(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

Can’t downvote people… and I’ll get banned for making a hate on Kat thread… Is there no justice left in the world?


Yet everything speaks for them getting redeemed and nothing for them to be killed off.

I’m asking again: Will you defend Sylvanas and Nathanos after they are redeemed? If you don’t anwer I won’t bother to continue.

The trick is to not care about your own like/dislike ratio and just use it to trigger the people that will.

Everything lol you cant even list what everything is, everything actually points to sylvanas being the big villian next xpac, like I said before you are betting everything on a twist

So you are not capable of answering a simple question as Syaeles said.

I cant answer a question about something I think 100% wont happen lol

This is where i kinda disagree, in many interviews they state that the Jailer is the “center baddie and antagonist” and it does make thing maybe Elesana has a point. How can it be someone who we don’t know from a lick of paint versus someone who literally torched a tree full of children.


As far a Nathanos getting redeemed, that is not likely to happen. Ion said the following at https://www.twitch.tv/videos/605045210?t=05h13m00s :

    The general idea is a few one time story momements, there are definitely some loose ends to resolve, for example some might be wondering what’s going on with Nathanos ever since Sylvanas fled. There are definitely some people who are hunting for Nathanos and want revenge, so that may be something we see as part of the pre-patch experience.


So she dies in 9.2 big whoop point is she is against us the heroes, our job is to fix and heal the shadowlands, her job is to destroy it she is literally our villian and in our way that has never been a good thing for a character

You could answer if you weren’t trolling, but if you answered it would atleast give you some credibility which you don’t seem to want.

I mean I don’t think a certain writer will let his favorite toy die after he ruined the entire night elf revenge storyline just to keep Nathanos alive…


Sylvanas is going to to die

He literally doesnt have say in the direction of the story, he isnt alex

What will you do when she is redeemed? Will you defend it?

I just want to bookmark your response

Well… Now who is saying things with no proof?


We already covered this in another thread:

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I have more proof than her, villians in warcraft tend to die

You have no proof at all. You are making a prediction of what you think will happen, but you don’t actually know.

Still you don’t ruin the entirety of the highly requested Night Elf revenge storyline to keep him alive just to kill him off later… and with Sylvanas redeemed, Nathanos will most likely be too.

Edit: Also like how Katiera’s dodging the question

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I have the visual and storytelling cues, that sylvanas is the villian, and for proof that warcraft villians die? theres 20 years of lore backing that.


So you are making an assumption about something with no hard evidence that something will happen? Got it.