(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

In truth they just did it because they ran out of ideas of things to do for azeroth content.

I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. Blizzard must have gotten the bad writing of last of us 2. But all seriousness. This was very lazy. I hope the Heritage Armor isn’t a insult.

She hasn’t died yet.

Well, writers said she wasn’t even evil :woman_shrugging:

The Night Elf story ends at this point, completely lacking of any positive moments.

How is getting 1 of 3 zones back a win? And losing the other 2 permanently

When did that happen? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yea, and unlike Night Elves, Blood Elves were able to recover. They even have a city still, Night Elves literally have nothing at all.

None of those suffered that many losses and never got anything back.

Did you miss BfA and SL ?

Not really, because wtf kind of message does that send? The victim once again abused by their abuser and then she forgives her and loses her powers? How?

Except that it was the entire race that was trapped in the maw and is now obliterated.

There’s no eye for an eye. The Horde is getting rewarded for commiting genocide, and the victims are suffering even more tragedies until they’re completely eradicated.

Table mission lore doesn’t make sense since according to it, they were still evacuating Teldrassil after it has been long burned down. In 8.1, the Horde had full control of Ashenvale and Darkshore.

Oh come on you know exactly what I mean.

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nope i didn’t. even fought in the war
brushes off her staff

You misunderstand. Sylvanas is the writer’s pet Mary Sue. Expecting her to lose with any lasting damage after how she wrecked Varok is pure madness.

Welcome to the forgotten race club. You can take a seat next to the tauren.

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I’ve been away from WoW for awhile but wasn’t that Night Warrior power making her bat :poop: crazy? Seems like losing it might have saved her life because even if she had defeated Sylvanas she would have lost who she was and we would be battling Tyrande in the next Xpac.

Fandral had a definite plan to lead Night Elf people, unfortunately it was not in a good way. Tyranda didn’t know how to lead the Night Elf people, she was just waiting until her ‘beloved’ wakes up from his alcohol fueled nap and when he did wake up, all he did was belch, fart and yell at Tyranda to bring him another beer while stick his hand down his pant. Sadly, Illidan would have probably been the better choice for Tyranda, but it wasn’t to be.

If only Blizzard had a story plan

Maybe Illidan will sneak down to Azeroth, bump off Malfurion, jump back to Patheon Heaven thingy and wait for Tyrande to need comforting. Then Illidan just “happens” to appear and comforts her.

Happily ever after.

The end.

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So Tyrande is allowed to keep the Night Warrior powers with no risk to herself, and that’s somehow a bad thing?

Also we’re going to be saving a lot of souls from the Maw, night elves included. The goal isn’t to leave them all down there.

It’s a glimpse into what Night Elf fans think Tyrande Whisperwind was in Warcraft; some enraged, yet stoic Warrior with feminine grace and
 And not the Lois Lane of WoW that she really is.

Seriously, I think Tyrande is the named character who has been kidnapped the most.


He only appears when she calls!

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I am 100% convinced that a NE Rogue corpse-camped Ion Kazzikostas back in vanilla, and he has yet to let it go.


Because it’s a literal act of god that saves her, despite the Night Warrior doing absolutely Jack and Squat while she was ‘missing’. ‘The Night Warrior dies, but not this iteration because she made frowny faces a lot and said Mal~furion a lot. And she gets to keep those powers because reasons as well.’

The whole thing is terrible to read. A character gets boosted to godhood from two twinks, a dragon, and a nascent god–and no that’s not a setup for a joke, this is how bad the writing is.


The NE vengeance story went NOWHERE, that’s the problem.


So she is the ONLY NW in history to be saved from that power AND gets to keep it, and that’s bad? Is that what we’re complaining about? Like, if the same thing had happened to Jaina y’all would be screaming Sue from the rafters. Thread is overblown.

Writers never said Sylvanas wasn’t evil. You pull things from your behind.

They did say that the story overall would be gray and it didn’t really end up that way.

And that includes the Battle of Dazaralor as well.

It’s not a great story, but them making Sylvanas a raid boss makes it known, she is a villain.

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Why create the mythos of the Night Warrior only to throw it out right away? The Night Warrior was just an excuse to give Tyrande new powers without her having to do anything or sacrifice anything in return.

It’s the laziest writing on the planet.


Night Elves? Alliance? Pump fist moment?
The Horde is waiting for you.
Have Mercy. :clown_face:


Didn’t even actually get new powers, she got jobb’d by the guy on a Saturday wrestling show. She should have been as strong as she was against Nathanos the second time - WITHOUT the powerup.

Also, I would rather have the race be treated well, than the leader of the race get Mary Sue treatment. But again, I am mainly a Tauren fan