Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

The writers are incompetent with old lore and characters they handle anyway. If I were as invested in the Worgen as you were, I’d want them to just stop touching Worgen and Greymane in general. Golden totally emasculated Genn in the latest novel.

The writing team and art team are separate as far as I can tell, btw. Art team has been carrying this game since MOP.


Maybe I’ll read it someday but I’ll let you know that I don’t read any book except comic books.

They don’t. You’re being overly dramatic. Again. The writers do not hate night elves. The night elves (just like orcs, and blood elves) are going through a tragedy and will be stronger for it. And as someone who has night elves and RP’s night elves, it’ll be a good opportunity for development and writing.


Save yourself the heartache. Genn’s 'nads didn’t make it through. Straight up spayed and neutered.

As someone that really loves night elves and their lore, their multi cultures, that is crying that i don’t have a sentinel glaive as a weapon and I must say.

Elesana is being too dramatic, geez.

Sylvanas getting a redemption arc was never hinted at, never teased, Garrosh that had more reasons for what he did didn’t get a redemption arc at all, so Elesana repeating over and over “we know Sylvanas will get a redemption” is annoying.

Also, We don’t know what will happen yet, Danuser teased that it would be emotional, he didn’t say it would be tragic, it could be some really terrible way to end Tyrande’s arc, or it could be something great.

Fighting off an amalgamation of Night Elven souls is not killing them, might be saving them, but don’t expect resurrection from them either, at best, reincarnation.

Being too positive or too negative at this point is just waste of time.


Christ, dude. It’s an expression.

They look like a player of the game.

It’s a story. You either enjoy it or you don’t. However, you as the audience of the story should have zero direction of how it plays out.

Also, imagine making up scenarios of how you think the story will play out, then getting upset about the crap you just made up. Lol.


Maybe we can off Tyrande while we’re at it, since she’ll be there and everything.

Any press is good press right? I’d rather have no development than poor development.

And tusked gangly primitive vermin have always been my least favourite race, which is why exterminating them in every expansion has been a fun activity.

There’s a chance that fighting that creature frees the night elf souls. There’s also data mining info that suggests the dead night warrior is another elf.

HEAR HEAR! That land is sacred to us and we will protect it at all costs!


Instead of dealing Sylvanas a defeat, or killing Nathanos… we have to fight tortured night elf souls eh? Yeah, this team is horrible at writing, stories.

Let’s see, if Sylvanas and the Jailer are getting power from these souls it would make sense that they have them under lock and key. It would be better for Tyrande and the player to fight the already ancient denizens of the tower to fight and save those souls, maybe at the end to release them, and see some of Sylvanas and the jailers power dissipate a little. Boom, we saved some NE souls, and Sylvanas gets a kick in the teeth.


Fine. The Night Elf culture will live on through my actions…

…and my player plays with night elves often in WC III.

There is a big difference between story telling and story showing … you know

Like, what kind of sick race just invades the homeland of the innocent Orcs?


What is bad writing? The OP’s summary of what they think is going on in something they haven’t seen and isn’t finished?

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Ion got touched inappropriately by a night elf and now he’s doing everything he can to exterminate them.

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They kicked a group of Elves because they read a book of a Blood Elf that helped Arthas.

That’s faaaar from getting over.

On topic: I gonna be honest, I won’t have faith for how Blizz will writte the Night Elves. I have been disappointed too many times and even I have felt they have some kind of love in using them as tragedy plot devices to further the Horde agenda.

However, I won’t say Tyrande is going to die or that these souls will be destroyed for good. They might be even released, who knows.

But like I said, when it comes to Night Elf content, I will keep my expectations incredibly low and expect seeing Tyrande do nothing important in relation to anything. I rather be surprised than being disappointed again.

The characters should properly change , grow … there is nothing about it …

Why do you expect to get get something back or regain the dead? For all we know we will all die in the end. I would say wait for the actual story to go through to understand what is happening. Because you seem to focus on only night elves and not the entire story.