(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

The Night Elves haven’t been destroyed as numerous people have pointed out. They’ve taken a major population hit, but there are Night Elves in quite a few places around the world outside of Teldrassil and Darkshore.

Amadis will tell you that cannonically they’ve even taken Darkshore and Ashenvale back. And of course there’s all those Night Elves in Val’Sharah.

As a Fosaken you started off as someone who died in the war. As a Dwarf ifyou’ve played long enough, you lost the king of your nation which is now ruled by a contentious council of three. And I’ve lost count of all the Horde leaders and heroes who’ve bought it. Whereas the Night Elves haven’t lost any of their long term characters save Sira and the traitor Cordana. They even got Illidan, Cenarius, and all their Wild Gods back.

You got to be big damm Heroes facing adversity. However as Forsaken, not only did you lose your leader AND your city, you’ve got the big villain mark on you not only by the Alliance, but by much of the rest of the Horde as well.

So please spare us all your tragic paranoid tale of personal player persecution.


i dont see why it would be different

The Blizzcon question, oh boy lore through a Blizzcon question my cup runneth over with pride, only confirmed Darkshore. So if Amadis is claiming Ashenvale is reclaimed then he’s spouting head canon.

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And that’s his total blessed right to do so. After all… that’s exactly what our personal character stories are.

Nice long post with with absolutely nothing to dispute my claim.

No other race has been destroyed in this fashion in the entire life of WoW.

Yes Worgen and Goblins in their intro quests, but never after years of someone playing a race.


And neither has the night elves been destroyed either. You’re making a big deal because it’s in game as opposed to background stories that we all mostly ignore anyway?

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you could just like talk to the dragon lady and look at the old phase if you want to so much

The war of thorns was a devastating loss for the Kaldorei as the Horde slaughtered Astranaar to the last person, and then marched from there to Teldrassil burning and killing as they went. I know for sure I watched Forskaken defiling Moonwells and goblins burning stuff down with flame throwers, for example.

There ARE however Kaldorei in Winterspring, around Hyjal, and the Broken Isles. With the Nightmare officially toast with its creator dead Val’sharah is probably healing quite nicely.

Being Honest not sure why Tyrande didn’t head for Blackrook hold now that the dead no longer walk its halls. It would of been a much more tactical place to base a military operation like finding Sylvanas.


nope read elegy, they did kill alot of people but no didnt happen the way your headcanon is.

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In cases where the game and external media contradict I have to default to the game, where they showed wisps of the slain floating out en masse as everyone was dead and forsaken rogues stalking about killing anyone they came upon.


Yes because it IS in game.

I don’t give a dang what some dev says in an interview about who won. its not the same.

In game is different. That’s the point of an MMORPG. you get invested in your characters, their races, their classes and their homelands.

Other types of game care about systems, gameplay and mechanics first. MMRPGs are D&D online.


It’s like none of these people understand what presentation is or the phrase “show don’t tell.”


ok, get me some new screenshots of the war of thorns on a new character
oh wait you cant, but guess what, I can read elegy anytime I want, and for free, the in game event doesnt exist anymore.

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Illidan was never a “Nelf” character in the traditional sense. Yes, he’s a Nelf, but he was more or less forced out of the society. Also, Cenarius was killed again in the EN raid in Legion, and is in Ardenweald now, iirc.

Because Blizz doesn’t want to put the effort into updating old zones unless they absolutely have to.

please name every race that can be a demon hunter

That’s great. My concept of investiture is different from yours. I don’t insist that things remain happy and rosy for the race I’m heavily invested in. The Night Elves have been at the front door of the Kalimdor Horde since the events of WC3. It’s kind of inevitable that they’d take the brunt every time the Horde starts up a new aggression.


imagine if star wars never had the rise of the empire, or if harry potter never had the death eaters, how bland life must be to want a bland story with no themes or drama

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I’m confused, one half seems to be saying “I want tension and drama, just not mah night elves, they should be able to kill anything” and the other half is seemingly sick of the rabid hate NE fans have for anyone doesn’t agree with them. No wonder blizzard doesn’t read the forums anymore.


Actually, it’s more “We’re sick of the Nelves being the Horde’s punching bag whenever they have their switch set to Evil.”.


Well no, it is more they have used the Kaldorei over and over to demonstrate how powerful the Horde is. It has gone past just “Worf Effect” territory, to the point it has made the Kaldorei look like helpless idiots often.

It be nice if say… Elwynn Forest or Khaz Modan could take a beating instead, for example. That is all.