(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Judging by the way Nightmove put the blame on the writers, I think what he meant was “horde player characters” being war criminals and not that the people actually sitting at their computers being at fault. And using players and characters interchangeably made the delivery awkward.

And rather frustratingly, I find it hard to argue against that. I thought what made the horde seem neat in early WoW was the idea that your character wasn’t a monster just because you looked like one. But to me, I think that premise only worked well because not all of the WC3 horde was directly responsible for what happened in WC1 and 2. By reliving those moments with a more aggressive horde in Cata/MoP and now BFA, WoW messed that up and it can’t ever really go back to a post-WC3 state.


Our Horde characters weren’t guilty of warcrimes.

Stop expecting something that meaningful for an Alliance race that’s not humans. Always remember and expect this and you will not be disappointed.

Tyrande did a lot.

She recovered Darkshore (With Malfurion).
She killed that awesome and super powerful Val’kyr that not even Blizzard remember her name.
She killed Nathanos (Despite the guy mocking her and telling her she was just hearthstoning him to his wife, though it seems he was done dirty in the end)
She helped releasing the Night Elf Souls from the Maw.

The problem? She didn’t need a powerup to do so. She didn’t need a powerup to kill a Valkyr and Nathanos if she was with Malfurion. You’d say “But the Horde champion was there!”, yes, if the Horde champion was there, so was the Alliance champion to even it out.

Alliance Champ vs Horde CHamp would be even, but no way Malfurion and Tyrande vs Nathanos and a Val’kyr.

So, Blizzard develops all this super amazing Night Warrior story jus to fall short in the end. We’ve had people with lesser powerups do bigger things. Remembers Thrall managing to be the center and killing Deathwing with his powerup. Help, yes, but he did far more with it.

What? Deathwing is not as threatening as the Jailer? Sure, but I bet Deathwing alone would’ve destroyed the Horde batallion in Darkshore and pretty sure would’ve eaten Nathanos with minimal difficulty.

(No, I am not equating Tyrande to Deathwing anyway.)

Tyrande did a lot, but as always, up to a halt. And she likely will not be an expansion’s central character like Thrall, Illidan, Anduin or Sylvanas because she is not a writer’s favorite. So expect this to be too much.


Then you’d know that Night Elves and their zones are gone.

We still only saved a small chunk of the Night Elf souls and the rest was seemingly obliterated. An awful resolution to victims of genocide.

They did, back in BfA and they also said Sylvanas will be redeemed. They also have a 300 page book coming up about how genocide isn’t that bad.

How? Sylvanas is still alive being a mary sue and destroying everything and everyone.

It’s… the story?

None of the later patches can fix any of those issues though. Those are final decisions they’re making here.


Show me where they said Sylvanas wasn’t evil. They do not have that book. Stop with the hyperbole. You are either trolling or just that bad at comprehension.


“Sylvanas is not evil”

And they literally have a book called “Sylvanas” coming up that’s about to justify all her atrocities just so she can get a pass and return to the Horde.


I don’t entirely trust that they’ll do it tastefully but until we have actual leaks rather than a 3 year old interview, I’m still going to note that Rise of the Lich King mostly shut down the eventuality of a redemption arc for Arthas despite implications that were seen as hinting at it in Wrath, so I feel like it’s still a bit premature

yeah because there was a war on night elf soil. soooo not genocide :woman_shrugging:

So not the writer of the story. It’s just his wrong interpretation and not what Blizzard as a whole are doing with the character. Because they definitely made her evil. And have made her a raid boss. And we get to loot her after. ^^

Also we have no idea what the book is doing. Jumping the gun is making you look too over emotional about a fictional tale.

The ones the Night Fae are focused on saving are in addition to the souls being saved by every covenant, which also include night elves. More nelf souls left the Maw than any other race. I have no reason to believe that constitutes “a small chunk” save pointless cynicism.

Well they also didn’t outright say that arthas isn’t evil and that he will be redeemed. They also didn’t make Sylvanas suddenly forgive Arthas like Tyrande did with Sylvanas.
They also thought that Tyrande got her revenge in 8.1, think about that.

It’s a genocide both in definition, in official lore and as stated by Ion.

Well no, because blizz thinks genocide is fine if directed towards the Night Elves.
In another interview danuser told us about her redemption will be nuanced.

AND we have Tyrande giving up on seeking justice now, out of anyone.

It very obviously is going to rewrite her story to make her seem justified, and the fact that she’s getting a pass on genocide proves that.

Her being a boss has nothing to do with us killing her, since she will obviously survive the raid. If she didn’t, they’d have to stop making expansions all about Sylvanas, and the Night Elves would get something positive so that are 2 reasons why it can’t happen.

And yet the absolute minority, which is still awful to victims of genocide, especially since Sylvanas gets away with everything.


Nailed it!

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What do you expect when the lead story writer favours Sylvanas?

Favors is kinda tame.

Extremely obsessed would still be underselling it. Dysfunctional most likely.


I have never been a huge fan of Sylvanas. She is the one warchief im not upset over loosening or killing. And as a Tauren I support our Night Elf friends considering they are the race we should have the best relations with.


Look, I don’t doubt they’ll redeem her. It is Danhuser afterall. I just am not gonna jump the gun to say stuff has happened when it hasn’t yet.

Blizz never said they are ok with genocide. And even if they redeem Arthas, I’d never think they hate Belves or think genocide is ok.

Because I have no idea how they’ll redeem him or if they will. And both he and Sylvanas were once heroes of the Alliance, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

It’s also not gonna make me make rage posts. Because it’s fiction. I’m not a Belf. This isn’t real. And Blizz story mostly has been trash.

Hell, I’d have gotten that fed up with TBC when they turned Kael into a villain for trying to save his own people. Then kill him off.

But I realize that it’s just a story and what writers write in fiction has nothing to do with their real world beliefs. That’s insanity.

So likely, this story will piss you off. You seem easily upset. But, you have to consider it’s not real. It’s just bad fiction.

But they aren’t erasing Nelves anymore than they did with Belves. They don’t hate them anymore than they hate any other fictional race.

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Yea, you’ll get her back after Shadowlands :roll_eyes:

He’d be the first to insist on a redemption though.

Well as long as it’s against Night Elves, they can say it’s not evil, justify the one who did it, paint the Night Elves as wrong for wanting justice, not give them ANY resolution and make people cheer for the night elf genocide at blizzcon.

Yea, but I’m still not okay with those writers doing what they want and ruining a race because they don’t like it.

Well, Blood Elves now have 2 zones and a home. Night Elves have 1 blighted and destroyed zone, no home, no future, nothing. The race is gone


Honestly, I never expect much of a story from Alliance. It’s so heavily Horde focused it isn’t even funny. It’s one of the main reasons I just finally went Horde, only have one Alliance for achievements.


Writers typically don’t write characters going through something bad because they dislike them. It’s just usually because they’ve thought of a story involving them where they go through struggle and come out of that on the other side.

Nelves do not have just one zone. They do have a destroyed home, but hey, so is Silvermoon. The whole half of it and all of Quel’danas is still damaged and being invaded. And the Forsaken have no home and not all of them in lore agreed with Sylvanas, and were killed for wanting to just interact with family.

And Nelves aren’t gone. Not in lore, not in game. People have told you this many times. You insisting on it doesn’t make it true. Being overly dramatic doesn’t make it true.


Yea… except that the Night Elves were burned alive, sent to hell to be tortured… and instead of coming out of it, they were obliterated.

That’s not overcoming struggle, and then suddenly everyone also forgives the one who put this fate upon them and she gets away with it?

They do only have Darkshore (if that’s even theirs, not sure if the warfront implies that the entire zone is theirs considering that there’s still Horde in Arathi.

Yes they are, there’s a handful of them left on the streets of stormwind and that’s it. Their remaining people were obliterated in the maw, not sure why we have to argue about this when it’s in the story.

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