(Spoilers) Sylvanas killed the bear

Wow Sylvanas killed someone?! My god!!! Wow :hushed: do you have any other news?! Please share!

Another victory for the Dark Lady.

Besides what’s one pathetic so-called god of nature?

There are plenty more.

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Does it really matter anymore if you kill someone and they just go to the shadowlands to come back at a later time?

Death in this franchise is pretty meaningless at this point since they’ll keep bringing you back to beat your rotting corpse some more.

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I blame the devs.

It’s cute that people got more mad over Ursoc dying than other npcs

I’m not pulling your leg here I think it’s sweet seeing people get all sad over Best Bear

I feel the same way about the Vulpera that were murdered by the Alliance. I hope Sylvanas continues to murder your people until you’re reanimated husks to the very last.


I mean, I use to like Sylvanas as an established character and routed for her but like — I mean from what we’ve gathered if she was the one that broke (Or furthered the breaking) ‘The machine of death’ then she literally created the Anima drought to worsen in the first place. lol

I believe the jailer was confirmed as the shadowlands end raid end boss. So my money’s on him being the one that broke it.

Not necessarily. He might just need to be dealth with, like Argus had to be dealt with. What if someone else had a plan in action for us to do something that broke the jailors bindings - knowing full well that his release would consume the shadowlands.

If you keep something caged long enough, all it thinks about is being free - stop to think why he was locked away. Possibly something (like a void titan being cleaved in two) corrupted his soul long ago, forcing the hands of ‘the death pantheon’ to lock him away.

More happened to the order of cosmic system in the span of Legion that we can even imagine - dead titans, artifacs of immense power being drained (eg Blood DK Maw of the Damned and the countless souls it consumed), Sargeras finally being locked away. Lots to speculate about.

From a lore perspective i actually cant wait to learn of what happened, but ill be the first one to not take it at ‘face value’ because of the nature of it. Someones very long term and ancient plans are finally bearing fruit.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years playing this game, it’s that blizzard writers aren’t subtle. It’s pretty safe to take things at face value.

But the way in which things are written often have double meanings. For example.

When interacting with the [Remnant of the Void] in the Emerald Nightmare raid instance, [Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire] will whisper: “Almost completely gone, as if it never existed. But the rift is deep and vast, and somewhere down there it stirs. Something has changed, the last prison weakens. We must prepare.” This could be a reference to N’Zoth, it could also be a reference to Xavius.

This could also actually reference:

"Almost completely gone, as if it never existed. (The jailor, whats left inside the maw, Torghast and the surrounding city looks like its been devoured)

But the rift is deep and vast, and somewhere down there it stirs. (Whatever the Jailor is actually jailing)

Something has changed, the last prison weakens. (Ardenweld)

We must prepare."

It meant n’zoth. He was the last old god, so he was in the “last prison”. It was weakened, and he was released in bfa. He is also the one that created the emerald nightmare by corrupting the dream, so it makes all the more sense in the context of the emerald nightmare raid. The rift refers to the rift of aln (I think it’s spelled aln?) That is in the emerald dream. So yea, not subtle. Also, Xavius is dead. He’s been killed once physically and twice in the dream/nightmare now, and tbf isn’t that interesting of a villain.

You know Loa and Nature spirit doesnt go into the Maw, Cause they dont get judged they just go into a sprout to be reborn. So either way they would of died

Remember, it’s okay to murder and destroy if it’s the Alliance but bad when Horde do it.

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The idea that souls can be destroyed by dying a second time in the SL or being used as demonic starship fuel just seems wrong to me.

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Same here, Zemus. It took me quite a while in beta for it to not competely bother me. Eventually I had to just start thinking of the Shadowlands not as an afterlife but as just another alien world instead. Helped a bit, but not completely. It still bothers me.

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Unless of course ‘reality’ is just a prison and Sylvanas is legit setting us free…

What did you call her??!

You better watch your clever mou-

I think Animism and Shinto have concepts of how everything has a soul within in it. It’s all around you, and part of life itself. So a river, mountain, ant, tree, spider all have souls.

Games like Pillars of Eternity built on this concept and started associating souls as an energy source. I think that’s what the Shadowlands effectively it is. It’s a machination that requires souls to power it up. So I don’t think that it’s a true ‘afterlife’ like what we traditionally think IRL.

This could potentially be what Sylvanas is trying to destroy. To attain true death, she needs to destroy this machine.

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Well that weebish neko thing did choose to kill Ursoc, that was his choice at the end.