(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil were their 3 zones. These zones were all wiped out, there are basically none left.


Blood Elves survived being slaughtered by the Scourge, turning in wretched, a civil war with Kael’thas, and getting purged by Jaina and the Silver Covenant. They seem to be fine.

I am sure Night Elves will too in the long run.


Darkshore got blown up by Cata.
Teldrassil is a smoking pile of rubble.
Everyone is dead in Ashenvale.


First of all, Ashenvale hasn’t “belonged to the NEs” since WC3. It’s been a contested zone since WoW launched back in 2004. Let’s not rewrite history.

Yes the other 2 are more barren of NEs. NEs also have what 10000+ years of historical lore kingdom in this game? That much is enough.


Where’s this stated?

No she doesn’t. What you linked even tells you that.

How do you know there are any left? We rescued a boatload of them.

It’s called rebuilding for those still alive.

Sylvanas is defeated, souls rescued, she didn’t lose her power.

Because they aren’t obliterated from the universe. Literally the short story tells you they filled the entire city of Stormwind and poured out of the gates all the way down to Goldshire there were so many coming through the portals. They’re not wiped out.

Where was this stated?

Yes, your made up drama absolutely is.


Tyrande losing her Night Warrior powers would’ve actually been interesting, but got to keep the Mary Sue trope kicking.




Not according to the actually game. Do me a favor and visit it some time, doesn’t look like we “won” anything there. If the battle is over, then move the damn WF to it’s own phase and remove all the Horde forces and show the area being repopulated by the NEs/Worgen once more.


Tyrande was okay as some side priestess we saw in Darnassus every once in a while. Once they changed her character model to Trailer Trash Tyrande:

She lost all integrity to me. And to this day, I believe Fandral: She has no idea how to lead their people.


here it is. finally. i always know when there’s new night elf info on the PTR, we can expect one of these threads from ethriel


How the hell she manages to get stuff so incredibly wrong just astounds me. And the drama… geebus…


you know i just found out the other day that these threads are also made by them on the warcraftlore subreddit. and they’re just as dramatic lol


That’s no where near true. While yes Teldrassil had a decent population it was nowhere near the entirety of the race, and even then a rather sizable portion was rescued before the tree fell. Night Elves have a massive stronghold in Feralas, of course there are also the Night Elves in Hyjal, and Val’sharah. Yes they took a hit, but lore wise I think the High/Blood Elves took a bigger one and they are still around.


That is true. The game is not updated to match the lore that is put out in the books.

Well seeing the WF was added in BFA, there is no reason for it to still be running as the main theme for that area any more. Just put it in it’s own phase like the pre-burning time and develop the new main time line to reflect the “story” in the game.


they weren’t, they’re safe in Ardentweald. Folks here are just angry because they wanted Tyrande to go Doomslayer on Sylvanas and truedeath her to oblivion


Tyrande is another victim in the long line of give character power and do literally nothing, and then they either lose their power or die.

Can we say forced Sylvanas redemption in which the whole world forgives her?


I was so glad to see some of the older zones like Arathi and Darkshore with a fresh coat of paint. Especially Arathi. Perhaps the factions will continue minor skirmishes for resources, that’s how it’s always been with areas that are categorized as “contested” in game. So nothing’s really changed there except a graphical improvement.

I just want the same thing for Silvermoon, albeit without being tied to a singular expansion feature.

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Except the NEs “reclaimed” their lands and a minor skirmish would be considered an act of war.

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Well yes. It is warcraft after all