Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

LMAO, talk about pouring gas on a fire.

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I must have missed the patch where Arthas was redeemed and all the blood elves forgave him. Which patch was that again?


So you get a few things datamined and now literally speculated the whole story line… even the part about the night warrior is a memory that talks about the death of that night warrior… not Tyrande.

And yes we all feel like Sylvanas will be redeemed but what if she isn’t… people really are purposefully hung up on the Night Elf stuff.

At this point all I can do is laugh.
Blizz is so, so bad at writing a lot of their stuff its just ridiculous. It’s a shame they don’t give their IP more respect.


That would make for a good story, a garbage character dying an ugly and permanent death. The Jailer just rots her to dust and consumes her essence before we fight him is exactly the kind of unceremonious extermination Sylvanas deserves. But then I still want my off hand frill that is her head so maybe that will be a cosmetic drop.


It’s just humorous to me that you all are taking the OP’s very incorrect interpretation of broadcast text and interviews, where she goes completely nuts on making her own speculation and calling it fact.

FYI, ‘tugging at heartstrings’ does not mean TRAGEDY. Generally it’s something that makes you go ‘awwwwww’. Jaina’s mom accepting Jaina and hugging her was ‘tugging at heartstrings’. Anduin asking his father what he should do now, and Varian responding “What a king must do” is tugging at heartstrings.

You all need to chill out with the negativity. We have seen ZERO of the story, but we know that Tyrande will play a HUGE part in the Ardenweald story. I’m thinking it’s gonna be lit.


They hate you because when they give you loads of attention like they have for the past 3 expansions, you still blow it off and complain. I would too.

Legion - Broken Isles, literally just all Night Elf stuff
BFA - Teldrassil and the war of vengeance, and of course Darkshore and the Night Warrior
Shadowlands - Tyrande storyline with the Maw and Night Elf souls.

Nah. If Blizzard really hated the Horde they would have actually faced consequences for their actions. Instead they get away with everything because their leader runs off.


No story is better than a bad story.


And what’s the bad story exactly?

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Burning of Teldrassil, the joke of Darkshore and the pathetic failure of the ‘Night Warrior’. The night elves get destroyed in the story and the rallying call to arms against the horde is negated by a spineless human king and writers whom can’t conceive of something like night elven banners flying over the burning huts in Durotar as a response.


Blizz don’t have the balls to do that xD

I could say the same for you, too. I knew you were a forum troll. :rofl:

How is that a bad story exactly? It’s a big lore moment. There’s nothing “bad” about that burning. It didn’t go against anything pre-established or break anything.

You reclaimed Darkshore after the Warfront. Tyrande is going after Sylvanas and conducts a ritual to become vengeance incarnate.

What’s the failure? Nathanos’ escape? Lorewise he only escaped with like an inch of his life by fleeing from the battle.

You… do realize the entirety of Battle For Azeroth was a response to the Burning of Teldrassil, right? Anduin literally waged war against those who burned the tree.

He didn’t burn huts in Durotar because:

  1. That’s literally the stupidest thing ever. Thrall even told us with the united armies of the Horde and the Alliance, that Orgrimmar was too tough of a position to assault without heavy casualties.

  2. Why would Anduin kill the people who helped him overthrow the one he was after? This has always been about Sylvanas and her loyalists vs everyone else.


Night Elf Leveling Experience is basically “clean up bodies in your ruined land and desperately try to fight off Horde, stalemate being the only victory you can hope for.”

Doesn’t surprise me Shadowlands is more of the same.

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It didn’t make quite a lot of sense just how they could go all the way through dark shore without being spotted by the NE’s sentinels and guardians.

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LEt me count the ways:

  1. The elf queen brought the attention of the Burning Legion to the planet.
    2)THe elf queen was mad with power and didn’t cared if all live on the planet died.
  2. The main reason we had the following expacks: The Burning crusade, WotLK, Legion, and it can be debated on WoD.
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I feel your pain OP.

This is how I felt as an orc lore junky during WoD.

Also loving trolls and watching them do nothing at all during Vol’jin’s uneventful 2 xpac reign as warchief and then watching him die like a punk.

I wish it was different, but Warcraft writers routinely whack away at beloved characters and races in favor of whatever is their topic du jour.


it’s an unnecessary blow to a race that already dealt with massive invasion drama and attacks in Cataclysm’s story line.

A limp wristed ‘you won be happy’ is trash and you know it.

and we saw how weak the power up actually is.

Escaped having raised two fallen night elves to his side mid battle and
against two supposed god-level characters. You fail to see the problem with this disparity? He should’ve been squished like a grape.

Anduin literally failed miserably at his task and it shows. The Horde has lost nothing. ‘oh no another war chief QQ muh drama’

Defences that strong, not like mana bombs and other magics don’t exist. What are you trying to prove? The Horde dindu nuffin? Anduin’s attack on Undercity was a disaster. Then his next move was to attack a neutral port in Zandalar. all the while simpering on about the feelings of his enemies. Then after all of it he signs a treaty with the horde where they don’t even have to recognise their role in the burning of teldrassil. He’s crap as a character and the story arc is crap as a whole.

not sure what your point even is. You probably enjoyed the burning of teldrassil considering you play a horde character and a troll at that. Good for you, you got yours. We got ‘nathanos escapes with a legion of raised night elves some how loyal to the horde’ and a ‘night warrior’ that does nothing but get angry in dialogue. No thanks, rubbish through and through and no longer interested in anything they do since then


I actually laughed aloud when I read this comment.