(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

dodging what question, why answer something that isnt gonna happen. was guldan and blackhand reedemed for the genocide of the draenei? No they wherent

once again amadis proves you wrong

“We should put that on our money.” -Valery Legasov

The Horde was redeemed after Teldrassil for blaming it on Sylvanas after they cheered while Teldrassil burned and actively helped - same with Sylvanas and Nathanos soon. They are 1 “blame it on the jailer” away from redemption.

sylvanas ordered it

also dodging the fact that garrosh escaped and then died, I’ll add to the list guldan escaped and then died too

No one here is right, is the thing. You guy are all arguing for something that is no provable. Evidence of something happening before is not evidence of it happening again.

There are just as many narrative cues that Sylvanas intends to Overthrow the Jailer, but no one can say if that is true or not, the same as you cannot say she is going to die with 100% certainty.

All of you are wrong.

God you’re being so obnoxious

Never seen anyone legitimately defend 8.1 as a revenge plot for teldrassil and all those responsible praised as heroes after - besides you.

that doesnt even matter, if she overthrows the jailer or not she is still destabilizing the shadowlands lol

its like saying, himmler is trying to be the furher that makes him a good guy

I never seen someone ignore the continuing story so hard so they can cry and play the victim

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She might… You don’t know the goals of everyone in play. Maybe the Shadowlands -should- be destabilized. Mayne harvesting the anima of souls is a bad thing? Maybe the fact that the player character keeps returning from the dead is evidence that the Shadowlands is already destabilized, and Sylvanas is fixing it?

There are so many things it -could- be. We don’t know what it is going to be yet. So yes, it does matter when you say with 100% certainty you KNOW what is going to happen, none of you do.

we know alot, its called datamining

That’s give you a very small fraction of a very big picture. You do not know anything. You can’t even punctuate properly.

a cinematic, which is the only thing that never datamined, isnt the big picture, we know the full leveling stories for 2 out the 4 zones and we know all the big points in the other 2.

Stop. :clap: Replying. :clap: To. :clap: Katiera. :clap:


its not

it shouldn’t

and all these questions you would know if you been watching the leveling stuff that is out

Okay, no we don’t… And even if we did, that is one half of the first patch…

“This world is a prison.” What does Sylvanas mean?

Look, I do not think Sylvanas is good or anything like that, I am just saying, Blizzard has made a habit of trying to subvert our expectations with BfA…. They could very easily do it again.

You :clap: Do :clap: Not :clap: know :clap: the :clap: plot :clap: to :clap: Shadowlands :clap:

why does that matter to you, if you read the books, you would know what sylvanas thinks of the living, she thinks if everyone is undead the world would be a better place she thinks only she knows what is good for everything, sound like anyone to you? Starts with a H and ends with R

the only thing that subverted for me in bfa, was the fact that there wasnt a sylvanas raid. everything else was so easy to follow, dont tell me that you a nelf player didnt think sylvanas was going to burn teld the moment blizzard said it was going to be burned lol, read the books.

Yeah, I don’t like HR at my work either.

You are ignoring the point, so let me say it again.

not saying I do, but I know sylvanas is the clearly the villian

She is being portrayed as that in this moment of the story. We could be wrong, the same way we were wrong about Illidan.

I am not saying that would be good story telling… But frankly, I do not think making Illidan out to be the hero was good story telling either. But it happened.

So the point is, both you and Elesana and stating opinions, neither are backed by any kind of lore. Neither of you can say what will happen 100%.

Which makes this argument just a big waste of everyone’s time. Neither of you are presenting anything of substance, and it boils down to a childish “Yeah huh, nu uh” as if you two were a couple toddlers.

Stop it. Get some help.