.

No, I call you childish because you are childish. Given you rely on silly, incorrect aphorisms to drive home a point of mental illness, and you struggle with simple words like “Accusing” and “Agreeing” I am going to go ahead and assume you are young, or just not nearly as smart as you think you are.

So you are in no position to be making assumptions about someone’s mental health, and you sure as hell shouldn’t be making back handed insults and disguising them as empathy.

Shame on you.

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I’ll play the game when the story isn’t designed around telling me my favorite race is weak and impotent

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good thing it doesnt do that
