(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

Just like we’re allowed to tell you how stupid you sound most of the time.


No one cares about your ill informed opinion, Kat.


Don’t you have another argument to lose to amadis

It usually goes like this: You defend blizzard with some short comments that don’t make sense and whenever you get proven wrong, you just post things like this:

Also notice the difference in likes, so maybe it’s you that’s being unreasonable here? Just a thought. Anyway I’m looking forward to you defending Sylvanas being a hero for nearly wiping out the Night Elves, just like the Horde.

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Again, Amadis and I agree on far more than we disagree… It’s honestly a bit weird that you bring him up so much. I am not sure if you think his name triggers me or what… But it’s actually just a bit cringe tbh.


You never post sources I am still waiting for that list of actions Sylvanas did that blizzard whitewashed

Teldrassil and the War of Thorns is a pretty big one I’d say.

They aren’t whitewashed you can just say stuff without proof lol

I already told you that they were, and with 8.1 being the revenge for Teldrassil it means that the Night Elves and Sylvanas / the Horde are even now, but keep living in your own little world where Blizzard’s treatment of the Night Elves is defendable.

It’s literally main plot In shadowlands that you keep ignoring and btw even if they ended it that’s not a whitewash

Have you read the edit? Tyrande loses her powers and/or dies. The revenge plot is over, accept it. The devs literally said it, what more do you need?

If Sylvanas, Nathanos and the Horde are being praised as heroes right after Teldrassil I’d say it’s a whitewash. And the revenge plot suddenly ended with the killing of 1 Val’kyr.

I read everything tyrande doesn’t need the power of the night warrior for anything.

Nathanos and Sylvanas aren’t praised as hero why are they being hunted down if they are heroes

So the whole Night Warrior thing was for nothing. Again, they SAID that 8.1 was the revenge plot. They never took that statement back, prove me wrong (you can’t).

Nathanos and Sylvanas did the same things their loyalists did in the Horde and the writers describe them as noble heroes and protectors of the living. Also it was stated that Sylvanas won’t die and that she won’t just be another raid boss. Nathanos isn’t going down either.

See what I mean you take things out of context on purpose or due to ignorance the blurbs are for new players Sylvanas was never stated she wasn’t gonna die if you are talking about what the vp of blizzard said in China he said that Sylvanas wouldn’t die easy

I’m not taking anything out of context, you are the one making things up to defend Blizzard. I don’t know your intentions, if you just want to troll people with that or whatever, but you are obviously wrong because blizz’s treatment of the Night Elves is NOT acceptable, and 8.1 is NOT enough revenge for the war of thorns. Spin it as you want, but if you think that 8.1 was a satisfying conclusion for Teldrassil then there’s no point in further discussing since I simply disagree. Same with those that commited Teldrassil being praised as heroes right after it.

8.1 was a garbage way to handle the whole, Tyranda gets revenge plot. She kills one Val’kry and Nathanos makes her look like a fool before running away.


Yup, something Katiera seems to disagree with because 8.1 was such amazing revenge for Teldrassil and the War of Thorns :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t pay attention to Kat… He thinks Blizzard is out here writing the next great series of fantasy novels that will stand along side Lord of the Rings and A Song of Ice and Fire.

The sad thing is the potential Warcraft has for good story telling. When I started running a Warcraft D&D game, I really got to see the rich foundation that is lays out with the potential of some really cool plot points… And Blizzard takes it and builds up some flimsy building made of sheet metal and plywood.

Writing is like construction, measure twice and cut once. Blizzard just throws something together, then hammers in some support beams after it collapses a few times.


Reads the thread since he last posted yesterday.

[Insert tiny Moonkin in a chair eating popcorn here]

go on.

yeah cause tyrande one shot a valk without taking damage and nathanos ran away crying after failing to rez all the nelves he was trying to rez.