* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Exactly. The story has hurt everyone, but only night elves have been fighting a two front war against Blizz and the playerbase.

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I’ve seen it, but this brings up a great point.

Why are Horde players obligated to argue and give ideas of how to address Alliance and NE “pain”?

Nobody’s here telling Alliance players it is their obligation to find a way to fix the Horde, but the fact the inverse doesn’t already exist is a point worth bringing up as a source of friction.



Well that’s a lie.

Warmonger Horde have been fighting Alliance and Horde players as well as the Devs.

Honor Horde players have been fighting Alliance and Horde players as well as the devs.

These are childish levels of entitlement going on here with the “only us” bull.


I think the issue is somehow transferring blame onto player groups, when they didnt write the thing. I dont honestly know how they could recompense for the damage they did during the War of Thorns. You kind of have to do what we did after WWII with Germany. We did trials for SS Officers yes, but overall we just let it go (we also hijacked all their best scientists and gave them amnesty for the weapons they made during WWII, but that’s its own can of worms). As far as the present game lore is concerned Sylvanas Loyalists are imprisoned and Sylvanas herself is regarded as a fugitive.

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They are not obligated at all but I thought since you seemed to advocate for a more constructive community who acknowledge each others pains then when the NEs players present the “Here is the pain and this is how we remedy it” the response would not be vehement disagreements and whatever else I witnessed.

Actually from what I have seen the Horde players range from “You deserved it” to “the Horde is the real victim here, the Alliance doesn’t deserve anything”
this is much less an obligation of agreeing to NE demands but more of a gaslighting of their issues.

Not really… I mean the Horde got to destroy an Alliance faction capital, kill all the people there on their way there, get a couple of zones. Win pretty much every engagement or force Alliance to flee only to have the indignity of being told later “actually the Alliance won lol” The final scene is the Alliance high king carrying Saurfang and saying he is a hero.
The also got several high quality cinematic animations and new faction development with new characters joining.
And now Sylvanas is going to get redeemed… maybe? And The Horde is purer than the first snow of Christmas. :stuck_out_tongue:


The main antagonist fan shouldn’t be surprised that people hate the main antagonist.

Factions shouldn’t be surprised that the other faction hates their factions.

Night Elf fans are hated by everyone, when they are the victims of the story, victims of the antagonist, victims of the devs.

Regarding your previous comments, this comment makes you seem like a hypocrite. So why can’t I joke that I enjoy Sylvanas burning Teldrassil again?


Do you hate the Alliance so much that you think burning innocent people alive is okay?


Woah, rewind. Nope, that ain’t me. I know better than to expect this community to ever be constructive.

We can’t even get past a pain-measuring contest. We can’t even get to the point where we accept that we, the players, were all screwed over here. How could we ever get to the point of working together constructively when we can’t even agree on a simple truth?

Nope, that ain’t at all my goal. The windmills I tilt at are all in the real world.


Are you surprised the Horde hate the Alliance?

i think there is a difference between faction rivalry and “I want to burn your children alive”

I mean, the Burning of Teldrassil was clearly intended to be a hated action by EVERYONE. But then cry baby Sylvanas fans bullied the devs into giving them a “Loyalist” option, because Blizz underestimated just how rad Genocide was to the kids.


Thats what I would have wanted but the general sense i get from Horde players is F you I got mine and if Blizzard gives you anything I will kick and scream where I can.

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You are literally a hypocrite.

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And that’s why I ain’t wasting my time. Here you are, generalizing a bunch of fellow players’ wants because they chose orcs over elves.

What constructive effort can be made when we got people like you on both sides, too busy “othering” people like this?


Horde players: “We are noble and honorable! The Horde deserves a story reflecting that!”

Horde burns children in BFA

Horde players: “Wow, Sylvanas is pretty cool. Blizz should give us the choice to remain loyal to her!”

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I’m personally tired of I’m a NE fan, so my feelings should mean more than yours. Forgetting we all got royally screwed in BfA and SL.


I did not need someone posting a prime example of what I’m saying, but thank you for doing so anyway.

Easy to say when you still have your guild and friend group waiting for you online.

The Gilneans are just as much victims of Teldrassil. They lost two homes in less than 10 years.


Doesn’t matter what they chose. The only issue is the behavior.

NEs are asking for resolutions for things the Horde did and logically these things will require actions from the Horde or things done upon them to right the situation.

And rather than a conversation about what measures could be beneficial for both sides we have Horde players basically gaslighting the Alliance players. There is no othering in this equation, its just stating facts as I have observed them. I honestly did actually try several times in the Horde redeem thread to figure out a way both sides can benefit… simply put the Horde players vocal on these forums at that specific time were absolutely NOT interested.

They were really interested in making Alliance the villains tho… i do remember that!

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