(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

It really is

The Arthas book was more compelling, for me anyway.

Funny that you say that

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Well your the one crying about retcons and missing things that are still there in the alpha
At max, I am wrong about illidan, which is whatever

You’re the one defending everything blizz does. You think 8.1 was an appropriate conclusion for Teldrassil and you will be the one to defend a Sylvanas redemption.

You simply don’t see how much of a red flag it is to remove Teldrassil references from the game and hiding it from new players while at the same time describing the Horde as noble heroes and protectors of the living if it wasn’t for an outrage.


Sorry to end the argument short but our arguement has to do with what you and me feel about illidans actions which is a opinion, but elesana is actively spreading misinformation about something that isnt happening and that requires my full attention

if they where removed, you’d have a point, but they wherent removed.

They were removed for new players. It was already bad that they removed the war of thorns but now with battle for lordaeron, they are removing even more references and trying to prevent new players from knowing what the Horde did.

Again, that’s a red flag, same with Tyrande being wrong and consumed by vengeance with an upcoming sad cutscene or all the hints of Sylvanas being our hero. Or let’s say Teldrassil being concluded in 8.1 to dismiss people that wanted justice?

You probably see that too, but as always you’re just baiting, and I’m not going to bother any further because you change your mind every 2 minutes.
In a year you’ll be here defending Sylvanas and how good she is, so I really don’t care about what you have to say anymore, because you’ll change your mind anyway.


Only at the beginning of questing, for a new player to hit 50 and do shadowlands, they must do parts of the war campaign which do infact till them what happened and give them context for shadowlands. Something you would know if you actually knew how shadowlands leveling worked.

Hints that for somereason you never list, and only you know.

Baine was in few cinematics, wasn’t he?

Lor’themar, too, I think?

Mekkatorque starred in the Battle of Dazar’alor one.

Does Magni count?

This is still true, though.

He WAS a night elf. Now he’s got as much claim to being a night elf as any satyr. Like them, he’s a monster.

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sigh… For the twenty-seven millionth time, it’s YOU’RE! Meaning YOU ARE! “Your” is the word you use to talk about something belonging to someone! Seriously, what is it with you people?!

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Illidan’s done a ton to be ashamed of. That much is clear as day. However, he killed Gul’dan, which is a bonus. He helped us kill Kil’jaeden, an even bigger bonus. To top all that, he took one for the team and is spending eternity being Sargeras’s jailer.

He might not be “Good” but these things sure make him ok in my book.

PS: I wouldn’t put it past blizzard to try a redemption arc for Sylvanas in Shadowlands. However, I don’t think it will happen. Blizzard seems to like their set patterns too much. Being creative is too much effort. BfA was a basic retelling of MoP. There’s no reason to think that Shadowlands won’t be a retelling of WoD. Sylvanas will just be another Garrosh right up to the end, the only difference being the manner of how she gets killed so they can at least pretend they were original with it.

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And another important thing, since when has blizzard gone for a twist, kerrigan like everyone knew she was getting redemmed, everyone knew since the end of the sc2 what people where upset about was how it ended, sylvanas has sign after sign that she is big villian, I really dont seem think they’ll redeem her at all, they been trying hard to get everyone to hate her

Not to advocate for the devil, but they did sort of validate her fears and concerns with the most recent developments. They’ve done this to themselves, to cause her to panic with the (profanity)show that’s currently unfolding.

So many threads all at once isn’t so hot, though.


It’s critical we stay this way, though. Remember when BFA was coming out and it was the epitome of everyone’s fears, and yet there was a select few who said “It’s just a beta! Don’t worry!” and even had some ammo to work with, when Brennadam was briefly un-war crime’d, only to be re-war crime’d in launch?

We have to stay red-hot and constantly on this. Customer and business communication has to remain consistent and deafeningly loud.


I feel bad for the Night Elves. I dont know if blizz hates them but they did actively write to nearly kill all of them off. :frowning:


Most of the playable races in WoW are nearly extinct though. Arthas and the Scourge nearly wiped out the humans and blood elves during the third war. Gnomes got decimated by betrayal within their own race, Kaldorei recently.

Yet, you know what they all have in common? They all still manage to pull huge armies out their rear end when it’s convient for the plot. Even when they shouldn’t be able to realistically. The Kaldorei will be fine.

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Is, and still considers the Night Elves his people. Also, I wouldn’t call him a hero but at the end he isn’t a villain either. He’s an antihero similar to the Punisher, IMO.


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May I ask OP. Why on earth are you still paying subscription to play this game? I mean judging by your recurring habbit of making posts claiming blizz devs have some personal vendetta against your favorite race I don’t see any good reason for you to keep playing much less giving them money.

Like, back on BfA your posts where pretty much all the same ‘‘Night elves suffered. Devs hate us. Things will never get better’’ so I have to ask. Why are you still here? Is it attention you seek? Is it boredom? Cause this makes no sense.

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