* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

She just completely lost any respect I had for her with that response. We now know she doesnt actually care about the NE community as a whole.

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Can’t care about something that doesn’t exist.

You don’t feel bad for the things you say to me, why should vice versa be different?

Do RP communities gatekeep that much? Tbh that sounds pretty toxic I’m glad I’m not in the RP community.

Not this bad Ren.


Only thing that doesnt exist is your friends and guild. Which is the only thing you’re really mad about

I’ve heard things about Moonguard though. I has a reputation of having really toxic RP communities.

It’s well known in North America. Wyrmrest Accord is the better RP server.


OH it does. There are some really hella toxic guilds and communities

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Rping a race as… you know, that race, isn’t gatekeeping.

And I have never told someone “You cant RP that in that way” I just avoid RPing with people with character concepts I dont enjoy.

They weren’t your friends if all it took to disband you was your faves dying in a story.

Even within communities friendships form and eventually transcend fandoms. Friendships don’t break over someone stopping to play a game. I find this so strange…

I’m sorry your guild disbanded. There are other Kaldorei guilds still around.


Is POS a parent-overseer?

I got almost a perma ban for saying this abbreviation so I hope the mods go easier on you but I have a feeling you don’t get reported as often as I do.

Another fun side effect of being a Sylvanas fan. It honestly frustrates me seeing other people get away with saying things Blizzard has threatened to perma ban me for.

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Well, my guild still keeps in contact, we play dnd mostly.

But there is also Song of Nightfall, Dor Serrar, The Hundred Glaives, The Crescent Glaive, Illithildor… More but I have forgotten.

A lot of them claimed they were bullied off the game.

But I keep in contact with most from my guild. We still have our discord and we play dnd and other games.

Worse that usually happens is the mods remove a post of mine

There has in general been a downtick in RP server populations, you see it on WRA as well. But how much of that is just expansion fatigue is going to be hard to say until we get 9.2, and then 10.x

I will say ive noticed the PTR has been unusually busy, so that is a positive sign.

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Oh so you are projecting on Sylvanas fans. You think we are the reason your friends got bullied. Well that makes sense but that doesn’t justify you constantly attacking me and other Sylvanas fans. None of us personally bullied your friends out if the game.

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Bellular calculated a decline in Mythic+ participation, I think.

I’ve recieved a couple two week bans a couple month long bans, my comments have been removed almost instantly and I recently got a notification that I’m on my last strike.

It really feels like a mod has it out for me.

Aki just keeps giving the impression that she was one of those RP gatekeepers who had a monopoly on RPing a race specific way and most other ways were deemed “wrong and purple humans”.

There’s quite a bit of those on EU, so much so, Newbies are advised against joining elf guilds “unless they love drama”.


yeah, his numbers are a little sketchy, but he is on to something. From personal experience, just playing you can tell the population has had a downturn just by how quiet it gets in the larger cities.

It is weird having trade chat in stormwind a cricket fest.

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I attack you? I can’t say anything without you butting in. Half the time you want to derail the entire thread with BS political discussion. And no matter how diplomatic I may answer, you’ll find a way to twist it into a game or moral posturing.