(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

That should be a name of a Broadway Play with the main character played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

I saw Orlando Bloom play Romeo in Romeo and Juliet on Broadway back when I lived in New York.

I guess Leonardo DiCaprio could pass as a Spaniard if you’re talking about the original Amadís de Gaula?

Though if you’re talking about me, Leonardo DiCaprio could maybe pass as my brother, as my young brother and our younger sister inherited more of our Italian and Spanish genes, but I got more of the Mayan and Aztec ones. That is to say, even though my siblings are, I myself am not white.

Once again with the predictions? Nothing on shadowlands can be seem as good or bad storywise. You know why? Cause no one knows the whole story. You can t judge what you don t know.

Tossing labels and personal attacks now? Why am I not surprised? You seem like the type of person that would rather be shot in the face than admiting you are wrong at something. You re not here to “defend the night elves” it s clear as day yous seek nothing but personal validation.

That s the only reason I can think for someone like you to keep giving your money to Blizzard when aparently you think nothing will ever get better. But still
here you are
explain that to me. Why are you still here if you think there s absolutely no hope wow will be better? Are you giving money to Blizzard out of some sadomaschism thing?

Or is it because you WANT to paint yourself as a victim and the developers as this malefic entities on this conspiration to screw your elves.

Is it because doing that makes you feel like the great hero? Or is pity you want? Or is it just venting? Cause either way
seek psiquiatrical help. Everyone kinda needs it. Only I think you might need a little bit more.

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â™ȘRock me, Amadisâ™Ș :laughing:

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The context of how many times my name came up and the reverence of that to the lyrics of that song is perhaps the only time ever I have appreciated someone bringing said song up.

I mean sure but at this point I see no chance that she makes it out alive. Even if she loses those powers and somehow lives, then that whole Night Warrior thing was for nothing

How are they predictions when literally everyone should know that Sylvanas and Nathanos will be redeemed at this point?

How did I personally attack anyone? I very well know that I don’t do that and I didn’t do it in the comment you quoted. Also funny how you immediately did what you accused me of: Insult me

You are a ray of sunshine, on a cloudy day.


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I feel like his involvement in BfA made him less of a meme. Other than the machine gun on the boat when you first arrive in Nazmir, didn’t seem as much of a meme as in Redridge.

Were there other characters who could’ve been put in? Hundreds. For each and every champion they chose, plenty of other characters they could’ve used. But the way they used him seemed alright to me. They toned him down a touch, played more on the elite veteran trooper angle more rather than the pop cultural Rambo references, and well, it came out decent to me. Sobered up his depiction, I feel.

Not that anyone will ever let him live Redridge down.


I thought Keeshan was entertaining in Redridge. For those that even know the Rambo movies are a thing, I don’t think Keeshan was meant to be taken as a serious character when they first introduced him.

The only positive updates ANY race got in the game were the rebuilding of Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

How? Besides what you think, what in the ACTUAL STORY tells us they will be redeemed? And no the ‘‘the world is a prison and I will set it free’’ doesn’t count, no one even knows what she means by that.

Nothing is worse than someone who tosses labels and cowardly denies just because they don’t have the guts to say it in your face and even worse, because they know they can’t hold their own in an argument and resort to that to force you to defend yourself from a false claim instead of focusing on the subject.

And you do that
a LOT!

If you want to toss personal attacks around, at least own it. Then I can give you at least 0,1% of respect for the courage.

Again I made a whole post about that, and what is more obvious than dev statements like “She won’t die” or “She won’t just be another raid boss” ?

What? I always say those things to their face that they can’t be properly argued with and that they will defend literally anything blizzard does - and all blizz does is have tragedies happen to Night Elves.

I did not personally attack anyone, like what the hell? You started with the insults that I must be mentally ill because I care about the Night Elves in the story - that’s an insult.


Not dying doesn’t mean ‘‘She will be jesus’’ also they said that during BfA not Shadowlands.

And guess what? She’s not dead and she wasn’t a raid boss.

They can be properly argued and people have shown you good counter points before. The fact you refuse to even consider them, keeps spaming the same subject around shows you just want validation, you don’t even consider the possibility you might be over exagerating and dealing with absolutes more than it should.

Oh and the ‘‘seek psyquiatric help’’? It wasn’t an insult.

It was a concern.

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Yeah right
 Feigning insult for concern is hella low, my guy.

It was completely unnecessary. I think Elesana can be over the top myself, but I understand her concern. Night Elves catching Blizzard’s lore eye is like Frodo catching the eye of Sauron.

The two of you are not even having an argument, you are both in a childish shouting match that can be summed up as “Yeah huh - Nu uh” Nonsense.

But you are the only one who wants to challenge people’s mental state because of a perspective you happen not to share. And you dare try to mask it as some kind of empathy. That’s disgusting, bro.


Not only that, but completely uncalled for. I disagree with a lot of what Elassana says, but she does also up bring up some pretty valid points with how the Kaldorei are treated in the story(even if her statements come out as over the top). Mental health isn’t something to joke about or to use as a casual insult. Especially since you know nothing about her as a individual


No she doesn’t how can she when she cherry picks lore and ignores stuff that go against what she doomsaying

And you constantly defend every bad decision blizzard makes. So what is your point?


My opinion isn’t fact she thinks her opinions are facts

Agree or disagree, she is entitled to her opinion.

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Yeah and I am allowed to poke holes in all the dumb stuff she says