(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

And when it turns out to be wrong, will we get an apology for putting up with the constant self-victimization, the derailments of conversations intended not for a discussion but to further bemoan how the second most developed Alliance race and third most overall never gets anything, and the constant twisting of facts to fit this embattled narrative?

I mean no, obviously we won’t get that, but I’m’a ask anyway.


It’s really funny how people come and berate threads like this, and yet when a Hordeposter makes a thread on the tired subject of how badly Blizzard treats them, or how innocent their waifu Sylvanas is for the 3894th time, it’s only met with praise and hugs and heartfelt agreement.


Of course you would, I’d be far too happy to not apologize if I turn out to be wrong and the Night Elves will actually get something including justice.


'Cept that doesn’t happen. Try harder, you could do better. We both are all-too aware that the same tired victim-posters jump all over any thread that might be remotely Horde-positive to tell us that we, the players, are inherently monsters because we chose Horde, and we the players owe them a blood debt for Sylvanas’s actions.

Again, try harder. You can do better.


When have I done that lately ?

Heh. You must be new around here. :smiley:

You have to be, or else you wouldn’t be just lying out your rear about something like this.

That, or someone’s got the red-colored wool wrapped over your eyes a bit too tightly.


More likely, you’re just being hyperbolic and trying to justify your self-flagellation because it’s too critical to your forum identity. Otherwise you’d be able to find a single thread backing your point, but oh, we both know that a three second search is “too hard, too much” and you won’t do it.

Go ahead sweetie. Challenge me to find threads derailed by y’all professional victims. We both know how that’ll go. Hell, even your girl’s best response to that point wasn’t “I never did that”. It was “but I haven’t done that in like a week!”

Take a walk. I guarantee there aren’t Horde players camped outside your home, waiting to crap on your day. It’s just in your head.

I also feel obligated to point out the most #savage response in this thread came from an Alliance main, the MHP who breaks the MHP trend. Your own faction’s tired of your trite teen angst bullcrap.


This comment is going to age like fine milk.
I guess we will see in couple of months when this expansion releases.

Because they are pretty and if someone does something to them people would care.
You could burn goblins and orcs in their billions and no one would care.
You could probably do that to most of the Horde races and no one would care.


But see, you already lost this one, dearie. You made mention of the “MHP”- the very concept that you Hordeposters invented to discredit and dismiss any Alliance argument against Horde brutality in the story. One that is still used pretty much to this day- and even used by you in this discussion here. There is no Horde equivalent, you may notice.

You puffed out your chest, big and strong, flexing and whatnot- and ended up tripping over your own feet. :wink:


In other words, you can’t defend your claims, can’t back up your statement, can’t even come up with a good argument, and have to resort to nonsense posts without even a twinge of a point.

That is game. That is set. That is match.

Try harder next time, and when you do, try adding a dose of reality to your delusion. It might come across as somewhat believable.

Good day to you, good sir.


Like I said, spend some more time here and if you aren’t just unabashedly biased in all respects when it comes to defending your chosen faction, you will see the Story Forums for what it really is. I have hope that one day you will realize that I was right.

Take care in whatever it is you do.

Personally, I think the TE is a bit excessive, but of course I understand the TE’s concerns about Shadowlands and the night elves.

Let’s face it, Blizz has done a really bad job over the years, and an even worse job with the night elves.

That the fan-base has got to worry about, okay, get it. But you shouldn’t start off by saying every bad thing that happens

We don’t know what Blizz’s “pay-off” is, not yet, that’s going to be seen and developed with the Alpha.

Save for those mortal races so close to the Dragons that they’ve actually taken on some physical aspects in their form, i.e. the dragonkin.

Other clues can be found in the forms that those dragons that can change shape, tend to favor. The Blues and Reds tend to favor a High/Blood elf shape, the Blacks have a thing for Human form and Bronzes tend to range all over the place including gnome and animal shapes. The only dragons that are ever seen in Night Elf form are the Greens.

At this juncture, disappointment is the norm. Blizzard making a competent story that satisfies anyone other than themselves would be the “eye-opening and shocking” development.

When you’ve subverted expectations so much that you’ve doubled back and made not actually subverting anything a subversion itself… you know you’ve gone too far.

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Honestly you can make threads on whatever you want, as long as they don’t break any rules. If you don’t like it just ignore it. Everyone cares about different things so if they want to make a million topics about their thing, I say let them.


Look, I get that you are still raw about it, but using words like ALWAYS and phrases like WORST OF THE WORST will earn you little agreement, goodwill, or much else. Perhaps disagreement is the only thing you can garner. Which may be what you seek.

The High Elves have had it pretty bad. They lost a good 90% of their people, and the remnants have split, then split some more. As a daughter of Quelthalas, Alleria was welcomed to the Sunwell by the Regent Lord, and that ended badly. We literally can not even stand to be near each other at our most sacred site without endangering it.

Orcs have had it pretty bad. You can say they did it to themselves, but they may have been fine if it were not for Kiljaeden, the Eredar, and the Draenei. As far as AU Draenor, a Bronze Dragon sent Garrosh and Bronze Dragons sent the Player to evacuate the remaining Orcs. They have been victims.

The Forsaken… well, Sylvanas’s Wickerman speech describes it best. They are built up to revere Sylvanas for helping secure a semblance of a civilization. And they are made to be fools. At least the Night Elves have their Racial Leaders and their philosophies remain in tact. The Forsaken lost much more than the Night Elves. We did not even get to witness the evacuation of Tirisfal, or the Alliance’s advance. They are just at the walls. No harrowing defense or retreat to engender pride or sadness. Just… BLAM! Everything is gone, here is the Alliance.

Draenei had to leave their homeworld, as well as a few other worlds. The Night Elves at least have their original planet. And while alot of Night Elves have died, they were not used as pavement.

Humans have had it bad, too.

Stating the Night Elves ALWAYS are treated THE WORST OF THE WORST just doesn’t ring true. Sometimes, others are.

Hyperbole is one thing. Outright lies though… :

Only, you say? That is just wrong. And I know that you know it. So that is just a lie. Any thread praising Sylvanas or lamenting the Horde’s situation is rife with disagreement. Even amongst Horde Posters.

We have our snarky Void Elves, selfrighteous and indignant Draenei/Humans, and sad or rage filled Night Elves among the Alliance posters who flock to such threads to throw salt and enflame. Then we have the whole Team Traitorfang Horde posters who whine all day and tell the Loyalists they deserve to be shunned, and have no right to complain. And we have the Loyalists who are basically just here, looking for some other thing to do.

You don’t gotta lie to kick it.


This is an assertion that I cannot support, so i have to disaggre, since it is only subject to your personal opinion, but in no way corresponds to an objective truth.


They lost their city, and their leader. They lost their entire way of life. The Night Elves still have their leader and their way of life, and they canonically won Darkshore. The Forsaken do not even have that sort of victory.

At least the Night Elves had the War of Thorns to display their heroism and tragedy. The Forsaken do not get that treatment. The Alliance just shows up at the gates.

The Night Elves win Darkshore, which is another Forsaken effort that is a loss.

There is still the question of Forsaken NPCs seeming a bit anachronistic by declaring “Victory for Sylvanas”. The Night Elves have no such concerns. Their ethos remains in tact. At least their NPCs can talk without seeming like they are from a different universe.


The forsaken still have their leaders, they got away scot free.

The Night Elves have most of their society in the maw to suffer forever, lost 1 zone permanently, another one possibly too, lost their capital, their future, were denied their justice/revenge and their ancient rituals (Night Warrior) were displayed like a joke.

Sorry, but I don’t see how getting driven to near extinction can be seen as a good thing for the Night Elves, or as something heroic.

The War of Thorns was a massive horde victory and a devastating Night Elf loss that they will never be able to recover from. A wound that can never heal as we all know.


Whoever has it worse, each side will now be able to produce countless arguments, but if you add it all up, you get this result:

The night elves lost three territories first to the Horde, one permament, one floating, and one reclaimed.

The Horde lost exactly one area, Tirisfall, while the other areas of the Forsaks remained intact, as we know. However, their main base went down with it, Undercity.

So I would say here: Night Elves lost more territory in BFA.

Next point: population.

The Forsaks were able to evacuate their population, but later on - or so I think - Sylvanas heated them up. I can’t imagine that she heated up everything except her forsaken people, no, that would be inappropriate.

The night elves could only save a part of their people, a relatively large part died, cruelly.

That’s the way some of the population goes to night elves, but only in the first moment, in the second moment it will probably have hit the forsaks as badly, because, I’ll explain now, let’s get to the next point: Army

The army of the night elves was barely affected, largely intact, and had been a challenge to the Horde even before this , it was now a monster with Tyrande and Malfurion, which beat the Horde back bit by bit, no matter how many hordetroops were here…Tyrande alone destroyed entire Horde camps in an blink of an eye, Malfurion became the terror of Darkshore, and the Darkmoon army was a powerful and strong army, a veritable monster.

The main forsaken army had suffered serious losses in Tirisfal, many died there, and finally the entire Horde army was crushed as it rushed to defend undercity. Later, they were probably able to fill their ranks with civilians, but this against trained soldiers of the night elves, whose civilian population was already a challenge to the Horde, was more likely to lead a lamb to the slaughter than a balanced fight.

They then, of course, raised night elves, but even they eventually lost to the black moon army.

So: Clearly, the Forsaken lost more here.

Hero characters:

The Alliance lost a lot of this addon, but no Hero characters.

The Forsaken lost Sylvanas and Nathanos:

So this goes to the Forsaken as well.

So both lost a lot, but in completely different things.