* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Well… I’m the GM of that guild and I established the rules and how it ran, and organized most of the RP. So the guild reflects me, If anything.

Edit: not to be snarky, I’m just pretty proud of the wholesome and positive reputation we had in Moon Guard.

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I thought it was pretty tame but then I got the perma ban warning over it.

It does.
And honestly to answer this question:

End the factions. Turalyon comes in and dismantles the Horde. The Alliance gets pissed at him for acting like an emperor and Alliance splits too.
Now all races can act individually.

The “Horde” and “Alliance” are going to get a little rebranding and become like convenants that you grind rep for and get unique benefits for.
We need this for gameplay too, the alliance is all but dead we need a faction merge and this is the only way I can think of to do it.

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She’s likely talking about events from Warcraft III, not current events. After she first broke away from the Lich King’s control, she made a special poisoned arrow and shot it at Arthas in an attempt to kill him slowly, painfully, to reflect that he did not give her the clean death she felt she had earned. However, because she didn’t kill him quickly enough, Kel’Thuzad was able to intervene and forced her to retreat, saving Arthas in the process.

The way the lines were datamined, it’s hard to tell. One is clearly a line about Arthas. The second could be about Zooval or Arthas.

Keep in mind that Wowhead made a mistake in their transcription, “Forgive him?” should be “Forgiven”. I don’t think that portion of audio that they datamined is two sets of lines, I think it’s one. Wowhead split it into two because their transcription error changed the grammar.

The first bit of audio, the one that is Sylvanas speaking alone, should read like this:


Ahh okay. That certainly seems more plausible

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I’m honestly a bit annoyed that Wowhead still hasn’t corrected their article. A lot of the anger and frustration I’ve seen over that audio is clearly based on people reading the transcript and not listening to it, trusting that the transcript is correct, and I can’t fault them for trusting Wowhead to be accurate. They also have errors in the transcription of the other bit of audio, and those haven’t been corrected in the article either.

I have no quarrel with anyone who is upset over what the audio actually says, but I’m troubled that so much stress has resulted from something that doesn’t actually exist.


She’s absolutely only talking about Arthas. Arthas is the soul in Kingsmourne dominating Anduin…it’s possible this is before we fight Anduin and at some point in the fight we fight Arthas and Sylvanas gets her moment of justice against him.


I don’t feel like reading 600+ posts, I just wanna know if there’s any word on Blightcaller :pensive:

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None so far :frowning:

None of it had anything to do with Blightcaller.

I still maintain Zovaal melted him down into a very snarky set of shoes.


That would be so anti-climactic… and yet, so fitting too.


“you call that walking, what a disgrace”

ba dum tsss


Thank you, thank you.


And now that I’m back home at my PC instead of on my phone at work, I’m’a just address a bunch of things that I wanted to address earlier. Ignore the deleted post above, it’s the same as this one except I somehow hit send before actually getting to everything.

You should be. My memories of whatever event I happened to accidentally myself into (something in Feralas, I think? Very late WoD or early Legion? Memory’s foggy for anything longer than a month ago) was a delight, with some female nelf hunter gently encouraging me to join in while I lurked. The other couple people I whispered or whom whispered me were all delightful.

I might have issues with things you’ve said here, and/or the way you’ve said them, but my admittedly limited experience with your guild spoke volumes. In the admittedly unlikely event things change with Blizzard and their storytelling, and your guild makes a return, I’ll gladly (and anonymously) stumble into another event with your members in it.

This, again, is something I’m of two minds on. It’s probably the right call in the end and probably for the best if some competent writers take over and try to salvage things, but my biggest fear is that without the factions as a guiding focus for the racial narratives, individual races will just get thrown by the wayside, with the very serious issues affecting them ignored.

Night elves, forsaken, tauren, and worgen come to mind. Though with tauren, ignoring them would really just be the status quo since Vanilla.

Again, it’s probably the healthiest decision for the game as a whole, but it’s personally the most troubling.

I’m a semi-active RP lurker on both. Since we’ve gone far off topic, allow me to throw my absolutely biased opinions here. My credentials: Transferred my Alliance mains to MG back in very late BC, just before the Wrath pre-patch. Been hanging out on Horde WRA since mid-Cata.

MG’s no better or worse than WRA. Both can seem toxic if you’re brand new and end up in the wrong areas for walk-up RP or if you’re dealing with the wrong guild, but by and large? Both servers are what you make of them.

MG’s got a bigger Alliance-side presence, while WRA has a bigger Horde-side presence. Bigger doesn’t mean the opposite doesn’t exist (though I admittedly only have very limited exposure to opposing factions on each server). Avoid Goldshire on MG (I mean, we’ve all heard this by now) and personally? Avoid Orgrimmar on WRA (it’s just a whole lot all at once).

If you’re ever interested in roleplaying, or just doing what I do and lurking around until you accidentally find yourself stumbling into some RP event, either server would be a good second home.

I think I got it all.


What I have found is WRA is more Lore conscious than MG, the folks over on MG kinda tend to be “you do you” even if it is …questionable, lore wise.

Its all down to what you are looking for.


Thats what I do love about Moonguard to be honest. Most people are cool with people taking small liberties with the lore. It’s called roleplay for a reason after all. Long as you’re not completely lore breaking most people will go along with it.

Some of my fondest memories are RPing with people who’s character was outside the box a little. :wolf:

I would love to do RP but I have no idea where to even start.

I guess creating a character on an RP Server is a good start. But what race/faction? I love a few races equally.

How’s the Forsaken RP? What’s the vibe like?