(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Love / Lust.

Havent you ever seen what a SIMP will do for the girl they love when that girl despises them?

This is the hill many men willingly die on, with no hope of repayment.

World of Warcraft, a Realm Reborn?

One company dropped their ego enough to go from trash like WoW today to become the #1 MMORPG.

Now its just time to see what Blizzard decides is more important, their own ego or making the best game.

Their egos dictated that they are already making the best game. It’s just a challenge to make them see otherwise.


It turns out an undead banshee can do some pretty bad things when they’re completely devoid of half their soul that literally is their ability to feel and express compassion, love and hope. Maybe they’ll have Tyrande see the truth about Sylvanas too. Its the truth everyone hating Sylvanas continues to ignore because you want someone to pay for Teldrassil. If you want someone to pay for Teldrassil, then go fight the jailer. Ultimately he is the one responsible for all of this. He literally kept the part of Sylvanas’ soul that would have kept her from doing the things she did in undeath.

Are you thick? Using extremes as a logical explanation for anything doesn’t work in a realistic world - one where you want to be immersed through grounded logic and relatable people/decisions.

It’s like blaming everything on capitalism or on race. Sure, they are causal roots that engender certain outcomes, but is that going to solve the issue at hand? No.

We need proportionate solutions for Azerothian problems. Blaming deus ex machina cosmic entities for everything that happens in WoW, from the old gods, to the legion, to the Jailer takes away all agency and meaning from the world of Azeroth - in which case, why do we care for the story at all?

Firstly, Teldrassil as a zone is not removed from the game, it is simply blocked off by an invisible wall and covered by a wall image that blocks the view of the real Teldrassil and the sky behind it.

What you see from the beach on Darkshore is an image posted in front of Teldrassil. If you look at the moon’s reflection on the water, its location is not in relation to the moon on the image, but the real moon behind this wall image.

Night elves are given the option of starting at Exile’s Reach or Shadowglen, Teldrassil.

Teldrassil has not been removed from the game. With that established, let’s look further…

On Aug 19, 2020 the official WoW Twitter account tweeted twice with the caption “Home is where the heart is”. One with 4 Horde cities featured and one with 4 Alliance cities featured. Of course twitter lit up along with reddit buzzing over the fact that Teldrassil was burned so the elves had no home.

19 minutes later the official WoW twitter responded with the following tweet: Trees can regrow!

Secondly, there is only speculation as to the actual population of Teldrassil. Of course the internet went abuzz trying to resolve the actual % of the elf population that died. The most commonly agreed upon % of population that died appears to be about 70%, with 30% of Teldrassil’s pop surviving. This figure doesn’t concern itself with elves that were not at Teldrassil, only the population of the tree itself.

This is a far cry from the 90% fatality rate of Arthas assault on Silvermoon/Quelthelas.

Again, these numbers are pure speculation but are good guesses based on what info we have.

So… the burning of Teldrassil was a major tragedy for the Kaldorei, but no where near the armageddon like end of the world, sky is falling situation the OP has incessantly ranted about for what, 9+ months now?

As many posters have pointed out, Kaldorei are present in great number all over Azeroth from Hyjal to Valsharah to all points of the compass rose between. Nordrassil still exists, Shaldrassil still exists, and through real world Dendrology (branch of science dealing with trees and fauna) as well as word from Blizzard itself, we know Teldrassil could not have been completely killed by the fire.

That we even have to go to such depths to refute the OP is symptomatic of his/her borderline unhealthy obsession/fascination with this topic.

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Those filthy vagabonds litter the streets in stormwind. Its turned the capitol into a 3rd world country.

It’s inaccessible and entirely burned down. It is gone.

And it is very gone from the story, along with all the night elves that used to live there that are now dead and obliterated in the maw.

Yea, and a twitter account manager poking fun at people doesn’t imply anything. The Night Elves haven’t gotten any positive development in the past 4 years, only misery. Why would they get Teldrassil back or a new home? That’s absurd

Night Elves in Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil were wiped out, not just Teldrassil, and we didn’t even save a tenth of those that were there.

We also have canon statements saying that there are “far too few” night elves left.

It was also just one of many tragedies. The others were their near extinction, and Darkshore and Ashenvale being wiped out and Ashenvale falling to the Horde. Then their souls being obliterated, their justice being denied and so on.

And the Night Elves mainly lived in those 3 zones that were wiped out, there were hardly any present elsewhere in Azeroth, or as Blizzard called it, “far too few”.


Funny, I can make a new night elf toon and have it start in Shadowglen, Teldrassil. I can quest my way to Darnassus, hop down to Rut’theran Village,and be on my happy way to wherever I choose, or chill in Darnassus if I like. I can also talk to Zidormi on any toon and visit Darnassus and all of Teldrassil’s beauty.

Except that they aren’t, and this has been refuted by the very source you submitted.

What’s absurd is your twisting of the facts to fit your narrative here. Blizzard is all but saying the Kaldorei are receiving a new home, be it somewhere else or by Teldrassil literally regrowing.

Please cite lore source that proves all night elves in Ashenvale and Darkshore were killed. I missed that one. The quote too few is a subjective statement. Of course the victim of a tragic occurrence would take this perspective.

To date: the Gnomes have lost an unknown % of their population to the incident in Gnomeregan as well as having another portion of their pop turned into cyborgs, the Draenei lost their entire planet, the House of Menethil is down to either 1 or 2 individuals depending on whether or not you accept the Scarlet Crusade’s claim that they have Callia’s daughter, does anyone remember Stratholme, the furbolg lost 2 of their 3 largest tribes to the fel during Archimondes advance on Hyjal…

I could go on and on as far as other races that have lost as much if not more than what the Kaldorei lost with the burning of Teldrassil. Your tunnel vision and skewing of facts to fit your narrative is astounding.


Cool maybe Anduin can destroy org and kill most of the orcs on Azeroth to kinda make it fair. As a response, we will have the Horde attack Gnomeregan and just before they take it, we can have Gelbin irrediate it again making sure no Horde can occupy it.

Then we can have all the Horde come onboard and say how it really wasnt Anduins fault and Horde leaders bow at his feet saying he is the bestest evar!


If you’re going to come to a lore fight, please be armed with lore.

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Yea, and then you’re in the past. When Night Elves were still a thing.

Nope, only a handful survived and their destiny is to perish in the streets of stormwind. The rest is dead, with most obliterated.

Uh no, the statement “Trees can regrow” made by a twitter account that isn’t involved with anything definitely isn’t a confirmation that we’re getting a new home. And it’s impossible in the first place that we’re getting one because they’d never waste ressources into giving something positive to Night Elves.

Did you miss when the Horde rampaged through those zones and killed every single innocent and soldier they could find?

And you’d be wrong.

I’m not going to waste any more time responding to you, you just posted nothing but fluff. I’m going to leave you with this:

Everything I say is backed by verifiable source. You?

Stop, just stop.


No it’s not, you’re just misinterpreting things and using arguments that dont make sense, such as: Yeah but Teldrassil is still there in the past… like what?


As someone who mains a human male warrior I believe the Allaince should help get justice for Etheriel’s people. I also have a Nelf DK, and a Nelf DH, and I know my DH would want blood.

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It didnt make any sense that Sylvanas did it in the first place. The story has been dumb since it started.


I will not rest until horde players have to log in to an internment camp that we alliance players run


Yea, but the only thing important to the writers is that the Night Elves are gone entirely now that they wiped them out and took all of their zones away, before destroying their souls.

The Alliance isn’t allowed victories against the Horde, and the Night Elves are not allowed to have any positive moments at all. You’ll be waiting for a while.


So you’re not actually being a troll, you actually believe all these things you are saying?

You need to seek help. You are seriously too invested emotionally in this game. I am dead serious.


Blizzard has successfully made dying inconsequential, now storytelling has no limits because nothing matters! Whoo!