(Spoilers) Sylvanas killed the bear

OMG it’s Ralph…

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Yeah after god knows how long my characters reappeared

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Good to know as a druid we have enemy number one lined straight up upon entry to the shadowlands.

Welcome back!

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You couldn’t select your character to post as?

There were no characters to select, only a wow logo with my battletag that could only like and report and making a ticket only resulted in the usual solutions which didnt work and them admitting this is a known issue from their side.

At least it didnt last 6 months like some ppl suggested.

It only reappeared today after making a lvl 20 allied race and rellogging in the site, though I cannot know if making that lvl20 was what fixed it or if it was fixed earlier and required a relog to work cuz relogging certainly didnt work at the start.

edit: you can see the logo in those 3 likes from non characters in that post.

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Stop simping for the winter queen

Burn down Ardenweald

Don’t you see brothers and sisters of azeroth? the lich QUEEN MUST FALL!

This Ursoc guy is a bear? I bet he’s pretty delicious. Do you think if I tried to eat him, he’d try to lie and say he’s not really a “real bear”? I hope so because that would make him extra delicious.