(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Think it was just 2 valks and on the alliance side she had the help of the alliance champion too and still jobbed to nathanos.

Fair, her gibberish speaking with the power is unmatched I guess.

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Horde have been waiting years to get justice against Jaina and it still hasn’t happened yet. Now you know how we feel.


I really wasn’t let down. Mostly because I didn’t expect anything less from blizz.

So the alliance side story was Tyr, Bear man and Alliance champion could not beat Nathanos and 2 Valks ?


That is humiliating !!


If this is true then I think I might actually be done. It’s beyond disgusting what they did to night elves.

Yep, Tyrande was shown to be extremely weak and needed malfurion to save her from Nathanos. She even failed to kill Belmont right after saying she wasn’t going to spare anyone else. There was never a more pathetic showing for a racial leader than the night warrior.


You might want to reconsider your definition of “like no” because I see a lot of them.

Bliz sit around their officers mocking the once great and proud Night Elves. What a rip-off.

Teldrassil was one the wonders of Azeroth. It would take years to destroy the great tree.


I’d thought Tirisfal still belonged to the Forsaken.

There’s a short epilogue at the end of the War Campaign in BfA that has Lillian Voss invite the player character to join her at the Calston estate, just east of Death Knell, where she introduces Callia and Derek to the Night Elf dark rangers.

The group of them sans Voss are last seen walking in the direction of Death Knell.

I’d assumed from this that western Tirisfal, and presumably the east as far as the Bulwark, were still Forsaken territory.

The large north/south strip in the middle – the burn zone – is not updated in game so it’s hard to know if that’s been reclaimed. It’s left as if the battle happened hours ago.

The city and its immediate surroundings are of course lost to the blight.

Disclaimer: I don’t read the books, maybe it’s mentioned there that Tirisfal is lost.

Maybe this is off-topic. My apologies if so. I’m curious now though I admit.

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You realize that Night Elves have settlements across the entire world, right? Their entire population wasn’t localized to a single tree.

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Tyrande and Furion have an… interesting relationship. It seems to consist mainly of bailing each other out when their respective godlike powers are on the fritz.

She’s not saying she’s not mad. She’s saying that her madness has failed to actually help the night elves (which is true). She’s saying that rather than double down on the whole vengeance thing, they need to rebuild their own community (which is true). And she’s saying that becoming the Night Warrior ultimately was not that great of an idea - which is true!

If it had come as part of an actual character arc with development and reflection, I think this would be ideal. Tyrande has learned that you can’t eat anger; you can’t shelter your children with revanchism. Her responsibility as a leader is to put aside her (entirely understandable) rage and get down to brass tacks, which in this case means doing what the night elves need to do to survive.

Sadly all indications are that she won’t actually learn anything from this, because instead of actually losing anything or being confronted with the consequences of her choices, she just gets another moon magic ritual that makes everything better until they need her in the story again.

Hence why Tyrande should’ve exploded.

SL has ruined all the lore, still caring at this point is just torturing yourself. BfA was bad, but SL is mind blowing.


Get pranked bro

Fandral did nothing wrong and in the end was proven right.


I guess I read that post wrong, it sounded to me like Tyrande still has her powers but regained control of herself. She completely loses the power?

Yeah honestly Shadowlands pretty much ruined any significance of past character deaths in the game.


The writers are horde biased and hate alliance and specially night elves. Not surprised. Also on the last part…it is canon that the night elves took Darkshore back so we have that. The horde cannonically lost Darkshore and the other WF zone.

Actually incorrect. Tendrassil or " the world tree" is not gone, it has been destroyed before and slowly regenerated itself over time. The nightmare has attacked before in WoW history too and learned from previous battles. it’s a magical tree that’s unique for being one of the few of its kind.


I could care less about lore usually but this whole main story line arc with the night elves and sylvanas is indeed atrocious.

I guess the lesson is the world is an awful place and there’s no karma, no redemption for anything. How uplifting. F-

I agree with you, except for Tyrande
I think what happened at the BfA now feels snotty.
She had the power of the night warriors for a reason to bring vengeance and justice.
But she didn’t do anything with it and now in Shadowlands she should be rescued because she threatens to die under the power of the night warrior. Now she has been saved without making a sacrifice.
It is really ridiculous. There could have been interesting conflicts in the Alliance. But Blizz probably didn’t know what they wanted and rowed back.

Erevien on the Alliance’s side?

It’s kind of stupid to have the night warrior “”“power”"" not doing anything and then she has to make some sacrifice for something so pointless. If it was shown to have impacted the story or was shown to be powerful that is different, but the power as it is now was entirely useless and nothing was accomplished with it.