* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Sylvanas has new dialogue datamined and it’s interesting… She has conversations with Uther and Jaina. Any thoughts?
Sylvanas said:

I don’t remember the exact moment I wrested control.
I do remember the rush of freedom. The clarity of purpose.
When I loosed my arrow, I sought to become his judge and his executioner.
I thought that if I could punish him for his crimes, I would be absolved of mine.

Another set of incomplete dialogue appears to reference Sylvanas’ fate at the hands of Arthas. While Uther has tried to put the past and feelings of vengeance behind him, this seems to be more difficult for Sylvanas:

Sylvanas said:

Forgive him? For the atrocities he forced me to commit against my own people…
But there would be no justice that day.
For anyone.
That…is yet to come.

A final set of dialogue takes place between Jaina, Uther, and Sylvanas. Here they discuss how to fight the Jailer in the Sepulcher and Anduin’s fate. While Uther is in favor of bringing Sylvanas into the Sepulcher to help free Anduin, Jaina is understandably wary.

Sylvanas: If the Jailer has breached the Sepulcher, then he is but a breadth away from enacting his plan.
Uther: We cannot allow that to happen.
Sylvanas: You all have witnessed the Jailer’s power first hand. Without the means to resist his domination, we have no chance against him.
Sylvanas: Anduin may be the key if we can save him from –

Jaina: You dare speak of freeing him after all you have done!
Uther: Sylvanas held the mourneblade that bound him. Her presence may help free Anduin from the Jailer’s grasp.
Jaina: I will never trust her!


I think it’s all great.

I could not be happier with this outcome.

It addresses Arthas, her plan to help save Anduin suggesting this was her and Anduin’s plan all along.

The hint that Arthas may come back and that may give Uther and Sylvanas justice, but also creates a conflict with Jaina because she loves Arthas and wants him redeemed. This could set up Uther to be a middle man. Jaina will not forgive or trust Sylvanas, good! She shouldn’t.

And also sets up that Sylvanas may yet betray everyone after the Jailer is defeated and still enact her plan to remake everything the way it should be without Zorvaal. I like it.


Spicy stuff I dare say :wolf:

Wonder how it’s all going to play out in the end


I’ve been saying this for years that they’d glorify the night elf genocide and absolve Sylvanas of everything just like they did with the Horde.

Also nothing for Night Elves in 9.2, so the obliteration of their souls and having to forgive their abusers is the final resolution.


So you are Elesana after all?


I think there is a lot of dialog missing here to know for sure what is going on. It is really easy to read into the blank spots what you want to (or fear to) happen. This all may be exactly as people think, or we could be waaaay off base. So, I am trying to reserve judgement.


Finally Sylvanas is getting closure for what has been done to her; there’s no insurrection to get in the way this time and we’re dealing with a 100% restored Sylvanas. What more could I possibly ask for?

I see Sylvanas didn’t waste any time jumping into hero Ranger General mode; and I’m here for all of it.

Lastly I have questioned Uther’s qualifications to help Sylvanas, which I am 100% here for his willingness to help her. I love how she immediately talks about her experience which was 1000 times worst than Uther’s. Uther’s like my student betrayed me and destroyed our Kingdom then I died and sat in a golden field with angel therapist trying to help me for what could have been ions; Sylvanas is like “hold my beer”

Good on ole Uth! I’m just happy he’s attempting to help her.


I wonder if whatever they will have Sylvanas do to Arthas will also be done to her by Tyrande?

Or is this a prelude to both saying that justice/vengeance is bad and its Renewal thats the answer we should strive for?


No if anything they will have both Tyrande and Sylvanas continue to disagree but make both of thier immediate priority about reclaiming thier home and restoring thier people, and when they are both at full strength, they will fight again.

There is literally no reason Tyrande should ever forgive Sylvanas.


Not sure how I can respond to that. It reads like a joke.



You’re saying it reads like Danusar’s work?


Jokes have the benefit of being funny.

Danuser is more… perplexing.


Oh good I was worried they would making Sylvanas more timid after getting half her soul back or whatever the Jailer gave her. She seems more or less the same. Dialog with Sylvanas and Uther will be interesting and as usual anything coming out of Jaina’s mouth is white noise to me.


I don’t think they’re absolved her.

The events that you have an issue with is highly likely her referencing back when Arthas killed and raised her as a banshee and made her fight alongside the scourge while watching him kill everyone around him.


I am getting a distinct feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is Danuser getting the rug ready to pull from beneath the Sylvanas fans.

Uther: Does he tho?
Sylvanas: Omg how could I have been so blind! Its time for a renewal.
Cinematic of Arthas tearfully fading into the afterlife anima.
Tyrande: Stop it both of you or I will stab you both 34 times.


Worst case scenario:

  1. Tyrande forgives Sylvanas because woo woo Elune reasons
  2. Sylvanas forgives Arthas because dumb logic
  3. Sylvanas is forgiven because she forgave Arthas and Tyrande forgave her

There is a nonzero chance this worst case scenario comes to pass.

In fact I’d argue it’s fairly high.


I think Uther kicking himself for being so tough on Arthas is a foreshadowing of this.

Sylvanas forgiving Arthas would be basically used as a cheap “See if she can forgive Arthas how could you not forgive Sylvanas!?” If Sylvanas is going to hold Arthas responsible then people will ask how Sylvanas is going to be held accountable for the same crimes.
Yeah… Arthas redemption coming in 3… 2… 1…

How much are people willing to bet Arthas is somehow related to the Andiun domination thing?


I am almost certain this exactly will happen. I hate it and I’m saying it as an absolute suckered for villain redemption stories.
This ain’t even a deremptio story :confused:

Oh well, at least Sylvie Loyalists are happy, I suppose.

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They will be perhaps… until she turns to Calia at the end and says “Though many will not understand… You must now lead the Forsaken” and then goes off to her afterlife.


It’s like watching a burning train wreck filled with nuclear waste.