(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

Didn’t the Second War prove that going after Ironforge is a useless endeavor? Like, the Horde literally couldn’t breach their defenses, according to Chronicles.

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It did yes, but there is more in the region than just Ironforge, and during the second war the old Horde held most the region for some time and kept Ironforge bottled up in siege mode.

look at the map of azeroth and then ask yourself how can blizzard do what you said without making the whole alliance not look more stupid than they already are.

The bulk of the hordes power is in Kalimdor and the Kaldorei are literal next door neighbors, who do they(the rabid NE fans) think the horde is going to attack first? Lets use SOME common sense here guys.


Well yeah, it makes basic strategic sense but it gets a little old the third time round. they could have launched a two pronged attack from Silvermoon and Undercity, before Sylvanas blew her own city up.

so you want the horde not to make strategic sense, and start a two front where which they lost every single time

The Kaldorei were a super power in WC3 capable of keeping the Horde out of their land and even forcing the Orcs to drink more of Mannaroth’s daddy juice just to be able to contend with them. They should still be a Kalimdor super power because they’re the only Alliance race present.


The punishment isn’t for the players but for the horde. I’m not seeing the problem with that.

that was one clan

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Don’t tell her that. She’s convinced the Night Elves single handed defeated the entire united orcish clans. It was one clan in unfamiliar territory. It wasn’t anything special. And the Night Elves, least to my knowledge, were never described as being some super army capable of defeating everything by themselves. That’s your headcannon trying to fit a narrative that doesn’t exist.


Have you seen Khaz Modan lately?

That “one clan” was also their strongest clan and their all mighty chief described the Kaldorei as perfect warriors. That’s what we need a return to. The rivalry is dead because you can’t look at Night Elves as a Horde player and go “I hate them but I also respect them.” There’s nothing left to respect because the Kaldorei are the go to for footing the bill on Horde power fantasies.


yeah I know I think the nelves are very powerful and can hold off the horde, but not out right defeat them by themselves, and that makes me not a nelf fan to these people.

yeah and it was still one clan it wasnt the full might of the horde

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In comparison to the wimps they had faced in the East.

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So, how does being described as “perfect warriors” somehow equate to them suddenly being to single handly defeat the horde by themselves as you implied/suggested? It was still one clan outmatched and in unfamiliar territory. And as we know, once the horde figured out the Kaldoreis fighting tactics, they weren’t so perfect.


The follow aren’t my own words but rather a response from Kyalin that she requested I post in response to you as she’s been reading along but isn’t currently subbed.

Kyalin: "The concept of a need to single-handedly defeat the Horde relies on logic that claims it to be reasonable that any nation can apply all of its forces at once place at one time. The only group of people that ever seems to be subject to this limitation as far as Ashenvale is concerned, are the Night Elves, who were on the back foot in Cataclysm because as that expansion’s manual states, the need for the Night Elves to divert much of their attention to Hyjal presented the Horde with a “golden opportunity”. In the War of the Thorns - it was due to the regular army being away, the Draenei not lending aid, the Worgen being entirely absent, and the Alliance leadership as a whole immediately preferring to evacuate everyone rather than to send Tyrande through those portals, along with as many of Stormwind’s troops as they could get to follow her (and A Good War demonstrates just how thoroughly the Horde believed Tyrande’s presence would have wrecked this plan, and also how close they came to defeat).

This is not to say that any race should hold off an entire faction at once. It is to say, however, that the Night Elves tend to have this problem of their armies being called away by “plot”, and then the game making it look as though that entire army was defeated. Meanwhile the Horde is able to attain concentrations that ignore the defense obligations of a global faction, again because of “plot”.

Couching it as a 1 versus eight issue misses a great deal of the point - that being that the Night Elves and their local allies as well as the Forsaken, held down a difficult-to-assail powerbase that was capable of standing on its own until the “plot” driven cartwheels, and the equally absurd measures required to make Lordaeron work were hamfisted into the game."


I don’t know, isn’t the Exodar right next door as well?

The Forsaken are not always the ones to get attacked by the Alliance. Don’t forget “Muh Taurajo”

cause this is extactly what happened lol

Neither of those are wrong but okay. Tyrande will either die or lose her powers and forgive Sylvanas

You seem pretty sure about that. Do you have actual evidence that this will happen or is it just you being pessimist for the sake of it?