Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

hahaha night elfs go “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE STOP”

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NE’s got a big spotlight in Legion, carrying over to BfA and they’ll continue to SL’s is what I mean.

If I get SL’s, I may find myself very sick of them by then.

It doesn’t make your crimes any less bad if you get played to do them, so why is the whole Alliance minus Tyrande fine with the Horde?

Why does it matter what armor she wears?

I think its more of them just hating the Alliance thing.

They haven’t

They still blame humanity for their kingdom falling. It’s the reason why they left the Alliance in the first place.

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they will just reform endlessly just like if you try to kill sylvanas or anyone in the shadowland

Sick of Sylvanas yet? She has has just as much screen time, if not more - especially if you count cinematics.

Anything other than Nathanos being left as a puddle in the sand when fighting 2 of the most powerful people on Azeroth is bad story telling. Also, don’t give me the Val’kyr thing. They are level 80 and I solo the all the time. I wouldn’t even need Tyrande and Malfurion so they could just snap their fingers and wipe out the self insert.

Steve, don’t talk about yourself in the 3rd person, its as cringey as your self insert.


That’s not the reason.

Rommath correctly warned that the void was a threat to the sunwell, something that’s proven, and then instead of accepting a merciful exile, they sort of just allied with the opposite faction.

And Umbric admitted Rommath was right.

I am replying sarcastically (or trolling) to her point.

She is comparing a grudge that happened who knows how many years ago with a grudge that happened this same expansion after the Night Elves had already forgiven the Horde in the past and even gave them land.

Nobody would “let it go” if the same enemy raids your lands more than once. Certainly if Arthas came and raid Silvermoon again after they forgave him, the Blood Elves would be craving vengeance.

That said, Umbric mentions that using the knowledge of that guy I forgot the name was too much, so basically it also adds as to how the Blood Elves had not gotten over the grudge.

And by merciful exile you mean telling Alleria “No, go away, we’re loyal to the people that vanished us, so we’ll turn here into Ethereals and die alone!”?

I mean, the Blood Elves, who also accepts Warlocks (Knowledge of hte enemy) could’ve told Umbric and the others to investigate, but away from here, to move to anoher part of the Horde and even support them. But no, they kicked them away.

Don’t forget them books.

Am I wrong to think Draenei got it worse than Night Elves when it comes to The Horde, and just in general?

The novelization of the invasion of Shattarath is pretty gruesome, not Rated T content for sure.

Yeah but for some odd reason I’m not sick of Sylv. Idk why, maybe because she’s usually absent from the expacs for the most part.

What I’d like to see that I haven’t in the 9 years I’ve played this game is an expac featuring the tauren.

Now that would be both unexpected and very cool.


The cool things is that you will help save some night elves from oblivion!

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Guys you do understand that this is a game right? No sausage fingered pixels were harmed in the making of this expansion’s boring plot line.

I thought it would be Jaina who would of burned down the tree, then Blame it on the Horde. It would of made some since, since she went crazy in Dalaran. I think it would of made a more interesting story, and come from left field.