(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

yeah, but like, nobody stopped him. tree was grown, and not one night-elf looked at it and said ‘maybe we should’nt live in a tree that the aspect of time did’nt bless’. none of them looked at nozdormu, and the fact he literally knows the future and said ‘maybe there’s a reason he did’nt bless this tree’.

just sayin, i would’ve seen that as a pretty-big red-flag.

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I really hope somebody gets the cinematic and adds Yakety Sax in the background.

And yet if they had made it kill her like all the others, you’d be complaining about that too. There’s no winning is there?

how do you think the forsaken feel? they actually lost leaders in addition to their home


The forsakens feel very well, as their muse of gravediggers destroyed the city itself in an attempt to kill as many Alliance members as possible and they love and approve of everything it does.

Undiecity was sacrificed by the horde.
Teldrassil was destroyed by the Horde.
Undiecity was not destroyed by the Alliance.
Teldrasssil was not sacrificed by the Alliance.


Pretty sure on the PTR it tells us somewhere that she still retains her Night Warrior powers but she’s able to control them now without being consumed by it and killing her.

Forsaken is probably the core horde race that’s lost the most players because of the way the story was handled, stop projecting bad story beats on the playerbase

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Why do you keep saying this? It is nowhere near correct. :woman_facepalming:

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Lmao well rip the Night elves

Well you can say it anyway you like that makes you feel good about what the Horde players did.

But it is a fantasy game that’s created for player immersion. It’s a RPG by definition.

I have no problem separating fantasy from real world. I just feel bad that you can’t experience any personal player immersion in the game.

I’m going to go out on a limb and take a wild guess that 9.1 isn’t the final patch of SL?

However, seeing as it’s the closest thing to WoD to date, I could be very wrong.

Doesn’t sound like it

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Ah, you’re the type of person that if you can win the argument you attack the person.

I mean you’re the one who barged in claiming that the actual players were war criminals.

So maybe you could project a bit less

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No, you’re the one that can’t see that my original point was that Blizzard’s story writing isn’t very good when they make their own players out to be war criminals.

Blizzard - Milks sylvanas fans and tyrande fans… finds sylvanas fan milk has higher amounts of money in it.

Tyrande: “I was always wrong about everything because I’m so dumb… lets all be friends with Sylvanas now!”


“Who needs vengeance when there’s bonding to be had! She only slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Night Elves and Gilneans, what say you Gen?”

Genn Greymane, the last King of Gilneas, a lord with no throne, looks her square in the eye and says; “Exactly! So what if Sylvannas killed my son and made my people homeless twice! Hugs all around!”


Sylvanas stabs and kills Mechatorque for seemingly no reason “Sorry… force of habit!” she shrugs.

Sylvanas, tyrande and the other superfriends share a giant laugh and move in for a big group hug.

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I think you’re going to need to source Teldrassil being destroyed before.

Teldrassil didn’t exist until a handful of years before the start of WoW. At the end of WC3 they hadn’t yet started to grow Teldrassil. Fandral did so against the better judgment of the other Night Elves in the small gap between WC3 and the beginning of WoW.

While we’ve seen a lot in WoW, I can’t recall a time when Teldrassil was actually destroyed. Infected? Yes. Had to be purified? Sure. Destroyed? No, not at all.

Perhaps you’re thinking of Nordrassil? That’s the tree in Hyjal, and it is regrowing but it’s nowhere near done yet. Teldrassil wasn’t blessed like Nordrassil was, though. In fact, that’s part of why the Night Elves didn’t regain their immortality. They tried to “steal” immortality back by growing a new world tree (Teldrassil), but multiple Dragon Aspects refused to bless the new world tree because they felt the Night Elves had abused their gifts and that the new tree was an act of arrogance and a sign of not having learned.


From your comments I would disagree. And I get plenty of immersion, I just don’t carry it outside of the game.

Besides you said you did the Horde story yourself, yet you only refer to your CHARACTERS as criminals.

Hypocrite much?