(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

No you’re not. You’re weaponizing mental health to win an internet argument.


This whole expansion feels like we just wasted our time. (imho)


Not all bad. If like any good Night elf should have done and gone Fae we help the moose couple out. and got some of our peeps souls out of the tower.

Take the small victories…its all we are getting sadly.

The one hope I have left is NE paladins in 9.2/9.2. rest crashed upon the rocks of despair.

At this point…we are more than due for it. Give us that one consolation prize, have some kind of heart blizzard.

I’d also take the return of Illidan. He always brings the party and, well, unlike Elune hasn’t failed my demon hunter. No clue where the hell Malfurion is so, yeah, my NE druid is just winging it at this point.

No I’m not. I’ve dealt with this person for weeks, and a cursory glance at the amount of times this person has posted this same topic under different topic names, completely ignored factual evidence to dissuade her, and categorically defended her subjective stance in spite of overwhelming empirical evidence against her claims… even going so far as to tweet to the lead team… denotes a level of unhealthy obsessive behaviour.

So… before you just jump on a soap box after reading a few posts on a thread of 483 posts, which is one of over a dozen spam topics on the same subject by this person maybe you should get yourself a little background on the situation before asserting such accusations?


I for one have lost all interest in the story after today, even the jailor feels like a fake villian and the devs are just propping him up, him and his secret unstoppable possessed boy king LMAO. Where do they get this stuff. LOL

Trust me. You’re better off just walking away from this thread if you value your sanity. The OP is not going to be convinced of anything, ever.


I’m aware of the background. Ethriel is active on the Story Forums, where I am active as well. She’s made comments that I’ve had to refute multiple times, and I as a more veteran Night Elf fan who feels that we’ve been wronged for far longer than she tends to bring up, recognize a familiar pattern of disbelief and despair at developments that were intended to make our community feel terrible.

I still stand by what I said - because I have seen this argument paraded around against multiple people for years when what they really want is for people raising issues to shut up and go away.


Should have seen it coming though when a bunch of mini-hulks secretly climb the mountains and sneak into the Kaldorei Forests undetected and burn down their capital city was garbage then and its garbage now. (imho)


So this is actually IN game after you beat Sylvannas? I thought people were just hypothizing.

Don’t forget the intercontinental catapults, as someone else put it…

If that is true, then yes, this is AWFUL writing and character development. You don’t just forget about genocide and the descruction of your home like this. Not when its the person who literally did it. This isn’t like holding someone accountable for the sins of their fathers and ancestors, this is the person who did it all. Even if said person is like Angel/Angelous in Buffy, there still has to be SOMETHING done about it.


I heard the Mini Hulks hand them strapped on their back when they climbed over the mountains.

So then you are judging me against the backdrop of what others have done. While I do appreciate your putting a value on mental health issues, I have to disagree with your accusation that I am weaponizing it as I am sincerely concerned that this person has a rather unhealthy obsession and does indeed need to seek help.


Some people are taking these fictional races as serious as say racism in the real world…dude take a break.


Maybe I’m being too quick, but I have seen this exact argument used in a bad faith manner to imply that people can’t be dissatisfied or invested in fiction a few too many times. Fiction would not exist if not for its ability to emotionally influence people.

If I have you wrong, that’s fair enough, and I apologize for that.


Get used to it.

Gnomes have been homeless since, well since the beginning. Alliance can’t even find the time to hook them up. So…we NE’s are really screwed as next in the list and no signs the gnomes get a home seen. That pumpkin patch will belong to us till wow version 16 at least.

But I am told we won the war! Not sure what we won though.


No worries, I completely agree with the reason for your concern. I simply wish to assure you that I firmly believe this person has an unhealthy, imbalanced, emotional issue. And I could be wrong.

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They are obsessed, but they also seem extremely frustrated with the story direction. Too bad there’s no alternative to the story. I wish I could recommend some fanfiction, but I can’t think of any that rewrites the WoW plot in a way that isn’t full of nonsense and night elf hate. Is there any?

I mean, you could just ask us what we’d like to see - instead of just assuming that literally nothing would fix things. But when you have your investment in an MMO bulldozed by a story direction - yeah, you’re going to be pretty upset. This medium is one uniquely set up to cultivate a very personal investment.


oh no, the gnomes have reclaimed Gnomeregan, and even got a second city in Mechagon . . . it’s just not shown in game because sod it . . . what? bitter?!? ME!?!? noooooooooo, never!

edit: I don’t want a forum vacation . . . even if I intentionally misspelled the word