(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Has anyone considered that maybe it’s the Worgen’s fault? They’ve been burning their homes down for more sympathy?

Nah we kept peeing on the fires but Sylvanas and her followers (thankfully not our Tauren friends) kept starting new ones :slight_smile:

That’s a neutral zone though. And it doesn’t seem like the Night Elves are getting any of their lands back.

They only won the warfronts, but the Horde obviously won since they eradicated the Night Elves, got control over Kalimdor and were forgiven immediately, so they achieved peace without really losing anything.

Eh, the only thing the Night Elves have left is Darkshore, so the Horde will take that too in 1 or 2 expansion and then that’s it.
They eventually want the Night Elves and everything they had completely erased from the game, and we’re very close to that right now already.

They are all dead.

There’s not much to screw anymore. Hyjal isn’t theirs in the first place, the only thing left of the entire night elf race is a few of their souls in Ardenweald (most obliterated in the maw) and a destroyed Darkshore.
They even glorified the genocide of the Night Elves.


Tell that to the nelves who shoot at me from the new Feathermoon, from Darkshore, from Ashenvale, from Stonetalon, from Desolace, and even from the ones who are nice enough not to shoot at me while I’m exploring in Moonglade or Hyjal. Nelves took over a lot of territory, and not all of it went to the bottom of the sea when they unleashed the Legion on us. The weirdest part for me is the ruin-looking buildings in Teldrassil, they sure built those in a hurry. Second weirdest is people who assume that elves promptly abandoned the homes they’d lived in for centuries or millenia to pack up and move into a brand new tree that wasn’t even blessed by Nozdormu and had already had an infection once.

Would you pack up from your house and go live in a fancy apartment complex that had had a bedbug infestation in the past?

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Did you not pay attention to BFA or something?

Not only did plenty of nelves survive, but enough survived that they could form an army to do the feigned assault on Nazmir, which was basically a suicide mission, and enough to push back and reclaim darkshore.

Teldrassil was a tragedy but don’t overdramatize it. Just makes you look foolish.

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At the moment they are, they don’t need to stay that way though.

Well warfronts did include Darkshore but i get your point, it’s a drop in the bucket from what happened to one faction vs. the other faction and the reward/punishment is WAY out of whack for the reality of what happened.

On a brighter note it makes me not feel bad when i kill Horde on site now in PvP.


Danuser and the devs enjoy throwing nightelves under the bus is what I gather from all that has happened. Then of course with what occurs on the ptr in the upcoming patch just reaffirms that. There just spreading more hate towards the nightelves. Hoping activ steps in and finds a replacement for Danuser.


Danuser has his issues but he wasn’t the narrative lead for BfA.

Seriously, we burn the tree down and yet they continue to fester everywhere I go. We need to finish the job once and for all.

It says spoilers in the title? you clicked on it :open_mouth:


Those are outdated, since the Night Elves in those zones were wiped out.

That’s what blizzard put on their story :woman_shrugging:

I did, and we’re told that there are far too few Night Elves left and they also don’t have lands left now.

Of course, the Horde would never lose a zone to the Alliance.

Yea, it’s sad that they’re just actively trying to drive a part of the playerbase away from the game just because they don’t like it.
That also loses Blizzard money, but I guess they don’t care.

But he still had his say in all the Sylvanas stuff and Nathanos almost striking down the Night Warrior until Malfurion saves her.

It is finished.


Nah. They’re not.

Blizz is saying otherwise.

And retcon SL and WoD too while you’re at it.



Therefore magnets are … wait what?

  1. Elves have ruled the world for too long… far too long, and have had a hand in basically everything, from tearing the world apart to geoshaping the planet. They are NOT “under represented” or out of lands, any place with trees is okay.
  2. Sylvanas is also an elf, technically.
  3. Ah… that link is dogshlt .
  4. There is no cinematic yet, but I played the battle for ardenweald and it doesn’t seem like Tyrande Lost, not AT ALL. She mst likely won, remember after the battle, you still have to calm her down, attack and then, drain the powers in a ritual. She wasn’t defeated, and Moonberry said she was far more powerful than Sylvanas. I’m 100% sure she actually won and that’s why Sylvanas doesn’t kill you when she ties before the WIP cinematic plays out.
  5. She loses her powers bc those are killing her. Didn’t you play the campaign? Do you know what those 2 spirits do? or the quest to gather previous Night Warriors? They DIED from the power, so it’s a risk they have to take and remove her powers before it consumes her.
  6. Again, didn’t you play the campaign? you go to torghast to see the souls but can’t be all retrieved, not forgotten but Torghast isn’t supposed to be a mall where you can buy bottles of water and return them freely.
  7. Can you fkin read? " while many of our people desire retribution, what we need most is renewal" Idk if you’re a baby or just very immature, but after your people are slaughtered, you don’t really have the purpose of moving the remaining few to continue a war, you retreat and replenish your numbers, heal your wounds, restore your home, you RENEW your place. Her words are wise, the bloodlusted psycho the power made her to be is no more, sorry you wanted Tyrande to be stupid and go to war now conscious and knowing what happens when you die and what is left of their people in Azeroth.
  8. They couldn’t do much for the “godlike powers” given, they tried but failed bc she would be OP and basically oneshot anyone. They had to remove the mary sue chance. They promised you a change, a resolution that would come in Shadowlands, its 9.1 not the end of the expansion.

So like… please use a bit more of your :brain: it is lazy, yes, but your idea of “correct resolution” and supposedly flaws are just plain dumb and childish

If WoD taught me anything about genocide (cough Iron Horde cough), is all you have to do is yell “For Azeroth” - Hellscream and that is the only redemption you need. All is forgiven after.

Maybe Sylvanas yells “For Azeroth” when we get her to 10% health and so we have to forgive her. She is officially redeemed according to prior in game lore.

*On a side note does anyone else feel like this expansion is like watching a train wreck… you want to look away because it’s disgusting but you can’t. You have to watch in shocked horror as lore and characters are played with like a twilight fanfic?


Steve dansuer as a writer has failed. Edit: infact i am surprised hes still a writer at blizzard considering how hes a prime example of ignoring what people want a good story and thinks game of thrones season 8 was actually good.


commenting on original post. That all sounds so Ugh. I dont like or want any of it. I wanted some vengance. Maybe Im just blood thirsty. But really, they did so many wrong in BFA (both sides).

The more I think on it, and the more I see, the more it feels like sylvanas is going to be taking the puppet route, and the jailer is going to be the actual big bad, but only to a point. Did he love the arbiter, and wanted her to help fulfill his idea of what the shadowlands should be, only to wind up killing her as a means to an end?

Or did he purposely kill the arbiter to further his plans and sylvanas fell into his lap to help him reach his goals?

I think there were so many opportunities to help get the player in on the actual storyline, so we could care about this. But as of yet, the only thing the player got to experience, the aftermath falls flat.

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Good! One less tree for the night elf hippies to hug :laughing: