(Spoilers) Sylvanas killed the bear

So… Ursoc had to be put down because Sylvanas and the Jailer broke the Shadowlands, leaving the Winter Queen no other choice?

I hope the B*TCH gets whats coming for her, in the name of all the innocents that she killed, including Ursoc!


If Sylvanas had done her job properly and more thoroughly, Ursoc would still be alive - as he would had been slurped into the Maw, nice and safe from the wild hunt of Ardenweald.

I’m hoping with the whole ‘ Souls Dying in the Shadowlands ’ subject - they depict it as they still exist, but they have consequences of dying in the Shadowlands such as become a shade-spirit form - without the memory of who they are anymore / without physical formation (In Game - What the player spirit looks like in spirit form within the Shadowlands) but ultimately keep their persona and either reincarnate in the physical universe, or work their way up in the Shadowlands as a shade-spirit to be elevated with Anima to hold form again/

Perhaps when shade-spirit forms have re-obtained form again - with bolstering amounts of Anima, potentially obtain knowledge from previous lives they once held as various being(s). I feel it would open a lot more avenues for lore exploration & character developments if such was the case.

Hopefully when we ‘ fix ’ the Shadowlands, it allows more potential in WoW lore for such wonders (Or horrors, depending on the character) to occur.


What the Winter Queen did was regrettable but needed.

Ardenweald is dying. Nothing is going to stop that and she knows that. So her choices are to just let everything die, or preserve what she can and let go of what she can’t.

Also Ursoc is a guardian of The Wilds, he laid his life down more than once to protect it. I’m sure he would gladly give it up to save Ardenweald.


Where is your proof they THEY broke the shadowlands - maybe something else broke it. Maybe WE broke it by killing things (like the titan Argus or Helya for example).

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A majority of the Shadowlands questing experience is about how the anima drought is caused by all the souls going to The Jailer.

And all of his agents, Kel’thuzad, Sire Denatherius, Sylvanas, etc are responsible for sabotaging The Covenants duties.


Helya isn’t dead and Argus died well after the break happened.


But do we know why?

When did the break happen? If Ursoc is in Ardenweld, the machine of death is working correctly after the lantern was broken. That leaves ToV, Nighthold, ToS and Argus events because we know that the tree deaths went into the maw.

At what point did it break?

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Does it really matter why?

Even if Blizzards pulls some trash redemption “Sylvanas was right all along” it doesn’t really excuse what she did to get there.

Not gonna magically make her a good person.


Sarah Kerrigan killed billions and burned multiple planets. Blizzard still decided that she was absolved of all wrongdoing in the end.


Something I fear will happen with Sylvanas.

I think it’s the worst possible ending they could do for SL, but we’ll see.

It will depend how they consider it would impact their business now. SC pretty much ended there but WoW will keep going.

There was an article highlighting how the “purple evil women” of blizzard are all the same with the same storyline. Kerrigan, Sylvanas, Widowmaker.

Hopefully they deviate from what we now know is the end of their formula.

Greymane broke it when he broke Hellas lantern thingy

He’s a bad dog and needs put down


This thread is dumb.

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This is one of the worst takes I’ve seen regarding how hard someone has to bend to justify what Sylvanas has done.

She and the Jailer need to die for what they did to Ursoc. Had they not taken anima from Ardenweald, Ursoc would have been safe. The devastation to those souls is on their hands, and I’m going to be very annoyed with Blizzard if they let the Lich Queen get away with this type of murder without consequence.

Sylvanas has hit the level of Kerrigan in needing time answer for her atrocities. Never seen a character more deserving of the loot piñata role.


Those who paid attention to “Three Sisters” know Sylvanas wil not be killed in SL.

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LOL! What happened to Ursoc is kindness compared to what happens to the souls in the maw. And, yes, those souls are getting destroyed too, but in a much worse and terrifying way for them, so no, he would not be “safe” at all.

Apologies, then. So many Blood Elves trying to say Sylvanas is doing the “right thing” that it’s tough to tell sometimes.


That part of my overall comment was clearly for humour. :no_mouth:

Sylvanas derangement syndrome

It’s difficult to tell in text, considering how many people today I’ve seen with that very mentality without joking. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ursoc got aborted and I thought it was pretty disgusting of blizzard to put that kind of theme into the game.

funny how none of the other covenants have issues with souls coming there in full form.

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