(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

I think there’s also the case to be made that not letting helves use moonwells to sustain themselves when they can wither wasn’t great, but that was way before some of them started calling themselves belves.

Long ago, a little bit after tje war of the ancient, the night elves exile the high borne the ancestros of the blood elves to probably die.

But they ended up arriving to tirisfal

The exile was imo the result of a series of mistakes and misunderstandings on both sides and the reintegration of Eldre’thalas kinda shows that, but I’d say it’s still more complicated than that

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Of course it is. The reintegration of eldrethalas, waa polemic on nigjt elven society to say the least, maiev wabted to kill tyrande, because of her desition to reicorporate them.

This is a side note, but I really hate how many stories revolve around misunderstandings. Like if people just sat down and talked to each other like 50% of fiction wouldn’t happen.


Not to mention most of the Highborne were exiled, then their civilization was completely razed by the undead… But we’re still here.

…following a script in a work of fiction. One you yourself also followed.


Ok, say it with me now… this is just a GAME. No real people were harmed in the making OR playing of this work of fantasy fiction.

You are losing yourself.

…separate it.

See, there you go. Characters, not players.


Speak for yourself. I have absolutely developed carpal tunnel syndrome from playing this game.


I hate the players, but I will still bump their threads!

I’ve said the same thing to other people so many times. If people just talked to each other so many problems would be avoided. To be fair though, the exile you’re talking about was 3,000 years in the making, so I’m sure talking happened, several times at least.

That’s not an attempt to drive blood elves to extinction. They were still night elves at the time.



Good, now the night warrior dbz tier nonsense can stop.

Just like most of the casualties of war in bfa.

I miss Metzen. At least the nonsense was consistent.

The story is broken beyond repair in retail WoW. This whole expansion feels like a bad fanfiction.


meh. the night-elves took-over most of the trolls land, blew-up azeroth’s Pangea, and grew a world-tree without the dragon-aspects blessing (or was it just nozdormu not givin his blessing?). not sayin they deserve the maw, but the tree burning… not saying they deserve that either (man, am i tired, can’t even remember my point…)

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To be fair, they were trolls 1st than became night elves and wrecked the trolls.

Teldrassil was the idea of 1 person. Staghelm and he had to kidnap Malfurion to get it done, cause Malfurion woulda said no. Initially it was not blessed at all. It was later blessed by Alexstaza and Ysera, but Norzdormu refused to grant his blessing a second time.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

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She is living the causal dream, getting top level gear for nothing.

No it’s not


If you’re truly a night elf lore expert you’d had known that they took back Ashenvale from the BfA mission tables

Lore wise the Alliance has also taken back Gilneas based on the mission table lore too

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I had no idea how whiney NElf players could be, no wonder Blizz burnt down your tree.


not a word.

I knew this was going to happen since 8.1, when the revenge for Teldrassil was just killing a single pointless Val’kyr.

And before you start making a big deal of it, Sylvanas don’t need her Val’kyrs anymore, and yet we’re going to see all her Val’kyrs alive again in 9.1…

The Alliance as a whole, lore, zones, quests, settlements and races development, are nothing but a joke.

Btw, don’t expect things to get better.

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I think anyone of us in the forums could come in and write better nelf lore than the actual person/people who did it. Tyrande did nothing cool with her powers before she got the nerf bat.

It’s THAT ridiculous.