(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

I got a great analogy for this, but I don’t wanna get banned.

Boils down to you making a really dumb statement, where you’re excusing a genocide with “at least you got to save their souls”. They’re dead, their home gone.

But hey, at least they can be anima juice.

I feel like it was pretty obvious too.

Tyrande: “Rawwwwrrrrr! I’m so angry! Elune abandoned us! Her power failed us!”

Malfurion: “So what next?”

Tyrande: "I will empower myself with power from Elune! That will probably fix this situation that we got into because of Elune failing us!’

Malfurion: “Cool, I’m going to go to sleep again for a year or whatever it is I do when Blizzard gets bored of me. But call for me if you get into a fight with a mid-level flunky and start losing with Elune’s power. I’ll probably show up to root the guy for you, but if not, it means I’m probably trapped in another Nightmare and need you to get me out.”


No, that had already happened thanks to the Lich King.


welp, looks like you need to find some lucky male and start repopulating the species

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“You just committed ethnic cleansing against my people and burnt down a world tree killing a majority of my people? Well I was mad at first but eh who cares”

I hate Blizzard writers

Doesn’t help that most of the Alliance doesn’t seem to care either. The Draenei are literally right next door to Teldrassil and they didn’t even show up a single time in BFA. Blizz writers are just… bad…


lore in a nutshell:


Dont bother arguing with Ethriel. The devs could give her everything she’s ever wanted and she’d start a post about why its terrible actually.


Of course they did. Ugh the lore from BfA to SL soooo sucks.
So what Tyrande did was killing a Valkyr and Nathanos, that’s all? Great.
:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Screw you Blizzard


I’m going to Disney World!


Have you know faith in goblin technology? Sure they may have had a giant oil pit in the middle of Ogrimmar but it got cleaned up pretty good.

varian got perma deleted and i was hoping she would too D:

life is unfair monkaS

You obviously havenʻt been to the back area of Stormwind. Theres a few camped out back there.

The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on.


No one likes NE. What’s the surprise . Void elves are the popular race with the alliance now .

She’s scared because she’s no longer night warrior :rofl:

And another post that misses the mark from an angry Night Elf.

Maybe you should have read the entire article, because if you had you’d have seen this:

According to some datamined broadcast text (source yet to be found as of the time of this post), it is discovered that Tyrande did not get cleansed from the Night Warrior’s power, but instead managed to control it with Elune’s intervention. Tyrande is still in possession of the power of the Night Warrior, but in a way in which she is no longer threatened by it. Will we see another demonstration of the Night Warrior in the future?

Here’s the broadcast text in question:

When I first became the Night Warrior, it was with full knowledge that I might very well sacrifice my life to attain justice for the kaldorei. Such is often the fate of those who channel Elune’s unmitigated fury. The power of the goddess still flows through me, but no longer does it threaten to tear me asunder. I cannot say how I will wield it in the future… only that I must do so for the good of my people.

Her eyes also glow blue now, like, bright blue, not even close to the same colour she had before her Night Warrior transformation.

But hey, gotta get that rage post in by claiming that Tyrande lost her Night Warrior powers…


I don’t know if people really expected anything different here. Tyrande and the night warrior was never relevant to the story, and she made no impact on it either. Even her showing up in 9.1 to fail to stop sylvanas, just like she failed to stop nathanos in 8.1, severed no purpose.

What were the night warrior powers even doing for her? We never had a demonstration of those powers other than her killing an injured nathanos with no valk powers in the pre patch, hardly meaningful. The writers dislike the night elves heavily which is a main reason they are only used as punching bags so they can write other stories. That is why they were mostly forgotten in BfA and have little relevance in SL.

Not sure why it is a surprise she lost to Sly who is wielding power from the Jailer.

Remember Tyr AND her husband ( the so called most powerful Druid ) could not defeat Nathanos, 3 valkyries and the Horde champion.

This has always been the problem with wow, the books they put out don’t show up in game because they don’t update the game like that. They are always to focused on fixing their expansion features imagine if they set up the game to add some new quests and zones raids and tiers every expac and left out the extra work, of covenants, artifacts, Azrite, and torghast ect. They could move to focusing on the story zones classes and characters. They could show these stories effects in small details in the game by adding a short update that adds a new weapons or new look during weekly maintenance, but instead they pump out books that they later retcon with the books not really showing anything in game.


She can speak gibberish during her Night Warrior form which is kinda cool?

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