The thing that bothers me about people like Elasana, is people like her act like the Night Elves are the only playable race that has ever had anything terrible happen to them. And the same complaints in every…single…thread…Well, you stop taking the complaints that are valid less seriously.
I can see where she’s coming from though, why nelf fans are upset. Their starting zone and city gets wiped out and when the patch comes with a story arc suggesting revenge, it’s left hanging without a real resolution. Just a warfront. Then when Blizzard announces that the night elves win the warfront but neglect to provide any meaningful content showing that victory. Well… As an orc fan, if that had happened to Org and Durotar with the same end result, I would be upset too.
Honestly, I’m more upset about the rehash of MOP. An entire expansion about how Horde had to find itself through civil war. Apparently we didn’t learn our lesson so we’re doing it again. THIS time, however, we have the ever so hoity-toity God-king Anduin there to remind us of what we should be.
Horde pride am I right?
The horde suffers from being split down the middle on what constitutes “Horde Pride”. Many do genuinely enjoy being the bad guys and that’s what they signed up for. Others want the horde to go back to being noble savages.
Until both sides can work on a comprise on what they really want, blizz is going to continue to villian bat them in future faction wars, just because it’s easier to justify. Doesn’t make it right mind you.
Who was originally a Spiderman villain when he first came out.
There are quite a few Alliance fans out there who would gladly give up the moral high ground if they got a chance to do some real damage to the Horde. If there ever is to be another faction war, which maybe there shouldn’t be because it usually always sucks, maybe the Alliance can be the aggressors.
Just for a different change of pace.
Sure, and at the end he became an antihero. Which is where his story has left off.
Guys, don’t worry so much, I was forsaken at the beginning of this xpac, so like a thousand night elves live on in a state of abject terror within my runeblade.
I’m of two minds here.
On the one hand, after BFA, we’re right to mistrust Blizzard on every aspect. They decidedly listened to no one and it was a disaster.
But on the otherhand, I’d be mad if people were yelling at me over a line of dialogue or descriptive sentence I hadn’t had a chance to even go back and read myself yet.
Granted prose and game writing is quite different. But still, wild assumptions based on a sentence and a half of flavor dialogue is asinine. I get baseless speculation is pretty much the name of the game here but people really gotta calm down about stuff we barely have context for and might be placeholder text, not actually in the game or an inside joke for all we know.
Such as “Blue eyed Belves?! This is a DAGGER IN THE HEART to HElf Fans!!” And, nah, that’s not going to be an option. And I don’t believe anyone’s outrage prevented it from being one either.
We should be skeptical. But some of this is getting to paranoid delusion levels.
Just leaving this here since I didn’t want to start another thread:
“Then her fate is sealed, my condolences but you must let her go, for your sake as well as her’s”
“My apologies Shandris, it is not easy for me to speak of the night warrior”
“I know not if the night warriors fate can be averted, but i’ll do all that i can to aid you”
“As Elunes Dark power raged within me, Kadarin and i cycled the power into his body”
“The ritual cost us our lives”
“If we attempt it again, we must disperse the power amongst several vessels”
“the night warriors of elune, all who bear the mantle are destined for these groves, we are in need of their aid”
Looks like the powers that helped Tyrande achieve nothing are very likely going to kill her, it’s all coming together slowly.
Sounds like they’re just going to disperse them to keep her alive
Probably but the op will continue to doomsay.
I don´t buy it, something is left here, something isn´t right. I don´t know why but atleast:
The Nightwarrior until Today did nothing special what normal Tyrande doesn´t have done too, crushed armys? Wc3, WOTA, Stormrage, its exist a few examples where she did this before.
The Nightwarrior have a bigger Story to tell, i get it, and kind of interesting what “this hains” mean, but i think we must experience much more before we can finaly judge about the story.
Looks like Tyrande will face an ultimatum of sorts. Literally let go of the power to get her vengeance or continue and die.
Then Blizzard just shows again how incapable they are of understanding the n11 com, lastly, the Night Warrior was at least something after the BFA hard blow, not much, but it was something that spoke for the Night Elves. Making it that way and saying the character dies is once again proof of how incapable blizz is of understanding their own fans and communities.
That or we get a quest like collect ten vessels and bring them to Tyrande so she can keep the power at a manageable level.
Tyrande cannot just take in godly amounts of power with no consequences.
Because that would make her a Windrunner.
To be fair… Tyrande basically had godly powers without the Night Warrior.
And really, the Horde shouldn’t want Tyrande to die… Because then you have Maiev calling the shots. I give the Horde a week if that happens.
Hence why we need ten vessels instead of one human lover.
This “divine power” was never shown, always just said, there is nothing Tyrande hasn’t done in WC3 too, without nightwarrior power , for example, that’s my problem with it, if it was really shown, ala she wipes out the whole horde in Darkshore/Ashenvale with this divine power and only a few survive by sheer luck, then I would buy it.