* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

I had to make new friends. I didnt mention I lost all my old ones for a reason. I don’t like thinking about it. I just don’t go around saying my pain is more than others, and I only recently joined a guild a few months ago.

Happy consequence they’re a great bunch of people

Well lorewise all the gilneans(or at least most of them) did escape.

It’s not that my pain is more than others… It’s that my pain comes from people like you.

They were literally first responders but a lot of them stayed back to help evacuate. I read Eulogy. The Gilneans were heroes of the battle.

Don’t you know, we arent allowed to talk about that and like Zerde just did, it ALWAYS gets downplayed by other alliance players. My pain doesn’t matter to them because most survived

Ok, cool.

What the hell do you think I can do about it?

Again, you put the onus on players acknowledging we all are screwed on Horde players. Because… why? Why is that the answer instead of all of us accepting BfA and SL has crapped on all of us?

Do you just want me to give gold to nelf players? Because IDK what else you think I can do to fix a narrative decision.


Can’t allow Night Elves be the heroes defending their own home.

I didnt force your friends to leave


You know you not a real Night Elf right? I know Moonguard is an RP realm. But you can turn off the game. It’s not a real world event.

I personally get tired of having to walk on eggshells around you because you take the Burning of Teldrassil personally as an event that happened to you personally. I only have so much empathy for fictional events. You’ve been milking this for the last FOUR YEARS.

Milking sympathy for a fictional event for years makes you kinda seem like a psycho.


I tried my best to empathize with NE fans…but people like Aki just really test my patience and my empathy for them


I think if we can try to find some common ground on what the facts are rather than grasp for the ridiculous Blizzard excuses like “Yeah the Alliance wants to kill us all! Totally!” that some people peddle here then maybe as a community we can be more united against Blizzard’s lazy writing.

Its easy to call bad writing. But if people consistently and overwhelmingly say the same thing. Whatever data gathering software they are using to create those word clouds of theirs would push them in the direction we want. This constant bickering over petty details we are TOLD rather than SHOWN just reinforces their belief that they are writing the next LOTR over here.

I think we should all just work to make the forums more constructive. If we are on reddit then do the same. Thats the only control we have right? So rather than add more fuel to the flames just throw water instead.

I first had the solution of maybe the Horde should live through what the NEs did and then have them choose renewal and see how it feels.
I realize now that’s just childish vindictiveness, so the best solution is maybe something less… grand. World revamp, smaller conflicts, less cooperation between the factions and if certain characters and races interact they fully acknowledge the bad blood and crimes previously committed rather than have collective amnesia.

This last point was hotly contested by other Horde players because they felt like the game kept shaming them for actions they were not responsible for. While true the game should at least acknowledge it happened and validate player’s feelings from the victim’s perspective.
Maybe those Horde players instead could propose their own ideas to balance that shaming out with something else. rather than shut down the debate with the “F you I got mine” attitude.

You have seen me “debate” Ethriel. You know i have no patience for the constant belly aching either.

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Please note there are some not like that. Ill give you a scooby snack if you continue to be ok with me. :cookie:


You sure? Because I know a lot of friends who left because of the toxic community. Making night elves the punchline of every joke, as I said before. Campfire Teldrassil… Ditzy Moon Goddess… “TYRANDEE SAVE ME”

But it’s all a joke right? None of your friends were bullied off the game so what does it matter?

LOL when have you ever wallked on Eggshells around me? You seek me out to start political debates. Don’t make me laugh with your BS.

Nah… I have seen you for what you are for awhile. Fake empathy, nothing short of kiss @ssing when it’s convenient. To much of a coward to stand on your own.

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Micha doesn’t deserve to be talked to like that. He’s tried to give everyone a platform and make everyone feel welcome here.

I am going to call it how I see it, I don’t give a damn who it is. Micha blows with the wind and is quick to join a mob. As long as he is the majority.

I don’t give a damn if he has thrown some hallmark BS my way once or twice. I know fake when I see it.

Ear scratches and belly rubs are good to. But you’re cool Kaileath. I like you. You can have a discussion and realize we’re all upset for different reasons

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We are all upset for different reasons… some of us are upset because other people in the community have made every attempt to make one particular group feel unwelcome here.

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Just like you constantly do to Sylvanas fans? :thinking:

And how you do know how my friends left? And many left because they were verbally abused for being furries and loving the worgen. So you can piss off with your pain is worse. It’s not


And I have never said that to you.

But you have come at me for being a nelf fan.

One of us here is guilty and it is not me.