(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

But it’s not.


It really is, I don’t know why you are pretending that it isn’t.

It was obvious BFA was a bad expansion. But it’s not obvious SHADOWLANDS will be a bad expansion cause it’s not even out yet.

I don’t know how to be clearer than that.


I’m not saying it will be a bad expansion.

I’m saying that the story will be bad, atleast for people like me that wanted a conclusion for Teldrassil or continuation of the revenge plot, but yea neither seems to happen now.

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obvious, lol, your literally banking everything on a sylvanas was good the whole time twist, to a company that never does twists

It depends in which measure you are using to define a good expansion, specially if story plays an important part.

If you are a die hard night elf fan that wanted a resolution for the story on bfa, SL is definitively a bad expansion, any resolution will be stale and wont be worth the wait, forever tainted by the travesty that was bfa overall narrative.

Personally i would concentrate my efforts on the gameplay and monitoring the alpha.

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Wouldn’t matter to you because you will be the first to defend it.

Yeah you’re saying the story will be bad based on…your feelings? Come back when you have something less subjective then we talk.

I think BfA was a bad expansion because. Story wise the plot felt forced, contrived, superficial, pointless and nearly all characters we know and love where acting completely out of character.

That and all the gameplay things they tried to implement and failed miserably


I mean sure it may be good for other parts of the fanbase, but those things that will happen are definitely not to be seen as a good thing in any way if you are a Night Elf fan.

Well, besides if you’re Katiera and you’re apparently both a fan of the race and a fan of bad things happening to it.

… Lies.


Think it only works if they use @Amadis

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If we use this restriction, then Carmageddon’s point stands, yes.

Tyrande, too, if we use these cutscenes, too.

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I bet her death cutscene will be one of those cheap ingame ones like the transformation or the war campaign epilogue.

It’s easy to make bets when you want to lose them.


I mean I’d prefer to lose that bet and have her death be atleast a high quality cinematic, but they don’t really do those for Night Elves so…

Bold to assume she’s dying. We don’t even know what the entire storyline entails yet.

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if we use common sense she doesnt die cause after the aredenweald stuff we help her as she goes to the maw to hunt sylvanas down.

The correct term as demonstrated by Great Leader is “Fake News”.

I think you’d prefer even more to lose the bet by Tyrande not dying at all.

Trying to judge the story right now is like trying to understand a book where you have about one page from somewhere in half the chapters. SO MUCH of the dialog is missing, both text and audio.

Literally HALF the base zones of the core Shadowlands expansion content are not even released yet for ALPHA testing. How about we wait until at least Ardenweald is released before we start presuming stuff?

I dunno. just one of those wacky CRAZY IDEAS in my tiny little moonkin brain.