(Spoilers) The Night Elves' fate in Shadowlands

I think you meant a fool. Easy to confuse the two.


Well he isnt like sylvanas or guldan

He is exactly like themā€¦ He killed innocent people for powerā€¦ Just because two villains are fighting each other, doesnā€™t mean one of them is a good guy.


A fool is still a fool, regardless of how you justify it. Heā€™s killed more innocents than Gulā€™dan ever did, and heā€™s not that far behind Sylvanas in the murdering innocents for power department.


Wait for it :wink:

Soon Sylvanas will be Illidan 2.0

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Itā€™s to be expected that blizz will white wash all her crimes as her doing it for ā€œThe Greater goodā€ because us mere mortals totally couldnā€™t comprehend her awesome plans.

Thatā€™s sarcasm for the slow people out there.

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No Guldan wanted to rule, and sylvanas is selfish and wants to rule to, Illidan honestly thinks his way is the best way to save everyone so he can be the hero, the needs of the many outway the few, Illidan always wanted to stop the legion, Guldans serves them for his own gain, and sylvanas serves herself at the expanse of the whole world.

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You donā€™t seriously think that they wonā€™t make all of her actions justified for a greater good.

Itā€™s literally all the writers want.

No your the only here that thinks that, still havent linked any actions they whitewashed of hers, but you know what, I can totally list all the actions they blackwashed of hers, any forsaken player can tell you too. theres a bunch of sylvanas actions that where grey and blizzard came out and was like NAH THAT WAS EVIL.

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Illidan was always ā€œMy needs outweight everyone elsesā€. He was a arrogant prick who never told ANYONE his plans, and than got pissy when people turned on him.

At least with Gulā€™dan, you knew what the man was playing at, what his ultimate goal was.(Replied to the wrong person. I meant that for Katiera)


No Iā€™m not.

Teldrassil is being whitewashed, Tyrande is being portrayed as WRONG for wanting justice against Sylvanas, the Hordeā€™s crimes have been whitewashed, Teldrassil references removed and 8.1 confirmed as the entire revenge plot.

If you seriously think that they will kill off either Nathanos or Sylvanas then you must be very foolish. After Nathanos easily survived against the Night Warrior and Malfurion combined, it should be clear that he wonā€™t be going down, let alone Sylvanas.
They threw away the entire Night Elf revenge plot to keep Nathanos alive - think about how important it must have been to them.


Illidan ruled over Outland as a tyrant. He tried to seize control of the drinking water of Outland so he could hold the world hostage, which he only wanted for the mass sacrifices required to create portals.

Illidan is not a heroā€¦ He is not benevolent. He is driven by his own ego, resentment, and his own lust for power.


Nope its not

Shes not

it was sylvanas

It wasnt removed

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You need the read the illidan book, your lore is outdated


Itā€™s not outdated, your just wrong Katiera, like ignorantly wrong.

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Yes it is.

Yes she is. Described as ā€œconsumed by vengeanceā€ and alone in her stance with nobody agreeing with her.

Oh so Sylvanas single handedly wiped out the Night Elves in BfA without anyone in the Horde helping and supporting her?

Yes it is, more and more Teldrassil references are being removed from the game and again 8.1 was the conclusion for Teldrassil as they said. They see it as adressed for Night Elf fans.


I didā€¦ thatā€™s where I got the lore from lol.

That is literally my fav WoW bookā€¦ it doesnā€™t portray Illidan as a hero at all.

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This isnt happening lol, you can still do this in the alpha so your just making nelf player look dumb for nothing.

I wouldnā€™t bother anymore Akiyass. Argueing with Katiera is well, you know the saying, dragging you down to their level and beating you with experience.

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Sincerely, read it. itā€™s the only good warcraft book imo.