(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Tyrande was a player character.
She got her borrowed power system and Blizz deleted it the next expansion.


FYI the short said the NE refugees stretched from the Stormwind docks to Goldshire. Add that to their strong holds on the Broken Shore, Moonglade, Wintergrasp, Mount Hyjil, Feralis, ect and I think they are doing just fine.

Also you are confusing in game representation with lore. The only question is how much of Ashenvale the Alliance reclaimed while on the other had the Horde lost just about everything they had in Eastern Kingdom. Lore wise the Alliance is cleansing Gilneas and established it as a staging point to take over Sliver Pine Forest and drove the horde entirely from Tirisfal and Arathi.


Honestly, given how this story is unfolding I hope the Alliance keeps and fortifies Lordaeron. Maybe build a monument to those that died when the city fell to Arthas and allow the living descendants to re-establish in the area.


Just like how the aftermaths of genocides really work. Typically, the remaining population focuses on rebuilding.

Bad to worse. How can those who work on this game even look in the mirror anymore. I don’t even care overly much about the lore, but the way it has been handled in these last two expacs makes it impossible to ignore how bad it is.


Nobody has Lordaeron. The alliance drove the horde out, but the entire area is a toxic wasteland. The Alliance burned everything to the ground and then Syvanas blighted it. I am guessing it is going to be treated like the WoW version of Chernobyl and only S.E.L.F.I.E. celebs will go there to show off to their followers.


posting in yet another ethriel thread.

can you at least get the things you’re trying to discuss correct off the bat? go reread your link lmao

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If only there was a frost mage who has already shown she could destroy the blight :slight_smile:


This thread sorta confuses me, mostly the premise in the OP. I don’t see anywhere in the linked article that suggests Tyrande forgives Sylvanas in any way. Further, it explicitly states at the end of the article that it is strongly suggested Tyrande still maintains some yet-to-be-shown form of the Night Warrior’s power, just not with the detrimental effects.

(I’m not white-knighting, I know some things are getting bad. Show the work.)

Pretty impressive of the night elves to take back Darkshore from the Horde when their race is completely dead. Most people need armies to win wars, but apparently the Night Elves don’t even need to show up to win.


Give a character the power of a goddess then does nothing with it.

This just shows that if it ain’t orc or human, Blizzard ain’t got time for that.


ethriel has a persecution complex larger than the husk of teldrassil. don’t worry about it


Freezing the blight did not destroy it, it just stopped it from being airborne. Remember the blight was developed to work in frozen conditions. Also the amount of blight released by plague spreaders vs. the entire supply that was still in undercity? Did you not see those massive storage tanks?


Well she did as much with the power of Elune as Elune does so…


That because the Kal’dorei are just evolved Dark Trolls that worship a apostate Moon Loa. All the other loas advised their followers to stay away from this cult of Moon Loa worshipers.

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The blight isn’t a permanent effect, we have already seen it can be destoryed and it fades away with time. I mean just look at Gilneas, she blight bombed the hell out of that place but now only a few stops have any sign of it.

Maybe not, but at least put spoilers in title or something so that they can read it or not.

I don’t mind either way but I can see how some would be upset.

LOL ok that’s a good point.


I still don’t know what Elune even is lol
I just hope her design doesn’t resemble the winter queens’ too closely

No it is not permanent , just like radiation is not. You are again comparing a drop to an ocean. Maybe after the time skip xpac we will come back to it 1000 year in the future as a FPS called D.R.E.A.D.S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Undercity.