(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

Put down the crack pipe LMFAO :joy:


What? You know some those things have already been datamined right?

I have quite a lot of evidence, including direct dev statements, also check out this if you want: Sylvanas Redemption in Shadowlands - Why it will happen

The small rogue elements of the alliance that destroyed Turajo were severely punished if I remember correctly. I’m not 100% positive though.

They were killed by Tauren that Baine exiled after he declared taurajo a legitimate military target.

That’s more revenge than the entire revenge plot the Night Elves got for Teldrassil :thinking:

Even Jaina got more revenge for Theramore for atleast having Garrosh die in the end and not have him redeemed.

And neither of those are even comparable to Teldrassil

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The difference is Tauren aren’t Night Elves. They don’t exist to foot the bill for other fanbase’s power fantasies.


It apparantly doesn’t have the port and location that made Teldrassil an important supply link for Alliance operations.

your evidence is another of your own posts filled with more of your pessimism, theories and what you THINK will happen?

Like this little thing you said:

is a lie. Cause the narrative line is for the FORSAKEN and not Sylvanas, also Steve Danuser said on his twitter that those lines are tests and they will change them?

yeah. Still nothing but you ranting about things that happened on BfA and we all know about. But truth is, you, like everyone else here have no idea about what will happen on Shadowlands, much less what Tyrande’s role will be, so you can’t really tell Sylvanas will be ‘‘redeemed’’ and Tyrande will forgive the Horde with 100% sure. All you have is your own pessimistic, nihilist view of the story wich begs me to ask again.

Why are you still here? Giving Blizzard your money. If you think everything is so beyond repair, if you think Blizzard will never fix things, if you think your favorite race is destroyed beyond repair and Blizzard will only keep doing bad things with them
a quick suggestion? Stop playing? There’s a lot of other mmos out there


Why would they put writing effort into placeholders? Seriously, that’s BS.

I’ll tell you what happened: Them being placeholders were just an excuse for damage control because there was an outrage, I bet you they would’ve made it live otherwise.

Apart from that, it shows you how the writers think - and if the writers think that the Horde and Sylvanas are noble heroes and protectors of the living (when they just killed thousands of innocent night elves), it is a VERY VERY bad sign.

It’s neither nihilistic nor pessimistic, it’s simply what’s going to happen and it surprises me that so little people can see this.


Of course the lines are bad, but
so what, really? These are supposed to be voiced lines for new characters of those races to get the player invested in playing them.

The previous ones were over the top, but I don’t think these are meant to be focused on BFA since that’s just going to be leveling content on the way to Shadowlands. Those lines aren’t for you as a night elf player.

Did you even play BfA? I think we all have a right to be pessimistic
 It would be consistent.

I mean, it is an example of Blizzard completely uprooting the entire racial identity of the Forsaken and replanting their own carebear version of it. Which is honestly not cool, not at all.

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Personally I think they should all strive to be neutralish. Like I said, the previous line was over the top. I just don’t think those new player lines need to hammer in what a horrible person your character is before you even get the chance to do anything with it.

I mean yeah, that’s what ends up happening in BFA, but I don’t really think it’s a bad thing for players to want to distance themselves from that story. It’s a huge downer for all involved, to put it mildly.

Since vanilla, the Forsaken have been characteristic for making mindslaves of the living, cannibalizing the corpses of their slain, and stitching parts together in an assembly line of weaponized Frankenstein monsters

Since Cata, the Forsaken have been characterized for using the powers of the Val’kyre to creating more undead, blighting Civilian populations, and raising family members of the enemy as a tactic of conquest.

This is all before BFA
 This has nothing to do with BFA. This is just what the Forsaken are and always have been. Blizzard coming and changing the introductory monologue is like trying to put perfume on a turd and call it chocolate.

It’s a gross mischaracterization of the race, it completely deconstructs the racial identity of the Forsaken, and it’s completely dishonest to the player. The only reason why Blizzard is doing it is because of the backlash of BfA
 Which if you ask me, is them completely missing the point as to why there was backlash to begin with


I mean it’s still pretty damn insulting to introduce such lines right after the Horde did some of the worst crimes in wow history, especially for the forsaken.

It was just further proof that Teldrassil is being swept under the rug and they already had Sylvanas and the Horde as heroes in their minds (because of the stupid redemption), this is why they wrote these lines and only changed them after an outrage.


I disagree. I think those lines were written because they feel patch 8.2.5 was enough to -make- them heroes again. They clearly were not throughout BFA itself, and the game itself hasn’t tried to vindicate anything Sylvanas did.

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I mean yeah those were placeholder lines, just like the Kaldorei line was which blatantly mentioned you were coming from Teldrassil as a new character. Some low level story team member put them in without getting them checked by their boss as place holders. Placeholders for actual description strings in alpha level software is not all that uncommon.

((Though I will admit part of me thinks whoever put those strings there added them just to mess with people, knowing they be changed well before we even got to bata.))

Yeah i did. No I didn t like it. But also I m not claiming to know the future like she does

Maybe because normal, rational people operate on evidence and logic and not rants coming from someone who became famous on this forum for spaming the same rants filled with baseless predictions instead of any shred of evidence.

BfA was a bad expansion. Everyone knows that. But neither you nor any of us can claim to know how the plot of the next expansion will be at this moment.


A bit late with the response, but I assume Aki was talking about the HD cinematics when she complained of seeing no Night Elves. If we restrict ourselves to the HD ones, I don’t think Baine, Lor’themar, Mekkatorque, or Magni has appeared in any of those.

If we’re talking about the game-quality cutscenes, then named Night Elves have shown up in plenty of those, starting most recently with Malfurion in Terror of Darkshore.

I mean you can if it’s THAT obvious.