Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

You mean for, like, one patch? Two, if you want to consider the token Shandris in Nazjatar. Danuser was like, “Yeah Tyrande got a cool ending cutscene for Darkshore, plot resolved.” Teldrassil burning was basically a cog in the machine propelling the (atrocious) Horde storyline.


I wasn’t there for pre=patch or the tree burning, but it must have been gut wrenching for a lot of players. Thank the stars I wasn’t attached to the Exodar….

Oh please Blood elves got over their genocide why can’t you guys?

eek does this mean night elves are going horde?

hehe could.not.resist.because.thats.how.dumb.giving.blood.elves.to.the.horde.is


Still mad you don’t got your high elves huh?


well i would like to have high elves, but i was actually promoting half elves. i’m more irritated at how dumb it makes me feel for holding out hope for 15 years, that we might get our requested high elves.

Yeah I bet that would feel irritating

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she was being facetious. the very next poster, a night elf in full rogue gear, said, yeah how dare they breathe our air. he was referring to the kaldorei. people being sarcastic i guess.

It’s easy to feel that way. I’ve been asking why the writers keep insisting the Horde is a faction of villians who are happy to torture the people they’re at war with.

It might sound callous, but this loss the Night Elves faced literally just happened. WOW has been filled with many more unanswered questions that lasted for a lot longer.

The humans started the game with their ruler missing, and he wasn’t brought into the game until Wrath of the Lich King. It took the entirety of vanilla WOW and two expansions after that for the Forsaken to finally get their vengeance on the Lich King (though the Blood Elves and other races certainly wanted that, too).

It’s going to be years before the characters in the world (and the players who enjoy the Night Elves) are going to feel like the blood has been repaid. Some never will never be convinced.

I know players will dismissively try and remind you that this game has ‘war’ in the name of it, and the writers will write the story in such a way that makes you want answers and then tell you ‘wait and see’. It doesn’t feel good, so this is the way I can best think to put it:

The losses are stark and sudden. Retribution is slow and difficult, and you have to claw back every little piece of it. Even when you finally feel like justice has finally been met, it doesn’t undo the damage, and you have to be careful that you haven’t compromised yourself in pursuit of it. Eye for an eye, after all, leaves you blind.

The Alliance has been handed an indisputable reason to hate the Horde. It’s called the moral high ground, and it’s extremely powerful thing to have on your side.

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it actually was. both factions were freaking out, primarily because people had been debating who actually burns the tree before it was finally revealed. people on the horde who didnt think blizzard would have sylvannas go full on villian, theorized it might be someone else trying to blame the horde. and when it was revealed it shocked everybody. then the trolling began.

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Do he/she looks like a potato to you or what ?

The Night elves deserve some love in Shadowlands … not another fiasco


Tyrande needs to have a damn revelation in Shadowlands.

I hope she meets Broxigar Saurfang, the Orc she met 10,000 years ago at the great sundering. When every other Night Elf expressed hatred toward the Orc, put him in a cage, Tyrande was the only one who brought him food and water.

She even got Broxigar released and brought him to the Temple of Elune to be blessed, which caused all of the other Night Elves to get super pissed.

If Tyrande meets Broxigar, she won’t return 100% to her youthful kind self. But damn, don’t I wish seeing him would make her just a bit kinder.


I sympathize, I really do. The NE are my favorite Alliance race and I hate seeing them get the dirty end of the stick.

However, BfA’s hamfisted, dumpster fire of a story crapped all over the entire playerbase. No one, of either faction, was spared some degree of outrage.

The only reason I still play is that as soon as we(Horde) began to bombard Teldrassil with our ‘magical intercontinental ballistic catapults’, I just tuned out. I quit paying attention to the story.

Don’t expect it to get better. Blizzard has painted themselves into a narrative corner, so the whole storyline needs a cold reboot.


Hey its good thing if they gt eradicated :+1:

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I blame the very poor writing team who now spends more time writing for the books than they do the quests in game. We should not need to read a book to know what is happening in game and yet we are. The game is feeling more like a AMMO than a RPGMMO due to the rather lackluster and compelling and interesting story lines.

This falls on Christine Golden shoulders I know some love her work and she a top
writer but she has spent her time at the company killing the characters and history of the game. She has had a personal crusade about the Horde and male leaders and has now replaced them all with her traitor leader Baine.

Now she is destroying the Night Elves bit by bit the only Alliance character she even cares about is Anduin. I feel so bad for the Art team and Music team being stuck to work with the most predictable and bland story team ever. If they keep editing and removing core lore you might as well call the game We don’t care warcraft.

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How many expansions has it been since Cataclysm? 5? We waited 5 expansions to get one Alliance flag planted in our homeland, couldn’t be lazier than that.

Speak for yourself, I play exclusively as a worgen and I have a toon for every classes available to worgens, and all of my characters has very similar names, so I’m a worgen period. Don’t try to tell me otherwise.

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Maybe Tyrande and Sylvanas will get married and run away with Elune.

Night Warrior… sheesh

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It’s unfortunate that Blizzard wanted to tell different stories. They can only do so much with time.

I wish they’d focus on more places on Azeroth. I didn’t like Draenor or Argus, but I loved seeing the Broken Isles, Zandalari, Kul Tiras, and more lands filling out Azeroth’s globe. I don’t understand how you can see the wealth of the world building and call it ‘lazy’ in the same breath.

Blizzard cuts corners in a lot of ways, but it’s not in art or world design.


Personally I prefer if we never won Gilneas back because what’s the point of saying “oh we kinda forgot about that place and all worgen players for 10 years but we’re now giving Gilneas back to you all, but it will remain as a ruin and will never serve any purpose lorewise or gameplay wise. Once again Alliance will have nothing except another hallow victory”.


They didn’t forget. It’s just not a priority. Like I said, they want to tell stories and there are way more races than just Worgen.

Seems to me like Blizzard is more inclined to create new races/lands than revisit old ones where they can. The Night Elves and Forsaken only got the attention they did in Battle for Azeroth as a vehicle to get us to Zandalar and Kul Tiras. That’s about the best we can hope for.

Personally I’m waiting for another Cata-level revamp. I want EK and Kalimdor to be updated to the present timeline.

Yeah in other words incompetent writers who wants to abandon all old lore and characters because it’s “holding their wonderful talent back”, hence why we’re running through big bad/major lore like they’re nothing.