(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Aaaand Sylvanas just got absolved of her crimes


Tyrande must never forgive Sylvanas and the Kaldorei should unilaterally resume war, break from of the Alliance and have all of our neutral lands/associations re-integrated.


just a quick change of heart after setting a tree city on fire and enslaving an entire raceā€™s souls for all of eternity :cowboy_hat_face:

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Holy **** I didnā€™t realize that Tyrande loses her Night Warrior powers entirely and abandons her vengeance against Sylvanas.

What the actual hell are these writers on


Too late, she already forgave Sylvanas in a later chapter of the campaign

I donā€™t even play a Night Elf but I seriously feel for Night Elf fans. Iā€™m not one for the whole ā€œslap in the faceā€ clichĆ© line but this is just flat out spitting in the faces of Night Elf fans.

Iā€™m honestly really sorry.


Ah, still twisting the story to fit your narrative I see.


But she doesnā€™t, she loses Eluneā€™s rage, not the power. The other Night Warriors still have Eluneā€™s power even after being dead.

The rage was hers alone as she said in the cinematic where she lost against Sylvanas.

No they donā€™t

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Again twisting the story to fit your narrative.

Youā€™re just screwing with me right?

Is that from a post-SoD questline? I pray not, for then it truly is too lateā€¦

Words cannot describe the feeling of disgust and disbelief.

This game is actually beyond saving wtf


Please donā€™t read into anything Ethriel says. They think Tyrande looking to rebuild means sheā€™s forgiven Sylvanus.


Thereā€™s no twisting. The rage was hers, the powers were Eluneā€™s. Watch the cinematic.

Idk why youā€™re making up nonsense, Tyrande is currently the only one with the night warrior powers.

Yes, it happens after the raid. Itā€™s not out yet since you need more renown to unlock it.

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So why does the Stonewright still use Eluneā€™s power in Revendreth?

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Pretty much the same mindset (that I hate) when people say that Lorā€™themar is an alliance lover despite the story constantly telling everyone that he does not like the Alliance at all.


Sylvanas was only acting as a jaded banshee. (Basically not in her right mind)

Itā€™s classic Star Trek shenanigans.

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Thiernax didnā€™t have access to it, neither did Kadarin.

You didnā€™t answer the question.

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Rebuild should include holding the Horde to account for what they did in the War of Thorns. Why are their war crimes the sole responsibility of Sylvanas?

Did Hitler manage to carry out the final solution all by himself?

Why are we meekly lying down in the face of genocide?

Iā€™m not even pissed about this as a nelf fan since wc3. The story is just so, so bad.

What kind of incompetent leader is Anduin, to sign an armistice bereft of any reparations? Thatā€™s like the Allies in WW1 never having enforced the Treaty of Versailles on Germany. There should be civil war in the Alliance nations against Anduinā€™s crusade for naive peace time and time again at the cost of his own peoples.


What are you talking about? Tyrande and Malfurion beating on Nathanos only for him to yell, ā€œENOUGH!ā€ and escaping the battlefield was a perfectly adequate resolution.

/s. A full restart of the game with a new writing team will be the only thing able to save it. Not even Classic will suffice.