* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

I think it’s mostly the result of the Lawsuit and content burnout. The start of Shadowlands had a record high of players so BFA or Teldrassil wasn’t the nail in the coffin…


Actually, my guild was one of the more lenient ones. A lot of people from Guardians of Ashenvale came to us because the GM there was super gatekeepy and abusive.

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If it’s not related to cash registers, cryptocurrencies, advertisements, supervising parents … Is it related to racism, sexism, sexual assault, war crimes?

We gate keeped. We just weren’t the worst offenders is a big ouch.

It’s calling someone a swear word, referring to excrement. Said word is not allowed on the forums.

I feel bad for Akiyass, despite our bad history.

What are you refering to?

He’s referring to the phrase (redacted).

When I said I felt bad about people treating me like you know what.

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Do you wanna get banned? Stop throwing that around so easily.

Those three letters will you get you perma banned.


We didn’t gatekeeper tho… we networked with other guilds so if an applicant didn’t match our guild theme, we’d reference them to a guild that did. And out guild being very slice of life, we introduced a lot of new players to night elf lore and Roleplay.

But this is what I mean when I call you out for being fake. You’re trying to twist my words to mean something you -know- isn’t true. It’s real scummy of you.

They have an algorithm that surveys the forums that triggers on certain things like those letters and escalates it for automatic review. You don’t want to be the nail sticking out when the hammer guy comes by.


I hate when they use the sledgehammer instead of a normal hammer. Sometimes they go overboard with what is or isn’t allowed

I have named the POS values listed on wikipedia and a few that seem to be the most poignant. Who knows how a cash register could be a serious offense, but you never know.

No Shern, I can’t even explain it to you, Urban Dictionary it.

Yeah, just… urban dictionary.

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He thinks we are talking about Crypto Currency I just wanna keep him in the discussion. :joy:

Speaking as just my own self… I’m ambivalent. Because there SHOULD be justice for the Alliance, and there SHOULD be resolution and evolution for the Horde.

… BUT.

But at the same time those things NEED to occur, the game isn’t set up in a way to provide a satisfactory experience for either or any. The reason Horde players get upset with owning their crimes is because the game tells us they aren’t our crimes, and most arguments for taking responsibility end there. If we’re shuffling the plot forward, we need to yes, have the Horde accept their responsibility, but just as importantly is moving past those crimes.

And from my experience, this is the point things break down. Because Alliance players, for their own justifiable reasons, don’t want to see the genocide faction portrayed as heroic. While the Horde players, for their justified reasons, don’t want to be stuck with the villain bat.

And… I just don’t see a way to square that circle. Short of a Horde split, firmly establishing Honor Horde and Sylvanas Horde as separate factions, how do both sides get… not even what they want, but what they need?

And for clarity Smallz, I don’t think of you as one of the hardcore factionists othering players. But we all use that languages, myself included, and it helps feed these weird “us vs also us” arguments.

… I think I rambled. Hopefully it makes sense.


Um … A two week ban for such a simple insult? Maybe an hour, two, but two weeks? Surely there was no monologue, inspirational and ingenious, worthy of adding to the list of the greatest insults?


While I cannot speak for Aki specifically, MG is my Alliance server and I recall some interactions with their guild in the past.

I will attest the guild does not gatekeep. Anything you may think about Aki, true or not, should not reflect on the guild.